Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 367 Yuan and Yuan met, and then they met, and then...

Chapter 367 Yuan and Yuan met, and then they met, and then...

This is where Sero will train hard in the future, and it is also where Leo and Ultraman Astra live.

The more difficult the environment is, the more it can sharpen a person's will. I believe that Leo also believes in this principle, so he will stay here.

Carrying the last remaining blood of the L77 royal family, everything Leo experienced on Earth changed him tremendously.

He didn't allow such a tragedy to happen again in front of him, but he couldn't do anything because of his weak strength, so he could only watch everything happen.

Bury those pains in the bottom of my heart, and become the driving force that drives me forward, carry on the pain of the past, walk forward with my head held high and my chest held high.

The past cannot be traced, but the future must be in your own hands.

The moment Zoffy and Nexus landed, Leo and Astra sensed their arrival. In the mist raised by the wind and sand, Leo's red body gradually appeared in front of their eyes.

Even though it was covered by the wind and sand, the crimson warrior and the sharp horns of the headgear that symbolized the crown proved his identity.

On the abdomen, there is also a mysterious character, which symbolizes the existence of Leo, and it is his meaning as the Ultraman.

"Leo." Zuo Fei met Leo, not only saw him, but even beat him. Of course, that was also a misunderstanding.

As Ultraman, of course, everyone will not be so stingy and entangled in the trivial matters of the past.

What kind of mind is Master Zuo?Like someone who cares about these little things?

It's hilarious!

"Sophie." Leo was not polite, and directly asked Sophie the purpose of coming here: "What are you doing on the Star of Kings, and this is."

"Entrusted by the king, I came here to look for you, and let you explain some of the mysteries of ancient texts for him." Sophie moved away. He was just a guide. The protagonists of this matter are still Leo and Naike. Thurs.

"Ultraman Nexus?" Leo is in good spirits now. You must know that he has heard of the name Nexus. When he was experiencing his own TV, he had heard a lot of foreign The starman mentioned the name of Nexus, and even often compared Leo with Nexus, and after defeating Leo, he said that Leo was nothing more than that.

In the rematch after the failure, Leo can always win the opponent's disdainful expression, proving that he is not weaker than anyone else.

But this does not mean that Leo is not familiar with the name Nexus.

Ultraman Leo, the lion of L77, has long admired his name. "Nexus stepped forward and stretched out his hand. He said this sincerely. Leo's name had been widely spread before he crossed over.

The battle and experience of the Lion King can always inspire a generation, and he can also warn the world very rigorously, what will happen if the so-called battle of Ultraman and the battle of the savior are lost.

And how heavy is the responsibility and sorrow that needs to be borne after the defeat.

"How can I have a big name, am I being bullied by all kinds of cosmic people?" Leo shook his head, but he was very unclear about his position.

He only feels that he has failed very much. Although he has been carrying hardships along the way, in the end, this road of protection is full of failures.

Looking back, you can see that all of this should never have happened.

And it was because of my own weakness that caused all of this.

"After repeated defeats and repeated battles, how can you not be regarded as a famous name? You must know that not everyone can muster up the courage to challenge after failure. Most people will be devastated after experiencing setbacks, and you, from countless Come out of this hell." Nexus hammered his chest, and pointed at Leo's heart.

"Being able to destroy the disc creature means that you finally carried those deathrattles and reached the end."

"Ultraman Leo, your name is known to everyone in the universe."

..... After a moment of silence, Leo's light yellow eyes looked directly at Nexus. In the eyes of a light yellow glowing eye and a milky white glowing eye, Leo stretched out his hand and held it. Nexus' hand.

"Thank you for telling me this." Leo was very, very serious. He honed himself on the Star of Kings, and he always felt that he was not strong enough. These were the unconfidence deeply buried in Leo's heart.

Those past tragedies reappeared one after another, and those past tragedies were staged again and again.

He hates his own weakness, but at the same time longs for someone to recognize his strength.

Why do you keep torturing yourself?Because Leo always felt that he was not strong enough.

"What kind of text, if I can help, I will do my best." The first time we met, Leo had a good impression of Nexus, after all, this is a person who can understand himself .

Naturally, Leo would not refuse this friend's request.

"Here." Stretching out his hand, he took out the crystal ball, and Nexus handed it to Leo.

After the latter took it, he input his own light into the crystal ball, and let all the words inside the crystal ball fly out, flying up and down beside Leo.

"This is..." Leo observed these words, and he did know these words, which were recorded in the Kingdom Library before L77 was destroyed.

If it wasn't because Leo, as a prince, needed to learn too much, he might not know these words.

"Let me take a look, this passage is." Pointing to the top line of words, Leo stumbled and said: "Soldiers who have obtained the power of legend, come here, we need your help."

With the sliding of Leo's fingers, paragraphs of text were translated by him. Although there were bumps and bumps, and some of them had to think for a long time before they could figure out what it was, it was better than a black eye.

"Through the chords of the universe, piercing the wheel of time, we are composed of three parallel worlds, we are the second world, destroyed by superspace and sand." After reading this, Leo stopped The interpretation of the words, because this is his limit, and he doesn't understand the following words.

"Sorry, that's all I know." Leo returned the crystal ball to Nexus: "But in the previous paragraph, there are coordinates of this world, and I have trapped them in the crystal ball. You can Go to that universe with that."

"I always feel like I've heard these things before." Nexus was full of doubts, because he always felt that this scene was very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

But because I really can't remember it, I am very distressed.

This should be the plot of a certain Ultraman's TV, but Nexus couldn't remember which episode it was.

The main reason is that there is too little information. If there is some key information, Nexus believes that he can figure out what Ultraman's TV is.

However, with the idea of ​​not deciding Max, Nexus couldn't help but wonder if he encountered the monster in Max TV again.

Just a cosmic monster cat almost made him overturn, thinking that Max was facing a bunch of ghosts and snakes that were no less than the cosmic monster cat level, such as leaf rot, the extremely evil Baltan star, can make The mood monster that ignites and blazes, etc.
Max's title of fastest and strongest is well deserved.

"Thank you for your help." Nexus thanked Leo. Now that he has figured out the coordinates, he is ready to go and go to the universe for rescue and save the life of this universe.

Of course, it would be even better if traces of Mephisto could be found.

"You're welcome, I hope we can see each other again." Leo gave a thumbs up, then clenched his fist and said, "The next time we meet, let's have a good discussion."

"You are kindly invited, how can I disagree?" After fist bumping with Leo, Nexus smiled and said, "I will be back soon."

(End of this chapter)

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