Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 374 Demon: Back to the boss without fear, just Nexus, watch me burst...

Chapter 374 Demon: Back to the boss without fear, just Nexus, watch me burst...

"Stop it, don't attack it!"

In the future, Asano can only express her attitude by shouting. In the face of those attacking fighter planes flying in the sky, expressing her attitude is the only thing she can do.

"Future, come back quickly! It's dangerous!" I Meng caught up from behind, grabbing Asano's hand and trying to bring her to safety.

But Asano, who used to have very little strength, stood firmly in place at this moment, with no intention of moving at all.

"I dream, is this the answer to human beings? As beings loved by the earth at this moment, what we do is to destroy these abandoned children abandoned by the earth!"

Knowing that his own voice could not be conveyed to XIG's fighter plane, Mirai Asano could only turn around and face my dream, and voiced his doubts.

"This is not our answer to them, but the reason why they shouldn't appear in this era." Facing Asano Mirai's questioning, I was not used to dreams, and told it directly.

"What are they coming back for? Even their existence is born subjectively from human beings, and what is the first thing after their birth?!"

"Asano, you should know better than me." Womeng stretched out his hand and put it in front of the future: "We should go."

"So, do we have the right to judge their lives and take away their right to survive?" Asano Mirai ignored my dream movements, but took a few steps back, as if it was the first time he really understood me. Like a dream: "You are too..."

"Then do we human beings have the right to be wiped out by it?!"

My dream interrupted Asano Mirai's words, even though she looked crumbling and pitiful, but my dream would never spoil her because of it.

This spiritual answer pierced Asano Mirai's heart like a must kill, making her unable to utter a single word immediately.

Even if it is No.1 in the world of paleontology today, in the final analysis, the age of human survival for paleontology is still too long.

There is a difference between being confronted with the remains of a dead body and being confronted with a living ancient creature.

The Flash's attack helped in part, but they weren't able to stop the arrival of Animos' symbiote, Klabaga.

Therefore, when Kraborg broke away from the boundless quantum realm and successfully appeared in the real world, it was almost by Animos' side.

The two quickly completed the symbiosis, and combined into a shape that I don't know how to say.

It has a more exotic shape than the twin-tailed monster.

It is probably the bottom one head and the top one head.

And what about the head below?

For details, refer to the mouthparts of sea worms or death worms.

It cannot be said that they are highly similar, only that they are exactly the same.

Anaimos was fully integrated into Klabaga's body, and the two completed the symbiosis, and immediately released a yellow smoke with seductive pheromone and spread towards the surroundings.

The yellow smoke is the pheromone released to lure the arrival of food, allowing those foods to walk into its mouth unconsciously and enter automatically.

To tell the truth, Anamos Klabaga is quite pursuing. It doesn't even bother to prey on prey. It just wants to wait for the food to come to its door by itself, or even go into its mouth by itself.

Truly a slob.

"Team Lightning, continue to attack." After completing the symbiosis, this guy needs to be eliminated even more, because the endless supply of Klaboga is heading here through the Quantum Realm under the sea.

Once all these ancient overlords have completed their parasitism, it will be a complete disaster for human beings.

Bewitched by the yellow smoke, the security personnel and reporter team sent here by XIG were all affected, lost their self-awareness, and were manipulated in a daze, guided by the pheromone, and slowly walked towards Anaimos Krabbe add.

Anaimos Klabaga, on the other hand, stayed put, waiting for the food to be delivered.

"The future, do you see it clearly? That is the ancient overlord's declaration of war against us. It came from that era, in order to prove its perfection, in order to survive on this earth, it wants... to make the life that lives on the earth now, Kill them all!"

My dream witnessed all this with my own eyes, which means Mirai Asano also witnessed this.

So, can't she wake up from that delusion?
"Impossible...it's just...it's just too excited, because it's just been resurrected, and it's...not..." Mirai Asano stared blankly at all this, which she didn't want to believe , everything that made the dream she had always cherished come to naught.

"Do not!"

Mirai Asano, who was in collapse, ran forward quickly, she was going to question, question Anaimos Klabaga, why did this happen?

Why did he immediately declare war on humans after his resurrection.

Naturally, Anamos Klaboga did not resist. Anyway, in its eyes, it was all food, and there was no difference.

But at this moment...

"Command! The electromagnetic field in the area where Anaimos Klabaga is located has fluctuated violently!" Dunzi immediately mobilized the screen to the big screen, and it can be seen that at that moment, the distortion of the electromagnetic field in that area reached a peak , like a mountain uprooted from the ground.

"What happened!" Commander Shishi immediately asked, not only about Dunzi, but also about my dream: "I dream! What happened! I dream!"

The huge magnetic field changes disturbed the surrounding space, I held my head in my dream, and had a splitting headache.

All the people shrouded in this magnetic field, even those who were seduced by pheromones and lost themselves, were awakened by the violent electromagnetic waves, covered their heads, fell to the ground and howled.

"This is... Could it be..." Wu Meng, who was covering his head, struggled to raise his head. This very similar scene reminded him of the ones he saw on the EX before.

In the next moment, a deep wormhole appeared in the sky, and interlaced lightning carried powerful kinetic energy criss-crossing.

Although it seems small, space is something that cannot be clearly distinguished by the human eye.

The black and white demon appeared from the wormhole, gradually became larger, and landed on the ground in an instant, appearing in front of everyone.

The outstretched wings were retracted, and the Destroyer looked around. The first thing it saw was Animos Klabaga, who had been summoned from the microcosm by the Destroyer's summoned body to complete the symbiosis.

Then, its eyes bet on the direction of my dream.

As the Destroyer, he is already very familiar with the Light of the Earth. For the Destroyer, the Light of the Earth can even be made into a monster weapon by them.

So I stood there in my dream, like a big light bulb, and I couldn't hide it at all.

Stretching out his hand slowly, the Destroyer brushed over Anaimos Klabaga's head. After delivering some messages, the monster summoned by the Destroyer from the microcosm was accused by the Destroyer of destroying its own body. The target shifted to my dream body.

"What?" Everyone was shocked to see this new type of enemy manipulating and commanding monsters to fight.

Because it was the first time they had seen the existence of monsters, and this kind of demon in human form had no ferocious appearance, no thick bone spurs, and the plain appearance gave people the deepest pressure.

No one will doubt its power.

"Hehehe." With his hands folded across his chest, the Destroyer Demon took a rest.

Consciously getting rid of that troublesome Ultraman, the Demon Destroyer is now in a somewhat playful mood.

Gaia?He is really an old opponent.

The power of Gaia in the main world, let the evil experience it now, how strong it is.

"Dangerous, get out of here with me!" I never dreamed that the monster would actually shift its target to him.

Obviously he just watched a play beside him without doing anything, why!

But in any case, escape is the most important thing.

This monster can eat people, if it really wants to be chased by it, I'm afraid it won't be enough to fit its teeth with such a small amount of flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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