Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 375 It's Late But Arrived

Chapter 375 It's Late But Arrived
"Team Lightning, attack that demon." Commander Shishi understood very clearly that at this moment, Anamos Klabaga is no longer an important target. What is really important is the man who controls the monster. and fighting guys.

That black and white demon is the target that needs to be targeted in this battle.

"Understood." The Lightning Team has three members and belongs to the XIG combat force. It is the team with the highest attendance rate among the four teams and the team with the most roles.

Among the three, Kajio, as the captain, is also the undisputed ace pilot of XIG. His flying skills are so superb that Xincheng called it impossible.

The three planes lined up in a formation of flames, one in front, and the two on the left and right. Keeping the formation and flying forward, they continuously released missiles and lasers, all of which hit the back of the Demon Destroyer.

But this is no harm at all to the Demon Destroyer.

It didn't even bother to dodge. As a victim, it did the most mocking thing to the attacker, which was to stay where it was and let the opponent fight.

"Bastard, how dare you look down on us!" After a round of attack, Team Lightning's plane flew past the Demon Destroyer, but it couldn't attract any attention from it, allowing the plane to fly by.

Hasegawa Katsuhiko was very annoyed, seeing the figure of the Destroyer standing on the ground, he was very angry.

For the Lightning, this is a shame that cannot be ignored. As an attacker, no one can bear such treatment.

"Continue to attack!" As the captain, Kajio issued a brand new order. Although he also felt it was insulting, it also showed the strength of Shattered Demon.

Kajio knew very well that he was the challenger, and all he could do was to launch an attack with all his might.

"Pay attention to the range of attack. If I'm caught up with Meng, I'll give priority to saving my dream." Kajio made a choice, choosing the latter between the monster and his comrades.

Of course, this was Kajio's arbitrary decision without receiving an order.

"Hehehe..." No matter how much you ignore the Lightning team, the flies flying around in front of you are somewhat annoying. The Demon Destroyer seems to be annoyed by this. The colored light bullet accurately hit the lightning team's rear left, the rear wing of Da Heyuan's car.

The fighter plane fluttering with black smoke was on the verge of falling, and in the end Da Heyuan could only choose to leave the cockpit and parachute to escape.

But this was just the opening move of the Demon Destroyer, and then the spread wings raised a huge amount of dust, and the swirling air disturbed the change of the airflow, causing the remaining two planes to be disturbed as well.Kajio and Kita had to desperately grab the joystick to prevent the fighter plane from being swept by the strong wind and hitting the ground.

In that case, the fighter plane is gone, and the people are definitely gone.

No matter how superb Kajio's fighter piloting skills are, in the face of an absolute gap in strength, even he is helpless.

After the gust dissipated, the out-of-control fighter was hit by a missile thrown by the Demon Destroyer, sparks burst out from both of them, and they crumbled in mid-air.

Kajio and Kita had no choice but to parachute closely and get out of the fighter plane in exchange for a chance to survive.

"Daheyuan, Kajio, Beitian. All members of Team Lightning successfully left." Qiao Ji, another operator besides Que Dunzi, is a Japanese-Australian mixed race girl, and her personal ability is not bad.

During the period when Tunzi was disturbed by monsters and was unable to be an operator, it was Qiao Ji who withstood the pressure alone and held up the sky.

For a moment, everyone in the command room breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the pilot is fine, Team Lightning has as many fighters as they want.

"No, that demon has a new move!" Qiao Ji's shout once again drew everyone's attention back, and in the picture, the demon of destruction turned around and raised one hand, aiming at the position impressively That's Captain Kajio's position.

"Hehehe" deep and strange laughter echoed around, Kajio knew that the other party had set his target on him, obviously, Majin was not a monster with no IQ, he knew that they were skydiving or even preparing to land.

"Kajio! Dodge, untie the No. [-] umbrella!"

"Captain Kajio!"

"team leader!"

At this moment, everyone in the command room, as well as Da Heyuan and Beitian were shouting desperately.

If the lightning team's ace is ruined, it will be given by the shattered devil
Kajio was different from other people's panic, facing the attack of Shattered Demon, Kajio relaxed his body, slowed down his breathing rate, and fixed his eyes on the palm that was gradually glowing blue.

Even if he is dead, he still needs to know how he died and what kind of attack he was killed by.

The blue energy ball came out of his hand, galloped to attack, and went straight to Kajio.

At the very moment, a pure white light beam shot out from the black hole in the sky, wrapped around Kajio's body at a faster speed, and forcibly pulled him to the sky.

The blue light bullet lost its target and landed directly on the ground, stirring up dust all over the sky, and it was rare for me, who was fleeing for my life, to take a moment to look back.

And it was this glance that allowed him to see the giant that emerged from the wormhole with his own eyes.

The Destroyer raised his head thoughtfully, and the gradually shrinking wormhole on the sky suddenly opened, becoming extremely huge, and then a series of vibrations were emitted inside the wormhole.

What followed was the sound of dozens of golden and red chains being cut off.

Then, there was the booming sound of something hitting the wall.

Even if he didn't look at it, the Destroyer Demon could fully imagine how fierce the battle between the Destroyer and the unknown giant was on the other side of the wormhole.

"There is something coming out of there." Dunzi mobilized the satellites to zoom in on the picture.

Everyone wants to know what happened to Captain Kajio who was caught by the white beam and entered the wormhole.

After a while, the space exploded, and a golden long sword tore through the protection of the space.

The giant leaped down from the wormhole, raised its feet, and landed on the ground in an instant.

The huge body and the red figure stirred up even more turbulent waves of mud.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the earthquake caused by the arrival of this giant is stronger than the vibrations caused by his descent in other worlds.

Maybe it's because the earth is relatively brittle, and the earth was shaken higher.

After all, you have to learn from Gaia.

Nexus lowered his body, squatted down and put Captain Kajio in his palm on the ground. When the latter jumped off his palm and raised his hand to look at Nexus, Nexus nodded slightly and then turned around , facing the Demon Destroyer.

"That's what I said in my dream, the third giant?!" Everyone in the air base witnessed his arrival, and what they saw with their own eyes was always the more tangible truth than any telling.

When Nexus stands on the ground, that is the answer.

"Is it the light of the sky?" I Meng whispered his conjecture, and the arrival of Nexus prevented Anamos from chasing him any further.

No matter which side it was, they stopped what they were doing at this moment and witnessed his coming.

Tearing open the air with one hand, the Shattered Demon took a few steps forward and made a fighting gesture.

Nexus came chasing the Destroyer. Although he was delayed for a long time by the attack of the Destroyer on the way, fortunately, he got out of the entanglement in time and was able to come to the main world of Ultraman Gaia.

(End of this chapter)

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