Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 376 Anamus-Klapgar: Thank you, Earth Keeper, Nexus

Chapter 376 Anamos Klabaga: Thank you, Guardian of the Earth, Nexus (?)

There is a reason why Nexus lagged behind a lot. At the moment when the Destroyer was about to be overtaken by him, in the barrier outside the world, Nexus encountered the resistance of the Destroyer, and had to give up chasing Destroyer The devil turned to face the threat of this shattered summoned entity.

First of all, the opened space exposed countless wormholes, and the chains extending from them criss-crossed, forming a cage-like world that trapped Nexus in it.

At this time, Nexus has switched back to the red youth form, because he suddenly remembered that the destroyer has the ability to replicate Ultraman's ability, once the data of his blue youth form is collected by the destroyer After that, it is very possible that the shattered summoner simulates and directly creates a copy of the blue youth form of Nexus through the unknown metal life form.

And at that time, I am afraid that Nexus also felt that it was hard work.

So Nexus who switched to the red youth form, although the data is not as luxurious as Lan Nai, but he is not weak in itself, and it is quite difficult for the Destroyer to escape in the process of chasing the Destroyer.

If it wasn't for the intervention of the body that Shattered, I am afraid that the Demon of Shattered has already been caught up by Nexus.

Facing these chains, Nexus knew in his heart that the host of Destruction wanted to capture him alive, so that he could capture his light and make it into a monster weapon.

But Nexus would not let it have this opportunity, and cut off all these chains in the sway of the storm sword.

With two swords in hand, Nexus is strong enough to withstand any storm that comes from the attack, and the waving sword net forms an airtight protection, making it impossible for the body of Destroyer to do anything.

What followed was a huge mechanical hood that fell from the sky, trying to trap Nexus in it.

But it's a pity that it was pierced by the edge of the extended storm sword, and finally disappeared in the rumbling explosion.

Destroyer recruits the body and does not give up. It has many methods, which are too numerous to count.Even if it fails for a while, it has other abilities.

The shackles of extreme black light suddenly appeared around Nexus, touching and locking Nexus' body, and pulled Nexus down slowly.

Nexus saw the move, and his body began to rotate at a high speed, and the spiral blade formed by the storm sword kept cutting on the shackles.

During the high-speed rotation, the black gold shackles suddenly shattered, and Nexus forcibly broke free.

In the next moment, Nexus' body released a powerful light, and the flames enveloped his whole body. He found a position and rushed forward like a bamboo shoot. In the traces left by the flames, Nexus passed through the prison formed by the chains. Cage, tore open the space barrier with the sword of the storm, and then smashed through it head-on.

The place where it landed was just in front of the Destroyer Demon.

It's just that Nexus was startled by the degree of dust and vibration at the moment of landing.

He almost thought that he landed with too much force, but when he thought about it carefully, wasn't this the same as the speed he had been landing all along?
How does it feel that the soil that shakes is higher and stronger when it falls on this earth?

Can't figure it out, but Nexus saw Captain Kajio's dangerous situation before rushing out of the black hole, and immediately used the binding light to pull him back and put him in the palm of his hand, saving him.

This was the first time that Nexus really appeared in the eyes of people in the world of Gaia, and it was also his grand appearance for an unknown number of times.

Anyway, when he landed, he only had eyes on the Destroyer Demon, because although he couldn't know all the other people, it was probably okay to know some of them.

During the confrontation with the Destroyer, Nexus was keenly aware of the difference in this earth. The moment he stood on the earth, the pulse of the earth was directly conveyed to his mind through the layers of leylines. middle.

As if there is a voice, the rhythm and division and migration of the earth are silently speaking to Nexus, telling Nexus something.

But without the light of the earth, Nexus did not understand what the earth was telling him, nor what the earth was trying to tell him.

The pulsation of the earth, the pouring of the wind, the movement of the water, the whisper of the sky, all of these, Nexus could not hear.

He who is not the light of the earth can only feel vaguely, but he can't hear clearly.

But there is no doubt that these things represent the planet under his feet, which has its own will.


But the Demon Destroyer was in front of him, and it was not the time to calm down and listen. Nexus took a deep breath, dismissed the voice in his ears, and slowly lowered his body with his fists.

In combat, not the time to think about that.

At this moment, you only need to think about one thing wholeheartedly, and that is to win and destroy the enemy.

The atmosphere was dignified, and no one took the lead. Nexus didn't know if the Destroyer had prepared something waiting for him, so he was cautious.

The Destroyer Demon simply didn't dare to go up and fight.

Although the energy level and threat of this guy in front of him have dropped significantly, the Demon Destroyer does not believe that the giant of light in front of him will always maintain this state.

What if he turns blue again?

Then didn't I just go up to die?
The condensed atmosphere made Da Heyuan and Kita, who successfully joined Captain Kajio, dare not say anything loudly.

The three of them waited for the follow-up on the flat ground not far away, not daring to breathe.

But in this solemn atmosphere, there was a guy who didn't understand these at all, and stepped in, breaking the stalemate between the two sides.

Anamos Klaboga waved the pair of pincers, and when the Destroyer undid its restraints, Anaimos Klaboga went straight to Nexus.

In its shallow and misty consciousness, Nexus's figure is very much like the incarnation of the earth.

What it will confide is its unwillingness for hundreds of millions of years and the excitement of seeing the guardian of the earth.

It's like... to really prove something.

Nexus didn't understand Anaimos Klabaga's thoughts. Watching the monster walking towards him, the golden blade slowly popped out from the groove of Nexus' armament, brewing the next must Killing blow.

The sword of the storm was fully ejected, and Nexus was lying in front of him. Just when he was about to kill Anaimos Klabaga with the crescent light blade, the pulse of the earth suddenly increased, as if at this moment, Nexus' thought power linked Arrived at the Quantum Realm where countless corpses and undead sleep in the earth.

What passed through Nexus's mind at that moment was the confession and compassion of countless lives that were abandoned and extinct by the earth from the very first birth of life.

Even with the power of Ultraman, receiving this hundreds of millions of years of information in an instant is too outrageous.

Nexus remained in a state of trance, while Destroyer was so keenly aware of the opportunity at this moment, he shook his wings, flew across the sky at an extremely fast speed, and rushed towards the wormhole in the sky.

The gradually shrinking wormhole is the only chance for the Shattered Demon to leave here.

All members of the Lightning team crashed, and I Meng was shocked by the appearance of Nexus and did not transform. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. No one can stop the departure of the Shattered Demon.

It rushed into the wormhole immediately, and left without looking back.

But following behind it was a fiery sword energy burning with high temperature. At the moment when the wormhole was about to disappear, it passed through the wormhole with a slight difference and hit the back of the Shattered Demon.

The crescent light blade tore open the demon's wings, and amidst the tragic roar, the wormhole was completely closed, separating the cause and effect of the two worlds at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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