Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 380 Tsuburaya doesn't know how to fill the pit of destruction, right? It's annoyin

Chapter 380 Tsuburaya doesn't know how to fill the pit of destruction, right? It's annoying
Yuanquan carried the big bags and small bags, and went to find someone to borrow money to rent a house.

Of course, this loan is definitely not a serious loan, but the local gangsters are still very enthusiastic. When they saw Yuanquan showing up with Jie Dunniang, they surrounded Yuanquan and entered the alley without saying a word.

They have a lot of heart-to-heart things they want to talk to Yuanquan.

So in just a moment, Yuanquan came out with a refreshed face, and even the bag he was carrying didn't show many wrinkles.

And those enthusiastic teenagers who surrounded the source were lying on the ground one by one with erratic expressions, and all of them groaned happily.

After successfully borrowing a large sum of money, Yuanyuan also had the initial capital, so he worked hard and finally found a grocery store outside the Gio base.

Not only can you see their dispatches when you are close to the Geo base, but you can also hide your identity very well.

What?You said there is no business opening a store here?
Is someone like the kind of person who needs to have a business?
I know someone just wants a place to live, thank you.

And if I had no money, the enthusiastic teenagers would definitely not endure my starvation, and would definitely come to my door to donate money to me, a poor young man.

How loving and enthusiastic they are!
Let Jie Dun's mother act as the kanban lady in front of the checkout counter of the grocery store, and Yuanquan himself ran to the back room, carrying a bucket and a rag to clean the house carefully.

Of course, it would be no problem for Mrs. Jie Dun to be a kanban girl. Although she is a little out of date, there is no business outside, so what are you afraid of.

It took a whole day to do a general cleaning. Yuanyuan has long been familiar with this matter. I don’t know how many times I have done it. The speed of the general cleaning is faster and faster each time.

Looking at the brand-new house, Yuanquan finally felt that he had a home here for the time being.

Although it is a period of time when monsters frequently appear, looking at all Gaia TVs, there are no traces of monsters appearing in Geo Base, including the surrounding areas. It should be very safe to settle down here.

It's not like in Tiga World, if one doesn't pay attention, one's own home is almost bombed.

Busy and busy, it was already evening, and Yuanquan cooked a few dishes. The home-cooked dishes were all old skills.

After all, I live alone, and I can't afford to order takeaway. Cooking for myself is already the most basic operation.

It's a pity that Dagu has never tasted his own craft.

Now it seems that there is almost no chance to go back.

The plasma [-]-style didn't know where it flew to. Maybe now, the plasma [-]-style is still accelerating, and it may even travel through the endless universe.

Reunion is always an accident, which is worthy of nostalgia. Yuanquan doesn't force it. I live a good life now. Sad autumn is not suitable for this moment.

The source of this thought suddenly showed a smile, especially when he saw Jie Dun's mother directly breaking off the chopsticks and using the soup spoon, the smile became even brighter.

"Won't it work?" Yuanquan asked.

Mrs. Jie Dun didn't speak, she lowered her head and just focused on cooking, completely ignoring Yuanquan.

It can be seen that in this regard, Mrs. Jie Dun is ashamed to speak out.

Yuanquan didn't mean to ask more questions, Niang Jiedon made it clear that she didn't want to talk about it, and if she kept asking questions, it would reduce her favorability.

At home, I seem to be enjoying myself, but at the air base, I Yume, who had communicated with Genquan, was looking at the ceiling and lost in thought.

What kind of traveler would appear in that place, knowing that there was a monster but not running away, and even walking over leisurely?

I didn't see any look of fear on that person's face in my dream.

Although my dream didn't react at that time, but in the dead of night, my dream also noticed something wrong in my thoughts.

It's just, what did he mean by what he said, or...

There is also Commander Shishi who also has this question. When I Meng reported the existence of the source, Commander Shishi was keenly aware of something wrong.

But he didn't say anything, but secretly asked Dunzi to investigate the traces of Yuanquan alone. Until just now, Dunzi sent a message to tell him that there are people called Yuanquan on the earth, but none of them are adventurers.

Commander Shishi understands that everyone has their own secrets, but the man named Yuanquan appeared beside my dream.

The sudden appearance of him, and the sudden appearance of the third Ultraman, the commander of the stone room, it is difficult not to connect the relationship between the two.

But, really?

Are Humans Really Giants of Light?Is it Ultraman?
This kind of thing can't be explained even if it is explained by science, right?

And my dream... Every time Gaia appears, my dream is always there, and I can't contact him at the same time.

Once or twice can be an accident, but if there are too many times, it is impossible for the Shishi Commander to notice something is wrong.

Therefore, after Imeng returned to the air base, Commander Shishi asked me a word for the purpose of testing.

"Does that monster really exist?"

But my dream's answer disappointed Commander Shishi greatly.

Because my dream hesitated, not only hesitated, but even the answer I gave still denied the existence of that monster.

Commander Shishi didn't understand how complicated my dream was. He only knew that when an obvious answer was presented in front of him, there was no need to hesitate at all. The hesitation in my dream would let Commander Shishi know whether he was still children.

Therefore, Commander Shishi corrected his attitude, and gave his rebuttal to my dream answer with very serious and affirmative words.

"That monster is real!"

At that time, Commander Shishi was very angry and disappointed, but now that he thinks about it, is his attitude too fierce?
I dreamed that I was still a child after all...

Thinking like this, Shishi took a sip of tea, but then the siren sounded throughout the air base.

At the same time, the voices of Dunzi and Qiao Ji were also transmitted from the channel to every place in the air base.

"There is an emergency, there are monsters appearing!"

"There is an emergency, there are monsters appearing!"

Regardless of his own thinking here, the commander of the stone room immediately strode out of the room and quickly moved towards the command room.

The entire air base was put into operation in an instant, symbolizing that the earth's defense line had officially started working.


"Later, Wudai found a police officer who was about to be killed by Gu Langji in the burning church. He was an ordinary person, but at this moment he rushed up and wrestled with Gu Langji."

"He was very thin in comparison, but he exploded with great strength, even Gu Langji couldn't shake him."

"He was knocked down, in the burning church, beside a police officer, he..." The voice of telling the story became smaller and smaller until it was inaudible, watching the eyes of Jeden's mother closed and let out a long breathing sound At that time, Yuanquan finally coaxed her to sleep.

…Ghost knows why Jeden’s mother actually had to be coaxed to fall asleep after arriving on Earth. She obviously didn’t need to do this when she was in the Kingdom of Light!

Is it possible to be acclimatized after a long trip or something?
Carefully closing the door, turning off the lights, Yuanquan leaned on the sofa in three steps at a time, rubbing his shoulders, full of emotion.

The world of Gaia, the destruction invites the body...

All the information is a mystery, is he finally going to face him?

The evil Tsuburaya, after Gaia finished, he didn't mention the setting of the shattered body, which made Yuanquan completely ignorant of the shattered body, and also made him have no clear concept of the power of the shattered body. .

(End of this chapter)

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