Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 381 Earth: Boy, I'm here to get you an ID card! (May you be healthy and happy with all

Chapter 381 Earth: Boy, I'm here to get you an ID card! (May you be healthy and happy with all the rewards

PS: It seems that I still owe two. I can only see if I have time to spare my hands to pay back
After finally coaxing Jeden's mother to fall asleep, Yuanquan felt the strong pressure from outside the earth's atmosphere, and knew that there were monsters falling from the sky at this moment and came to the earth.

But... as an Ultraman who has experienced TV, Yuanquan doesn't want to get involved with Gaia's monsters.

In fact, the plot of Gaia has not been developed for a long time now. It can be said that it has not been long since the beginning, and even Gaia has established initial trust with human beings. Therefore, Yuanyuan does not want to deal with Gaia’s What does the plot interfere with?

If possible, he wants to let my dreams develop.

But the body of disillusionment knows his existence, and the body of disintegration is willing to abandon his existence, so that the plot can continue according to the original work?
Yuanquan didn't know, so he chose to turn into a twilight and appeared in Guam, Japan, where this monster from the universe was located.

As soon as they arrived, Yuanquan saw the rescue force from XIG, and the plane of the Seagull team was suspended in front of a crumbling building.

It seems that the rescue mission is going on according to the plot of the original book.

As for this monster, Yuanquan still couldn't remember what it was called (light heat magic stone Lesater).Just knowing that this guy can always increase his weight without limit, so that the ability to sink the continents of the earth (it's ridiculous, I think it's also ridiculous, but that's what Gayari said, what can I do. ).

This guy is not difficult to deal with, in fact, human strength is enough to cause great damage to it.

If it weren't for the fact that there are still humans in this guy's landing place, I'm afraid he would have been beaten to death by my dream transformation.

And after the Seagull team succeeded in rescuing the suffering people at the critical moment, the Lightning team simultaneously used the anti-gravity missile. This missile developed by My Dream in just a few 10 minutes hit Lesater. Destroyed its molecular structure, causing it to fall into chaos and be wiped out by my dream-transformed Gaia.

Yuanquan, who watched the whole battle, realized that nothing had changed in the whole incident, so he returned to his hut.

Anyway, as long as the shattered recruiting body does not intervene, the power of my dream is enough to deal with the crises in the early stage.

After the crisis of the night passed, Yuanquan chose to sleep straight away, and he quickly fell asleep lying on the sofa. The speed of falling asleep even surpassed Yuanquan's level of sleepiness when he stayed up late for three days.

That's because there is a certain great being who has been waiting for the source for a long time in the miniature world.

When regaining consciousness again, Yuanquan noticed something was wrong, because there were too many voices echoing in his ears.

Those noisy voices made Yuanquan feel that he was turning on the radio speakers.

And when he opened his eyes, the first thing that caught his eyes was a creature floating past him, as if living in the ocean.

And when his eyesight is fully extended and he looks into the distance, the creatures he can see are countless times more than all the creatures he has seen in these years combined.

He saw a mammoth; he saw an odd shrimp; he saw a jellyfish; he saw a dinosaur;
All these creatures reflected in front of his eyes are not the creatures living on the earth today, but the lives that have been buried for hundreds of millions of years along the way from the moment when life was born on the earth to the present in the history of human development.

They are all swimming in front of their eyes and living in this world.

It is clearly a microcosm, but it has an infinite space that can accommodate so many beings.

But, why on earth did I come here?

The source of thinking like this, felt that his body was floating with the water waves, and slowly fell to the bottom of the sea.

The moment the feet touched the ground, the pulse from the ground conveyed some kind of sound and power to the source.

At the same time, a blue light appeared in front of Yuanquan's eyes, it was very weak, but it was extraordinarily bright.

Immediately afterwards, a red light rose from the foot of the source, standing side by side with the blue light, floating quietly in front of the source.

"Feel the pulse of the earth, the flow of water, the pouring of the wind, the whisper of the sky"

This is a passage that appeared in Yuanquan's mind for no reason, and he did exactly that.

Closing his eyes again, he felt everything around him, those things that he would not care about at all in normal times, but at this moment in this world, they were all echoing around him endlessly.

The earth told him the weight of history again, the water flow told him the irreversibility of time, and the wind brought the words of the end of the universe, so the sky glowed and gave its answer.

A ray of white light bloomed in the red and blue colors. If you don't look carefully, you can't even notice the appearance of this white light.

There is only one strand, and only a small part exists.

A ray of white light slowly drifted towards the location of the source. Halfway through, the white light suddenly dissipated and never condensed again.

In the world of consciousness, Yuanquan's existence was suddenly elongated, and the words from his ear brought Yuanyuan's consciousness back to the real world.After opening his eyes in confusion, what caught Yuanquan's eyes was the same great mind of Niang Jieden.

"Just now, you weren't here." Niang Jie Dun grabbed the corner of Yuanquan's clothes, she was very scared, because she couldn't feel any fluctuations of life on Yuanquan's body just now, as if Yuanquan had gone silent It's like dying.

Jie Dunniang was very scared, afraid that Yuanquan would fall asleep like this, so she shook his body desperately, and let Yuanquan return from that world.

"Ah, uh, oh, it's dawn." A little confused, Yuanquan raised his head and looked at the bright sky outside the window, only to realize that the sun was already rising.

But to be honest, in that conscious world, he only felt that three to five minutes had passed, not a long time, but in the outside world it was...
No, it would be better to say, why did I enter that world, was this planet dragging my consciousness into it?
Was it Earth trying to tell him something?

Do the red light and blue light represent Gaia and Aguru?

And that white shimmer, could it be the light of the sky that never appeared in the original book?
But compared to Gaia and Aguru, the light in the sky is too weak, and it can't even be formed.

Under the attack of the host of destruction, most of the power of the earth is used to resist the host of destruction, and to give mankind the light of the earth and the light of the sea.

Her remaining power is running out.

"It's nothing, thank you for your worry. I was invited over by a great existence just now. Probably, she wanted to apply for an ID card for me." Said the experience in sleep just now in a humorous tone. I can understand that the earth wants to give him an identity, an identity that can intervene in the affairs of the earth, the same identity as Gaia and Aguru.

But obviously, the power accumulated by the earth is no longer enough. She didn't succeed this time, and the source is still an outsider, and she can't listen to the thoughts of the creatures on the earth by herself.

When facing Anaimos Klabaga before, it should be the connection given by the will of the earth, so that the source can obtain a temporary certificate in a short period of time, so that it can be qualified to do such a thing.

But now, he is purely an outsider without an ID card.

Although, he was called by the earth to help.
"Who is it?" Jie Dunniang asked curiously.

"The planet we live under." Standing up, Yuanquan stretched his waist and said with a smile, "But that's not important. Today is our first day of opening, so we need to promote it well."

"But what Madam Jie Dun wants, tell me, I'll borrow some from enthusiastic people, and I'll give you a whole one!"

"I..." Niang Jie lowered her head rarely, and fell into an inexplicable entanglement. Yuanquan's words seemed to have stimulated Niang Jie Dun and made her silent.

Raising her head suddenly, Niang Jie Dun's face returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, she walked towards the cashier at the front desk.

Looking back at Yuanquan, Jie Dunniang is still three nothing, but Yuanquan doesn't understand.

Did you say something wrong just now?Why do you feel that Jeden's aura is getting colder?
The source of confusion became more and more at a loss, and he stood there stupidly, confused.

"There is a familiar smell." The voice of Jie Dun's mother rang again, causing Yuanquan to abandon the question in an instant, opened the door cheerfully, and stepped into the front desk.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it, what a big deal~
"What smell?" Yuanquan asked casually.

"The smell of Renlong Niang."


(End of this chapter)

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