Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 390 There are too many slots in this chapter, I don't know how to write the title in on

Chapter 390 There are too many slots in this chapter, I don't know how to write the title for a while...

Nexus stretched out his hand, and received the light released by Renlong's dragon jade. This light entered his body along the palm of Nexus's hand, and fell silent in Nexus' timer.

And at this time, Nexus felt the linkage between himself and the earth, as if standing on the earth, he could feel the power from the earth, the infinite shaking, the life living underground, and the deep The huge flames and lava buried underground were all seen by Nexus at this moment.

"Renlong admitted his identity as Sky Guardian." Seeing this scene, Kuroda Kei also laughed.

The recognition of Renlong is basically equivalent to the recognition of all monsters on the entire earth.

This promise, even later, will not be forgotten.

All beings on Earth can sense Nexus' identity when they see him.

After giving Nexus the light, Renlong turned around, and in the roar of the dragon, his telekinetic power burst out again, pulling an extremely long trace of ground fissure on the road in Tokyo.

Renlong's eyes remained the same. She did admit the identity of Nexus Sky Guardian, but even so, it could not prevent her from taking back the ownership of this land.

Before Nexus had time to feel the changes in his body, he immediately stepped forward and hugged Renlong's neck, pulling Renlong back forcibly.

During Renlong's frenzied struggle, Nexus didn't play hard, just controlled Renlong like this, and never gave her any chance to attack.

Before transforming, looking at it from Yuanquan's perspective, he wanted Renlong to teach humans a lesson.

But looking at it from Nexus' perspective, he couldn't let Renlong continue to be destroyed like this.

Different identities have different options.

Nexus, who was thinking like this, suddenly saw not far away, the members of the Hercules team who came down from the Sting, they were holding red kinetic energy guns, standing side by side, and aimed their guns at Ren Dragon's neck.


The captain of the Hercules team, the muscular gorilla Satoru Yoshida, issued an order, and red light spewed out from the muzzles of the guns in the hands of the three, attacking Renlong with fiery destructive energy.

Nexus pressed down Renlong's neck, stretched out his hand in front of Renlong, and used his chest to block the blow for Renlong.

"gei! a!"

Sparks shot out from the chest and shoulders, Nexus was knocked to the ground, and the human gun attacks caused considerable damage to Nexus.

Without any other effects, the purely destructive attack left scorched black marks on Nexus' body.

Renlong sensed the human attack and Nexus' actions, and her dragon head stayed on Nexus' body, who was kneeling on the ground with folded arms, for a long time.This scene made Renlong even more angry.

Turning his head sharply, Renlong urged the eight dragon heads behind him to aim at the Hercules team on the ground, releasing electric shocks in unison.

But in the next moment, the quantum streamline that came from the side collided with these eight electric shocks, and the energy was consumed by each other, until both sides were shaken back a little, and it ended in a draw.

After doing so much, don't you still have to keep fighting?
Gaia couldn't wait any longer, he strode forward with his fists clenched, still wanting to have a close fight with Renlong.

It's a pity that the dragon god's jade urged the telekinetic force to envelope Gaia again, so that Gaia was restrained without any power to fight back, and was hung in the sky again.

Renlong rallied, the five dragon heads turned around, and attacked the Hercules team again.

But this time, it was Nexus who stood in her way.

Nexus, who descended from the sky, had already eased from the pain, opened the Ultra Cross defense to block Renlong's attack, Nexus took a step back, and still held on.

"What exactly does he want to do?" First he was worried about the attack of the Hercules team, and then he was puzzled by Nexus' resistance to the attack. Seth was puzzled by what he was doing.

If this unknown giant is on the opposite side of human beings, then he should work with Renlong to destroy human beings.

But now he is standing in front of the Hercules team, protecting the human race.

Don't let humans attack Renlong, don't let Renlong attack humans.

Does this giant want both sides to take a step back?

But how is this possible?

Commander Ishiuro knew very well that even if the giant was to be wiped out together, the people at the headquarters would definitely not give up on Tokyo.

Even if they will pay a heavy price, they will definitely issue an order to eliminate Ultraman and Renlong.

But in that case, is it the original intention of GUARD to take the lead in civil strife before facing the shattered body?

"Does he... want Renlong and humans to take a step back?" Staff Officer Qianye also thought of this, but he himself felt unreliable.

Could something like this work as well?

"Look, maybe, he is different from Gaia and Aguru." Commander Shishi took a deep breath, each giant has its own thinking, it is absolutely different from other giants, and the unknown giant in front of him is also Have their own persistence.

"So, how do you name it?" Captain Ticheng asked back.

After a moment of silence, the commander of the stone room replied: "For the time being, his name will be Uranus, Ultraman Uranus."

"Uranus. Is it the god of the sky in ancient mythology?" Everyone knows that Gaia, the earth-like god, and Aguru Naming, who have a color similar to the ocean, are two examples. The third light It seems that there is nothing wrong with naming him Ouranos.

After all, sea, land and air.

At the scene of the battle, Nexus reproduced the combo. After absorbing enough power, he hammered on the corrugated shield with his right hand, and the electric energy absorbed by Nexus' arm was pushed back, sparking sparks on Renlong's body .

After the damage was dealt, Renlong was in pain, and his mind power could not be maintained, and Gaia was able to fall from mid-air again.

So the land of Tokyo is once again put to the test.

Renlong turned his gaze over, and the dragon's head faced Nexus, and the telekinetic power of the Dragon God Jade spread and swept across Nexus' whole body.And Nexus was not to be outdone, and also used telekinetic power to fight.

Two invisible forces roamed the entire city of Tokyo, the void glowed with light, criss-crossing, cracks in the ground spread, tall buildings exploded or flew up for no reason, it was full of weirdness.

Although Nexus' telekinetic power is strong, it is still incomparable to Renlong who has the entire earth as his backing.

Under the stalemate, Nexus, who had gradually been unable to resist, sighed, and in desperation, he raised his hand, and the legendary power swept away the brilliance and shone brightly in the sky.

He has done his best, if Renlong insisted on continuing to fight, he could only fight back.

And when the legendary power wiped away the brilliance, Renlong keenly sensed the particularity of this light.

This light is the savior that the earth is looking for across the universe, and it is the legendary person that the earth is looking for.

Sensing this power, Renlong naturally understood that the warrior in front of him was not just the guardian of the sky, but also the owner of the legendary power, the savior recognized by another universe, and also the savior called by the earth .

Renlong stopped the urging of her thoughts, and it was rare for her to calm down after realizing the identity of Nexus. The low dragon roar resounded around, as if conveying Renlong's words and narration.

Withdrawing the power of thought and not moving himself means that Renlong has now recovered his calm and can communicate and communicate.

Nexus breathed a sigh of relief, and rebuilt the consciousness channel with the power of thought, linking with Renlong's spirit.

"Dragon of the Earth, calm down your anger."

"Hmph, my anger can only be appeased by taking back this land and driving away humans!" Renlong's voice sounded, vast and far away, as if coming from the deep ancient times, telling the history of the earth.

But these are not important, the important thing is that the moment Nexus heard Renlong's voice, he immediately froze.

Because this voice is really a girl's voice!
(End of this chapter)

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