Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 391 Human beings are just a scale on the earth for 46 years

Chapter 391 Humanity is just a scale of 46 years on the earth

PS: 46 billion years
"You should know, that's absolutely impossible." There may be a possibility for human beings to take a step back, but that's only possible after the hatred is established with one's own strength.

Or under the oppression of a powerful foreign enemy visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, although the body of destruction has come, in the eyes of the high-level people and the people, it is not a threat at all.

All they know is that public opinion will be against them and that they will become homeless and homeless.

When it comes to their own interests, it is completely idiotic to want to let human beings take a step back.

"Then keep fighting, I don't have any expectations for human beings anymore." Renlong gave the opportunity, but human beings don't want to seize this opportunity.The attack unleashed against it has already shown the attitude of human beings.

"No, although you took a step back, Renlong, human beings can't listen to your words, and they have no way of knowing your identity and your meaning." Nexus spread his five fingers in front of him, and continued: "Maybe only After such a fuss, human beings will understand what a mistake they have made."

"Communication is the only way to solve mutual misunderstandings. I hope Renlong can give you another chance to let human beings prove it to you after this time." Nexus can't guarantee anything else, but Marunouchi Development Center will definitely was called off.

The dragon's veins are here, if you don't want to make Renlong completely angry, humans should also know how to do it.

"...Maybe you're right. Humans can't understand what I've done, but guardian of the sky, do you really think that human beings will be changed by this?" Shenlong stared at Nexus calmly. What is analyzed in those red eyes is the time scale of millions of years.

Renlong has existed in the earth for an unknown period of time, and she can be said to have watched the human beings living in this land develop little by little.

"...If you really want me to say it, my answer remains the same. I work hard in a short period of time, but after a long time, they will repeat such mistakes." Nexus did not lie to Renlong, but the truth To be honest, it expounds his understanding of human beings and the complexity of the human heart.

"You are very frank..." Ren Longgao glanced at Nexus. She thought that Nexus would deceive her, but she actually told the truth.

"As you can see, in a short period of time, human beings will realize their mistakes, so Renlong, under the situation that the shattered monsters are eyeing you, let's stop for the time being. The earth needs human beings, and it also needs your strength." In order to avoid human beings In a fight with Renlong, neither of the two sides backed down, Nexus could be said to have taken great pains.

Worry about this kind of thing, it's better to go directly to a strong opponent to fight.

It's no good to spend so much time and effort without talking, and it caused trouble for no reason.

"You are the savior invited by Mother Earth and the owner of the legendary power. At the same time, the remnant will of the planet in your body allows me to understand the past of your planet's death." Renlong said, not shy away from revealing He wiped Nexus's scar, but continued: "I think this is why you came here. If you want to save your planet, you must obtain sufficient qualifications."

"First of all, you have to revive the dead planet's will, and the only power that can revive it is the same planet's will."

"This is also the reason why I gave you the light of the Dragon God's Jade. It will help you rebuild the dragon veins of the earth and let the vitality glow again."

Renlong itself is not simple, and what she said made Nexus understand a lot.

If it is said that bringing a dead planet back to life requires the power of the same origin, then Renlong refers to...

Having figured it out, Nexus suddenly raised his head.

He already understood why he came here.

"Your wish, the earth can hear." The Dragon God's Jade on Renlong's forehead released its brilliance again, illuminating her whole body, and the aqua-blue brilliance turned into a group of brilliant crystals of gemstones.

That is the energy body of the Jade of the Dragon God, and it is also the appearance of Renlong sleeping on the earth.

"Yeah, my wish was that from the very beginning..." He repeated in a low voice, Nexus laughed at himself, and with his own strength, tried to make his destroyed planet bloom again The civilized fire of life, how long will it take for such a thing alone?
Even now I can't find the coordinates to go back...

"Go tell the guardian of the earth, tell him what the duty of the guardian of the earth is."

"Go tell Sea Shepherd that he's on the wrong track."

"If they don't listen, you can teach them a lesson and even take the light back from them."

Renlong's last words were left behind, and the spiritual link between them was completely broken. The Jade of the Dragon God escaped into the cracks in the earth, returned to the earth, and fell into a deep sleep as always.

Renlong will keep watching and observing the human beings, to see how long the human beings can maintain their awe, and how long it will take to repeat the same mistakes again.

And at that time, she finally had a decision with humans.

Seeing Renlong escape into the earth, Nexus called him a good guy in his heart.

Is this the privilege given to him by Renlong instead of Mother Earth?

He actually said that he can take back the light of Gaia and the light of Aguru, which is too much for Nexus.

...although he can indeed do such a thing...

It can be seen that the earth is very dissatisfied with Gaia's ignorance and Aguru's walking on the wrong path.He even used Renlong's mouth to let him shoulder the responsibility of correcting the two guardians who had strayed.

They can even hit people directly when necessary.

Now, this is the right given to me by Mother Earth. I am here to seek thieves, Gaia, Agur, don’t blame me.

Renlong's return to the earth means that the turmoil has finally come to an end, and Gaia has put down her vigilance.

At this time, he was also curious about the identity of Nexus.

He didn't know what was said between Renlong and Nexus, but there was no doubt that there must have been communication between the two.

Renlong's departure has something to do with Nexus.

"I actually gave the monster to..." Qiao Ji also couldn't believe it. You must know that all the monsters so far cannot agree with it and will not let it go. Unless one of them dies, it will never stop.

In the eyes of humans, monsters are objects that need to be eliminated.

Those are the enemies that the Destroyer invites the body to invite, and there is no mercy.

And now?

Is Renlong a monster?

But is Renlong the same as other monsters?

"Could it be that there are exchanges and communication between monsters? Or..." Staff Officer Qianye asked Commander Shishi, but the answer to this question was obviously not something that Commander Shishi could give.

"We don't know anything about the past of the earth. We have always looked at the earth with our cognition." Commander Shishi took a deep breath and turned his back: "The earth has taught us a lesson. , when dealing with nature, it is better to be in awe.”

In the long period of 46 billion years on the earth, human beings are just the only living creatures.

The glory of the past overlord of the earth is still in sight, but in a blink of an eye, he has been buried underground, becoming the ghost of the past.

How much do humans know about the earth?
Why do human beings consider themselves the masters of the earth?
A drop in the ocean, the birth of human beings so far is only a scale of 46 billion years.

Maybe at some point, it will come to an end, just like those overlords in the past.

Maybe the later overlords would exclaim and be amazed when they unearthed the wreckage and fossils of human civilization, and even regarded everything that humans took for granted as cultural relics and treasures, and put them in the exhibition room in dust-free glass boxes.

Those corpses turned into bones were told and researched by others just like in the past.

And human beings will eventually go to that microscopic world, become undead wandering in it, and become one of the countless overlords who once ruled the earth.

A scale, a story.

A past, a memory.

(End of this chapter)

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