Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 393 After the year, who is the same person?

Chapter 393 After thousands of years, who will people be the same as?
Renlong left with a sense of face, and the battle caused by the dragon's veins finally came to an end.

For both parties, this ending is not the best, because the regression of unilateral meter is only for a period of time, and this conflict is oppressed and delayed until later, and it will eventually continue to repeat today's mistakes in a certain period of time in the future.

And at that time, the suppressed hatred will explode more and more intensely, even more terrifying than today.

And at that time, how far had human beings developed?
Can Renlong still hold the situation?

Or at that time, there must be a death between the two sides?
And that kind of thing is not too far away, depending on when the awe that humans maintain will disappear.

The moment man's awe is gone, they will once again be on the path of destruction.

"Wait a minute! Senior" Nexus wanted to leave, but Gaia was eager to know the identity of Nexus: "You, are you the representative of the light of the sky? Your name is"

"Nexus, Ultraman Nexus." Turning back slightly, Nexus glanced at Gaia, and then added: "The bond between human beings and the earth, and all living beings, to conclude a coexistence world, not just me.”

"Gaia, can you understand what this means?"

"Nexus Ultraman fetters? All things coexist?" Gaia repeated Nexus' name and certain words in his words. He didn't understand these. From his knowledge, everything he did now, Isn't it protecting the earth and human beings?

Could it be that everything he has done all this time has been wrong?

What about Teng Palace?

Does Teng Gong's actions conform to his identity?
"The earth is not the earth of one person, nor the earth of one race. When you understand this, Gaia (note), you are the real guardian of the earth." , under the shining golden light of the setting sun in the afternoon, Nexus gradually moved away.

Facing the direction of the setting sun, his back gradually became transparent until he gradually disappeared into the setting sun as he walked farther and farther away.

Gaia's body also disappeared after the red light dissipated. I dreamed that I was back on the EX. There was a spark in the EX that was damaged and forced to land from time to time, but I didn't realize it in my dream.

Looking at the sapphire cone held in his hand, I dreamed that I was a genius, and he didn't completely ignore what Nexus said.

He was able to find his own path from those words.

Just for a while, he was still not sure which way was right.

But since he has started thinking, that's a good thing.

"Nexus. Is this the name of that giant?" Putting down the sapphire cone in my hand, I recalled the appearance of the red giant in my mind, I murmured dreamily.

Now that the three Ultramans of the sea, land and air have all appeared on the earth, since then, there will be no other giants of light, right?

The three giants of light are all walking on completely different paths, and all have their own beliefs and beliefs.

And from the current point of view, no one will give in to anyone.

The earth empowers human beings in order to deal with the destructive body, but the complexity of human beings makes this pattern that should be consistent with the outside world become such a messy entanglement.

Is it because the person entrusted by human beings is wrong, or is this a problem that only occurs with human beings?
"Hey! I'm dreaming!" Not far away, the three members of the Hercules team ran over in disgrace. They watched the EX plummeting into the distance with their own eyes.

They were concerned about the safety of my dream. After the war ended, they immediately ran towards the location of my dream.

Putting the sapphire cone back into the chest lining, Imeng opened the cockpit of the fighter and slid down from the EX.

Although he has always complained about the fact that the three members of the Hercules team dragged him into some training, it doesn't mean that he doesn't have a deep relationship with the Hercules team.

"I'm back!" Pushing open the door, Yuanquan returned home with large and small bags of snacks. After disabling his transformation, he turned into a light and on the way home, Yuanquan suddenly saw a convenience store offering discounts.

At that time, Yuanquan was attracted by his eyes, and he directly broke away from the state of Huaguang, and slowly entered the convenience store to make a lot of purchases, and then came back with big bags and small bags.

Even the savior who saves the world will be attracted when he sees big bargains in convenience stores.

After all, in this era, saving the world is often encountered.

But things like convenience store discounts are much rarer than saving the world.

"Welcome back!"

Mrs. Jie Dun came up with her slippers on. Of course, you can’t expect her to change Yuanquan’s shoes thoughtfully. The only thing she can do is to take a lot of snack bags from Yuanquan’s hand. Come here, then take the snack bag and go straight to the tatami.

"What are you going to eat tonight?" Yuanquan asked without raising his head as he changed his shoes.

"As long as you make it, I will eat it." The girl has no habit of being picky eaters, and she watched the dramas on TV without blinking. Those golden eyes reflected the plots in those TV dramas, which made the girl lack emotions are supplemented.

Although these supplements are not necessarily serious.

"You really have nothing to pursue, so I'll cook eggs." Yuanquan pursed his lips and said so deliberately.

"Hmm." Niang Jie Dun's reaction was flat, and after such a one-word answer, she fell completely silent.

Yuanquan shrugged, it is impossible to really just make a fried egg, he put on his apron and walked to the kitchen, and started to operate, preparing tonight's dinner.

Although it was a bit late, but fortunately the sky had not yet completely darkened, so it was still too late to start cooking.

Although the golden sunset is bright and beautiful, that kind of scenery can only last for a moment, and then disappears at a very fast speed.

After a while, the sky darkened and the sun set, replaced by a high and cold moon.

There is no light tonight, and there are no other stars except the moon, which makes the sky in the middle of the night look colder.

Of course, Tokyo tonight must be very lively, but this has nothing to do with the source that is closer to the Geo base.

The grocery store located on the edge of a turning intersection was brightly lit, except for the street lamps, there was only one store whose lights illuminated the night, making it somewhat cold.

But the two people living in it didn't feel cold at all, but they were full of enthusiasm, which was unusual.

"Come here~ the last dish tonight!" Holding a plate of steamed fish soup on the table, Yuanquan took off his apron and put it aside, shouting to Mrs. Jie Dun.

"It's time to eat!"

With an extremely reluctant body, Jie Dunniang turned her head every three steps, left the tatami with great reluctance, and came to the dining table.

Even so, when Jie Dun's mother left, she turned up the volume of the TV to the maximum, so that she could hear it even if she was eating and playing here.

"You like watching TV so much?" Yuanquan couldn't help complaining as he listened to the voice in his ear while holding the rice bowl.

"Well, it's very pretty." After taking two mouthfuls of rice, Jie Dun's mother fixed her eyes on Yuanquan and looked at him cautiously.

It seems that there is something to say.

 Note: Why do I only mention Gaia and not my dream? But not exactly the same.

(End of this chapter)

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