Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 394 I will always like to see Saori sister early: JPG

Chapter 394 I will always like to see Saori sister early: JPG
"Why are you looking at me? If you want to say something, just say it." He picked up a piece of fish for Niang Jiedun, and seeing the girl's cautious appearance, Yuanquan suddenly smiled and said, "If you want anything, I'll let you know." Can I give it to you?"

Niang Jie Dun's mouth moved a few times, and after swallowing the rice ball, she was still unable to speak the words that were difficult to speak.

It's only one step away, but I just can't express it.

Yuanquan was not impatient, he just waited for Niang Jieden, waiting for her answer.

"I watch those TV shows, those girls, and boys together." Niang Jie lowered her head, although her voice was weak, but the source could be heard.

Trying not to let others notice her rosy face, Niang Jie said to herself, "So, name, I want a name."

"I don't want you, call me Jeden's mother." Looking up, the girl ignored her rosy face and looked at Yuanquan very seriously.

There was already a lot more emotion in those golden eyes than she had at the beginning.

Although there are three nos, the girl's knowledge is being rapidly replenished, and she is no longer the dull girl she was before.

"Because Jie Dun's mother is a general title, it can't be counted as your name, even if you are called Jie Dun, it is the same. That is not your name at all, right." Yuanquan was stunned, but he really didn't expect Jie Dun Dunniang would mention it.

But just like what he said, as long as Niang Jie wants, Yuanquan can do his best to satisfy Niang Jie.

The girl didn't speak, and the longing eyes didn't stop for a moment.The emotions revealed are desires, and even some urgency.

"Then if this is the case, let me think about it." Yuanquan put down the bowl and chopsticks, leaned on the chair and pondered.

He has never experienced such a thing as naming a name before, and he still named a girl, which made him, a single dog of ten thousand years, even more numb.

What's your name?


Jack? ? ?

Filtering out one name after another in his mind, Yuanquan's habitual wandering thinking started again, and he didn't know where he was wandering after thinking about it. He diverged his thoughts and thought of a lot of inexplicable names.

Whispering in a low voice, more and more names filled his mind at the moment, and after that, he didn't know what kind of name to choose.

The girl's hands under the table were tangled together, pinching the corners of her clothes and looking at the source uneasily.

Looking at those scenes on TV, my name is a very sensitive thing, and only the most important person to me in my life can.

And the first thing Jie Dunniang thought of was the source.

In this hut, Yuanquan is the only person she cares about, and also a person who depends on each other for life.

What kind of name will you give yourself?

A few days ago, Niang Jie Dun wanted to ask Yuanquan for a name, but she didn't have time to say it at that time.

After careful consideration, the girl finally mustered up the courage to speak first.

Because she felt that with the stupidity of the guy opposite her, he would never have thought of this.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, as long as you have the courage to speak up, then you can just wait for the result.

"I figured it out." Niang Jiedun, who was also divergent in thinking, suddenly heard Yuanquan's voice in her ear, her body trembled in fright, and she sat upright subconsciously, pricking up her ears and waiting for Yuanquan's words.

"I personally came up with a lot of names, but I think those names are all very strange." Reluctantly using words like strange to cover up his wild thoughts, Yuanquan finally made a decision.

"So, I thought of the girl's name in the animation I saw on TV a few days ago. I think it should be very nice, and it should be quite suitable for you."

"So, you will be called Saori from now on." Without mentioning the more normal names I thought of, the first thing that came to mind was the name Saori and her voice. Said swearingly.

"I think it's a great name!"

"You're lying. I've been watching TV these days, and there's no one named Susha." Niang Jie didn't show any face, and directly exposed Yuanquan's lie.

In the latter's embarrassed smile, Mrs. Jie Dun brushed the hair on the top of her head, as if she wanted to push it down.

"I think it's very good." The corner of the girl's mouth curled up. Although it is three nothings, it is just a manifestation of lack of emotion. In these days of life, the girl quickly fills up her knowledge with the help of TV. .

Especially the family emotional and ethical drama, the emotionally rich Jie Dunniang couldn't understand it at all, and she was at a loss when watching it.

When Jayden's mother, no, Saori's emotions are fully filled, or when she herself understands what is called a heart, she will truly become a qualified person.

"Then I will call you Sazhi from now on." Unexpectedly, this name would be recognized by Jie Dunniang Sazhi, and Yuanquan was ecstatic.

Given the name, isn't this just confirming the fact that he is raising a daughter?
"En." Saori nodded, although Yuanquan regarded her as his daughter, but Saori didn't think so at all.

And every time at this time, Yuanquan will abandon the setting that he has been talking about all the time, saying that he is a handsome guy, l.

She's as dumb as a fish, forgetting it in seven seconds.

Life is worse than a licking dog!

"We can see that during this period of time, Renlong and Uranus have not made any movements. When they are face to face, they should be communicating, so it is difficult for us not to think whether there is something between them. Unknown means of communication."

In the air base, XIG had a rare evening party. Regarding the increasingly chaotic situation and the new appearance of the third giant of light, everyone had a lot of topics to talk about.

"You don't want to say, this guy is a bad guy, do you?" Captain Kajio crossed his arms and said in a casual way: "Although it is different from Gaia, Uranus has shown the protection of human beings more than once. Behavior, not only me, the Hercules team was also saved by him."

"Of course I know he's not a bad guy, but I'm not sure he's on our side. Renlong is sleeping like that in the underground of Tokyo. Do you know how many citizens are protesting after knowing about this? How much the headquarters has endured Huge pressure?" Staff Officer Chiba also knew that Nexus was not a bad person, but there was a huge protest among the public about the fact that Renlong was still alive.

Who can live peacefully in a city with monsters sleeping under its feet?

"Even so, as the dragon vein of the earth, Renlong is different from other monsters, it can never be destroyed." Commander Shishi said in a deep voice.

"I'll go to the headquarters and say, no matter what, Uranus has done the best in dealing with the Renlong issue."

"Does human beings really want to go to war with Renlong? Right now, our biggest enemy is the body of destruction!" Commander Shishi saw clearly that nothing can be exchanged for fighting Renlong. The biggest enemy of human beings will always be Destruction invites the body.

Everyone has the same external enemy, what kind of internal fighting are they engaging in?
"Wait a minute!" At this time, Womeng raised his hand and after attracting everyone's attention, he stood up and expressed his doubts.

"Uranus. What is this? It can't be that giant's name."

(End of this chapter)

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