Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 396 It's not without reason that the earth called you here, after all, you come with th

Chapter 396 It's not without reason that the earth called you here, after all, you come with the Dark Giant Find Difference buff
The turbulent smoke and dust kicked up large expanses of soil, and the giant who fell on the ground was unable to stand up again. Facing the powerful enemy, he exhausted all means and tried everything, and he had lost the possibility of standing up again.

The black giant twisted his wrist, and lifted the righteous giant who fell on the ground. Without hesitation, the sharp fingers were directly inserted into the timer on the giant's chest, continuously sucking the blood from the giant's body, and the blood from the feet. The power of this planet.

But for a moment, the timer turned into dust and scattered, and the giant's body also turned into a stone statue, becoming a member of the inanimate existence.

"It's really boring, why is it the light of the ocean again?" He casually threw out the petrified giant in his hand, and let the opponent fall to the ground and smashed into pieces. The dark giant rubbed his chin, feeling very Impatiently said: "When will I get the light of the sky? Gather all the lights?"

"You and I are in a cooperative relationship. You brought me into this world, and I will destroy these giants of light for you. It is obviously a win-win situation for you to destroy these civilizations. Why can't you be honest with me?" He didn't get any light from the sky, and the dark giant was obviously very dissatisfied.

Only when all three kinds of light are collected and exist in the hands of the same person, can these three kinds of light be sublimated qualitatively and become the most brilliant light.

And that's why he came here, because the opponent he will face next is not what he can fight now.

Above the sky, countless black bugs flew out of the shattered cracks in space, covering the entire sky like a blanket, covering the entire planet.

The destruction of civilization can only happen in an instant.

The death of the planet is only in a short period of ten years.

A special wave was transmitted to the dark giant's mind, it seemed that some kind of existence behind that space was communicating with him across the world.

"Only the main world has the light of the sky? What's the reason? Is the light of the sky really a rare thing?" After receiving the message from the body of destruction, the dark giant was very curious.

However, he must obtain the light of the sky. Even if Gaia, the light of the earth in the main world, and Aguru, the light of the ocean, will be more powerful, but he has absorbed several lights of the earth and ocean from parallel worlds. The means of the two have been incomparably understood.

Conquering parallel worlds one after another, he became stronger and stronger.

Since he left that destroyed world, he has been getting stronger.

"Especially now that we have reached an agreement with this guy named Shattered Caller, the two parties can get what each other wants in the cooperation, and there are no more parallel universes that have been destroyed.

He stretched out his hand, and condensed a dark purple lightsaber with one hand. This was the ability from Ocean Light, but after being absorbed by him, these tricks also became his abilities.

Looking at the dark purple lightsaber in his hand with satisfaction, the dark giant swept across casually. The sword light shot out the crescent sword energy, and swept across, turning the city in front of him into ruins, and even wiped out many monsters.

"Not bad, it's quite powerful." A random attack can cause great damage. After coming out of that dead world, he has become countless times stronger, even stronger than he who just left that world .

Of course, not only the ability, but also the vision has been broadened a lot.

Only when he left that world did he discover that there were so many Ultra fighters in countless universes, not just Nexus.

And after he understood his destiny, he was absolutely unwilling to become that guy's running dog.

"You said that the Skylight of the main world already has an heir? Just kidding, do I seem to be someone who can't kill him or plunder the Skylight?" The dark giant laughed wildly as the warning of the destruction of the body echoed in his mind. stand up.

After fighting for such a long time, why did the disillusioned recruit still know nothing about his power?
Does it have so little confidence in its allies?

"Open the wormhole and send me to the main world. I will let my name resound in the main world and tell them that Mephisto has arrived." With both hands open, the condensed dark purple energy ball came out , Exploding huge smoke and dust on the ground.

That is also the power from Agur.

"By the way, what's the name of the guy who inherited the light of the sky?" Before the wormhole was brewing, the dark giant Mephisto asked casually.

"Uranus? The god of the sky in Greek mythology? Huh, look at me and take his dog's life." Mephisto has never heard of the name Uranus, besides, your name is Uranus, It's the god-king of Greek mythology. Doesn't my name, Mephisto, come from nothing?

If we really want to fight, you, the king of anger, can still be my opponent, Mephisto?

No matter how you look at it, I will win this wave.

With the confidence to win, Mephisto stepped into the wormhole prepared by the shattered summoning body.

He has a premonition that when he gathers the three kinds of light from the earth, he will be sublimated and get an unprecedented evolution.

Even able to obtain enough strength to confront that guy.

"Zaki. I will never bow to you again. I have gained a new power. I have already..." Clenching his fists tightly, Mephisto's dark eyes were full of anger and longing.

He would never want Zaki to control everything about him, and he would never allow that to happen.

The wormhole closed, Mephisto's figure disappeared in this world, and the monster worms that traversed the world will once again destroy this parallel universe.

Mephisto's casual behavior is undoubtedly the greatest despair for life in this universe.

Because their hope is gone.

But the tragedy of this world is not just the beginning. Before that, how many worlds Mephisto has created in the same way, who knows?

The burning city and the demonic insects that covered the sky, the lives and hopes that were scorched in the flames, were just like the scenes played out in Mephisto's world several years ago.

It's just that it was Mephisto, Faust, Nexus, and Zaki who watched the world destroy at that time.

And source!

Now, the person who saw such a scene again, and even created the fruit of destruction with his own hands, was Mephisto himself.

After the Renlong incident ended, the Marunouchi Development Center did not have any accidents.

Of course, the source who used to be a construction site dog can understand what it is like to dig out a monster by himself.

The following days were quite uneventful, mainly because Yuanquan took the lead and found the trace of the gas wolf Ulfgas. Before humans found it, he transformed into Nexus and brought the gas wolf to After reaching the universe, send it out of the earth.

After all, in the original book, the gas wolf did not show much aggressiveness. It is a cowardly and cowardly monster, and even once it was attacked by humans, it did not fight back.

In the end, it was angered and its biological instinct was aroused, and then it began to fight back.

This is a basically harmless monster to humans and animals. In order to prevent it from being beaten up on the earth for no reason, the source sent it away from the earth, let it gasify, and started its journey home with gas. way.

(End of this chapter)

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