Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 397 How could there be an idiot running on the road at noon hahaha!

Chapter 397 How could there be an idiot running on the road at noon hahaha!
At noon that day, Yuanquan was sitting in front of the stage looking at the store, bored and rascally. Although the grocery store was opened next to the Geo base, it was not completely without business, but it was relatively small.

The main reason for Yuanquan's sigh is that the enthusiastic teenagers haven't come for a long time. It's been a long time since I saw these enthusiastic teenagers coming, and Yuanquan almost couldn't get rid of it.

How can that be done?
Saori is just growing up, how can she be full and hungry every meal?
Since these enthusiastic teenagers are no longer enthusiastic, Yuanquan has no choice but to go to them and let them feel the enthusiasm of someone from me.

Yuanquan, who was thinking about going to visit tonight, suddenly discovered that at the end of the intersection at the corner of Geo base, a group of ten or so people kept a neat formation and trotted over.

Under the scorching sun at noon, the high temperature of the road distorted the air.

Running on the road under such circumstances is really not life-threatening.

"Faster! Is this the only level you have?" The captain of the Hercules team, Yoshida Satoru, ran in the front. He had the strongest body and was naturally the one with the most energy.

Things like galloping on the road at noon are just drizzle to him.

The bronzed skin and firm and muscular muscles have already been exercised.

"Compared to you gorillas on the ground, those of us flying in the sky don't want to compare with you at all." The captain of the Lightning team, Kajio hangs at No.3 from the bottom, he is the ace machine in the sky in the Lightning team As a teacher, he has excellent driving skills, but on the ground, his physical strength is average, his marksmanship is not very accurate, and his skills are even extremely hip.

Compared with his status as an ace pilot, Kajio in other aspects is completely a scumbag.

In this episode of Gas Wolf, Team Lightning's shortcomings are fully exposed. You must know that Gas Wolf is so docile and cowardly, it stands still and doesn't move. Hit, all edged.

The guy who made me dream of this scientific researcher was so frightened.

Although the gas wolves had been sent away by the source ahead of time, the Lightning team did not make such a fool of themselves, but in a third-line combat training organized by the air base, the Lightning team still exposed their level of mess on the ground.

Of course, the Hercules team is not good at aerial combat, and the Swordfish team is also helpless in aerial combat.

But at least marksmanship and physical fitness, as well as fighting skills, are definitely better than those of the Lightning team.

After the training is over, all the combat teams under xIG are undergoing special training. Although everyone has their weaknesses, it is also necessary to make up for their weaknesses.

Therefore, Commander Shishi approved this special ground training for a period of one month. After one month, the third-line collective training will be carried out again. At that time, if someone makes great progress and performs well, xIG will reward them.

And if there is no progress or even a guy who is at the bottom of the crane, of course he will also accept punishment from xIG.

Rewards and punishments are secondary. The key is that no one wants to be the last one no matter which team it is.

Internal competition is already fierce, and every time they are dispatched, they have to compete for places. If someone really drags their feet and causes the team to fall to the last place, I am afraid that they will never be able to hold their heads up again within xIG.

What about attacking?Do you have that face?

This must not be ridiculed to death?
Even the three members of the lightning team, who were relatively weak in physical fitness, gritted their teeth and persisted, and would never quit.

It's not their style to be looked down upon for no reason.

"Currently, there have been four training sessions in the air. The Lightning scored two points, the Falcons scored two points, and the Hercules and Swordfish teams got zero points." Unify the training results of the teams during this period.

As for why there are no Seagulls and Cool Dragons, the former is a rescue team and generally does not participate in frontal combat.

The latter is a women's team. In the training program, if men and women are mixed and the training goals are the same, girls are inherently at a disadvantage. Naturally, the cool dragon team does not need to participate.

"On the ground, zero points for the Lightning, zero points for the Falcons, four points for the Hercules, and zero points for the Swordfish."

"At sea, Team Lightning has zero points, Falcons has zero points, Hercules has zero points, and Swordfish has four points."

"It's basically scoring repeatedly in their respective outstanding fields, and there is no progress at all." Hearing my dream report, Falcons captain Tatsuhiko Yoneda directly complained: "If this continues, after a month, we will have nothing at all. Grow."

"Why on earth is there such training? Do we still need our Lightning team to go to the ground to fight on the ground? There are professionals." After all, Kajio, who was tortured, couldn't help it, and let his strengths not be used. What are the shortcomings, what do the commanders think.

"Maybe it's because xIG has too many people, and there are specially trained and targeted players in a certain aspect, so you are outstanding in a certain aspect, but in other aspects, you are very..." I dreamed a little If you think about it, you can also understand the advantages and disadvantages of the air base.

The advantage is that it is quick and fast. It only focuses on one aspect of targeted training, and can train a talent in this aspect at the fastest speed.

The downside is that it is quite detrimental to their future, or once they are suddenly forced from their strengths in a certain field to their weaknesses, their shortcomings will become obvious.

After all, pentagonal fighters are much stronger than middle finger fighters.

However, I can also understand the difficulties of xIG in my dream. After all, the shattered body is coming fiercely, and there is not much time left for human beings.

Being able to pull such a team out in a short period of time is already very impressive.

"There's a grocery store over there. I'm going to buy some bottles of water." Turning the corner, Katsuya Yokoya, the captain of the Swordfish team, saw the grocery store standing on the edge of the intersection like the light of righteousness.

With green eyes flashing in an instant, he generated a burst of strength out of thin air, quickly passed everyone, and galloped all the way to the grocery store.

The allusion of looking for plums to quench thirst is common everywhere.

"Hurry up, let's go too."

"There is also a grocery store in this place? Who sells things here? What kind of idiots would run around on the main road hahaha!"

"Daheyuan, if you don't know how to speak, keep your mouth shut!"

"Thanks to the gods, there is a grocery store here, is this a gift from the gods?!"

A group of 13 people rushed into the grocery store like wolves and tigers, and a force was born out of thin air from their precarious posture. Except for Womeng, who was sitting leisurely in the car with the air conditioner on, the other 12 people were in a hurry all the way. Ben rushed into the grocery store.

The noisy voice was complicated and dense, making Yuanquan put his hands on his chest, and stepped back slightly to create a distance.

The gang of big guys in the province rubbed against him.

"Hey, rare customers, how many of you are from Geo Base?" Taking out bottles of water from the refrigerator one after another, these guys who were as tired as dead dogs were not polite, and immediately grabbed them. Tons.

For a moment, the crisp and joyful sound of satisfaction full of philosophy filled the small grocery store.

My dream was the last one to arrive. When he walked into the grocery store, he recognized the front desk boss at a glance, the person he met at the dam.

"What is..."

"Brother Yuan... have you opened a shop and become the boss?"

(End of this chapter)

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