Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 403 Sometimes I turn up the volume when watching TV, but the society is dead

Chapter 403 Sometimes I turn up the volume when watching TV, but the society is dead
After that, Yuanquan didn't intervene too much in the development of Gaia's plot. As far as he is concerned, he is a fighter who has already experienced TV.

Gaia and Aguru are still in the process of training.

It is true that he can pass the customs all the way, but that is not a good thing for the earth humans, and even Gaia and Aguru.

Ultraman cannot grow, and human beings will not understand how ridiculous what they know and see in the past through repeated experiences.

Therefore, Yuanquan no longer wanted to transform unless it was necessary, so under such circumstances, he didn't care much about the arrival of the antimatter monster Anchimata.

Angimata, which is surrounded by a protective shield, has very powerful characteristics. It is an existence from the anti-universe, which is completely opposite to the material universe.

If it wasn't for the fact that it has its own protective shield to prevent it from directly contacting the material world, the moment it landed on the earth, it collided with the earth, and under the collision of positive and negative matter, it would sweep across the entire solar system in an instant. Completely destroyed in an instant.

This is also a typical example of the first cooperation between Gaia and Aguru in the original plot. Although they have different positions, Fujimiya will never sit idly by when it comes to protecting the earth.

Because of this, he transformed Gaia into the form of antimatter, allowing Gaia to enter the protective shield and

Gaia fought with Angimata, and with the cooperation of the two, Angimata was sent away from the earth by Gaia, and Aguru followed immediately. After the universe sent Angimata back to the antimatter universe, Aguru again Restored Gaia from its antimatter state.

Of course, he can also choose not to restore Gaia. In this way, Gaia will have to bid farewell to the earth, and even have to live in the antimatter universe.

It's just that Fujimiya didn't do that.

His heart is still towards the earth, and different philosophies are different, but Gaia is also a part of the light of the earth. Inherently speaking, they are comrades-in-arms.

After the frightening battle, Gaimeng invited Fujimiya to join xIG as a teammate and protect human beings together.

And Fujimiya's original attitude towards my dream has changed, but after hearing my dream say the four words of protecting human beings, she is once again full of boredom with my dream.

So he rejected my dream, didn't even shake hands, turned around and walked away.

Temporary cooperation doesn't mean anything, there is still an insurmountable gap between him and my dream.

When this happened, Yuanquan was actually meeting Ms. Kuroda Hui in the shrine. Under the guidance of the latter, Yuanquan was once again linked with the spirit of Renlong.

Renlong, who was in a deep sleep state, suddenly found a nagging voice in her ear constantly making noise, which made her frown unavoidably in her sleep and was extremely irritable.

He babbled for a long time, but he really didn't wake up Renlong, so Yuanquan ended his babbling.

Anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future, just come and talk to Renlong every now and then.

How could such a kind person like me allow Renlong to sleep alone?

Then I definitely can't stand it!
Except for the anti-matter monsters, daily life is still uneventful. Yuanquan can see Team Lightning, Falcons and Swordfish training every day, even when he is sitting at the reception desk, he can see these teams through the window. Guys have sex and trot past the formation.

And my dream is driving a car and following leisurely.

The scene is still very grassy. After all, I dreamed that my little life was really good, and you can only say that it is worthy of being the favorite of the group.

The xIG players, who were exhausted from training, would often go to Yuanquan's grocery store to sit and sit, and everyone got to know each other a lot after going back and forth.

Some innocuous jokes, or news about the air base can be used as the content of daily chat to brag.

There were also some funny things happened here, such as the members of the Lightning and Falcons, the two flying formations, and the captain of the Falcons, Yone Tian, ​​complained about why the Lightning always attacked.

Kajio, the captain of the Lightning team, is proud to say that the Lightning team is stronger than the Falcons.

Then, the two sides started debating in the grocery store about which of the two teams was stronger.

After friendly exchanges and in-depth communication between the two sides, the Lightning Team and the Falcon Team expressed that they would not accept each other, and decided to mercilessly fuck each other in the next special flight training.

The Hercules team and the Swordfish team are pure melons. After all, they are fighting on the ground and fighting on the seabed. They are not in the same industry, so naturally they can't get involved.

So laugh at the Chargers and Falcons pinching each other.

After that, there is the strange life form Zadienz, which is a life form produced by combining alien cells with experimental substances in human hospitals. It has the ability to absorb a certain kind of special energy from humans and turn humans into a puddle of flesh.

The key point is that the human beings who have been turned into flesh did not die, but were still alive, but possessed their own consciousness and became a group of people in the true sense.

It even has the ability to turn Ultraman into a puddle of meat.

Gaia was hit by its light in the plot, and her legs were completely turned into a puddle of flesh, and she couldn't move at all.

And it was also this episode that allowed Reiko Yoshii to find the meaning of human existence, and it was also the first time she roared when facing Hiroya Fujimiya, belittling Fujimiya's set of human beings who will die sooner or later, and whether they die sooner or later There is no theory of distinction, and her answer is given.

Reiko succeeded in making Fujimiya speechless, and in the end she could only leave behind a sentence from the Riddler with unknown meaning.

But since then, Reiko's existence has taken root in Fujimiya's heart, and until the finale, Reiko's existence has always existed in Fujimiya's heart.

The wife of the king is not ordinary.

In the end, Gaia succeeded in destroying this guy, because under Zadienz's snail-like eyes, there is a magical substance that has the ability to restore creatures that have been mushed by flesh .

It is also because of this that Gaia was able to return to its original state, and successfully wiped out Zadienz, turning it into a rain, spreading it all over the city, so that those humans who had been mushed by flesh could recover.

Yuanyuan also knew this, because before Zadienz was born, there was a green rain in the whole city.

This green rain brought extraordinary changes, Zadienz came to the earth at that time, and was born through the combination of the green rain and the experimental bacteria in the hospital.

Of course, the main reason why Yuanquan remembers this episode is that when he was young and ignorant, watching this episode ignorantly, Zadi Enz appeared on TV for the first time and seduced human beings to make a sound, which is a simulation of being emotional A girl's voice.

And it's that kind of extremely seductive sound that makes people's hormones explode. Although Zadienz who makes this sound is too ugly to look at, it doesn't really want to do that, it just makes a sound to catch food.

It's the same reason that predators in nature make noises to lure food.

Normal is quite normal, but when the sound full of extreme temptation and hormonal explosion came from the TV, Yuanquan didn't understand at the time, and watched it with relish, and even turned up the sound a lot.

As a result, a moment later, the head of the orphanage came rushing all the way with a dark face, and the belt in his hand glowed darkly under the shadow of the sun.

What happened next can only be said to be unforgettable.

(End of this chapter)

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