Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 404 The battle between the sky and the ocean!

Chapter 404 The battle between the sky and the ocean!
A month later, Team Lightning, Team Falcon, Team Hercules and Team Swordfish, the four teams restarted a new round of competition.

The result of this contest, the source is still from my dream.

I heard that this time in the air battle, the Falcons and the Lightning tied, while on the ground, the Falcons and the Lightning and the Swordfish, only the Swordfish scored two points.

Also in the Ocean, home of the Swordfish, Hercules scored two points.

Such a result will definitely not satisfy the commanders, and of course you can't expect them to have superpowers in various areas of weakness.

It's pretty good to have such a result.

If you keep pushing, I'm afraid something will happen, so Commander Ishishi finally stopped this kind of training, so that Kajio and others can breathe a sigh of relief.

If it continues, they really can't stand it anymore.

After the special training was over, Yuanquan's small shop returned to its usual calm and quiet place with no business. Although Kajio and the others still came occasionally, they didn't come often.

But I have long been used to the source of loneliness and I don't think there is anything.Anyway, I was very diligent in my dream.

It's just that Yuanquan didn't expect that he would receive a special guest here today.
The curtain was pulled back, and a man in a black shirt stepped into it with a full body, his cold expression showed no emotion.

As soon as Pu entered, he immediately stood in front of the source, looking at the owner of the Skylight who was scratching his feet.

"If you want something, take it yourself. In addition, I provide a certain amount of car repair business here, but the price will be more expensive." Yuanquan didn't look back, but yawned and said.

"What if I said, the person I want is you?" Teng Gong didn't show any emotional fluctuations, and he was still calmly telling his wish to come here.

He believed that Nexus must know his identity.

"Then the price will increase. Of course, it also depends on what you want me to do." Yuanquan raised his head and squinted at this handsome man.

"Teng Gong, I didn't expect you to find me so quickly. It's really surprising."

"I just didn't expect that the owner of Skylight would be such an ordinary guy." Teng Gong was not polite, he himself was Aguru, and he was a well-known genius among Alchemy Stars.Not to mention my dream, she is the absolute genius of today's alchemy star, and the most indispensable scientific research talent of XIG.

Whether it is him or my dream, they are the best among human beings, and only in this way can they be recognized by the earth and give them light.

And Teng Gong, who opened the shop in front of him, really couldn't find anything like them in Yuanquan.

If he and I Meng are geniuses, then the source is trash.

Teng Gong was also very sure that Yuan Quan was not a member of Alchemy Star.

In this world, there are very few people's information that he cannot detect.

"Is it because the earth has to deal with the shattering of the body recently, so too many geniuses bestowed on human beings will give you this illusion?" Yuanquan sneered: "Although it is an extraordinary time, don't treat everyone as a harmonious person. Same as you."

"If you insist, the world will always be dominated by ordinary people."

"So when facing the crisis of extinction, the vast majority of ordinary people can only wait for the few people to save them." Teng Gong sneered back at Yuanquan, and continued: "The truth of the world will always be controlled by those who have the ability. in human hands."

"You are not a member of Alchemy Star, but you have the ability to influence the future destiny of the earth." Having said that, Teng Gong no longer concealed his purpose of coming here.

"If you knew, you would understand the conflict between me and Gaia."

"I believe you must have made your choice, too."

Teng Gong stretched out his hand, as long as Yuanquan holds it, that Yuanquan is the fellow who walked with him on this road.

Even if Gaia objected, Teng Gong would no longer care.

"...That's right, I did make a choice." Ignoring Teng Gong's outstretched hand, Yuanquan stretched his waist, taking the time to return to Teng Gong.

"My choice is that neither you nor my dream are the ones I will help."

"You once tried to guess the will of the earth with the help of an optical quantum computer, and what did you get in the end?"

"Teng Gong, you firmly believe that you are on the right path, but you have always said that you have been guided by the earth. Could it be that the guidance of the earth is the light given to Aguru?" I don't want to hide anything.

That's right, he was eager to try, trying to beat the palace.

After all, he was entrusted with the responsibility by the earth, hammering Aguru and Gaia, that is the responsibility entrusted to me by the mother of the earth, of course he has a clear conscience when he fights.

"That's the earth, let me protect it's proof!"

"No, that is the power given to you by the earth to save everyone! What you call the will of the earth has always been referring to the optical quantum computer, at all! It is not the will of the earth!" Yuanquan stretched out his finger in Tenggong chest, while the atmosphere between the two suddenly became tense, Yuanquan gave the final answer.

"From the very beginning, you're just a knife powered by an optical quantum computer."

"It is clearly your creation, but you regard your creation as the only god. As the creator, you have become the knife of the creation and its dog!"

The words became more and more serious, and Yuanquan's attitude became more and more severe: "Is this Hiroya Fujimiya? Even in the alchemy star where geniuses gather, is he a top existence?"

"It's ridiculous!"

"...Then it seems that after all, you, like that guy, won't understand what I'm doing now." Although Teng Gong was angry, he didn't want to start a war here after all.

It's not the time yet, inheriting the existence of the light of the sky is an indispensable force for the earth. If it is not necessary, Teng Gong is absolutely unwilling to take the lead in provoking disputes.

Even though this guy's words are really hard to hear, Teng Gong said that he can bear it.

"It seems that the meeting between us was not very pleasant, but it doesn't matter, one day you and that guy will understand that only me is right!" Teng Gong withdrew his hand, turned and prepared to leave.

But if he wants to leave, it depends on whether Yuanquan agrees or not.

"Want to leave?" Supporting the seat with one hand, he jumped out, Yuanquan grabbed Teng Gong's shoulder: "Stop!"

"You're really going to make trouble for others, isn't it good to let us each prove who is right?" Teng Gong sighed, and grabbed Yuanquan's wrist with his backhand: "You forced me to do this."

On the wrist of the other hand, the sapphire cone emits flashes, and the wingspan on both sides spreads out. As the wings spread out towards the sides, the light of Aguru shines.

Yuanquan is also not polite, if he wants to transform into a fight, it depends on whether he agrees or not.

Grabbing Teng Gong's upright hand, he forcibly suppressed Teng Gong's wrist. Amid the disbelief on the latter's face, Yuanquan sneered a few times, and pushed Teng Gong's body, forcing the two to break open the door and come to the road outside.

At the same time, it seems that the earth has also sensed the dispute between the sky and the ocean, and cooperated very well to make the sky that was already covered with dark clouds splash down with torrential rain.

The sudden torrential rain poured down like a torrential rain, soaking the clothes and hair of the two, but it couldn't change the fact that they were confronting each other.

The battle between the sky and the sea begins!

(End of this chapter)

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