Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 405 I said that I want to hammer the Vine Palace, then I must hammer him once

Chapter 405 said that if you want to hammer the rattan palace, then you must hammer him

The two fists confront each other, the two sides fight each other, and no one will give in. Yuanquan suppresses Fujimiya's desire to transform, forcing him to fight against him in a human body state.

But even in the state of a human body, Fujimiya's strength will not be much worse.

The so-called king of force means being able to have a forceful presence no matter when and where.

In order to protect the earth, in order to be able to exert the more powerful power of the light of Aguru, Fujimiya often trains himself in his test base.

As a genius, it shouldn't be too simple for him to dump a few fitness equipment for himself.

So he can fight very well, and his physique is definitely not weak.

But it's a pity that he encountered a being that was even more inhuman than him.

The continuous retreat could not be restrained at all, Fujimiya looked at the source in amazement.

This kind of strength, this kind of physique, is too frightening.

"How do you prove that you are not a running dog driven by your own creation? Tomiya, does your will belong to you, or is it given to you by the optical quantum computer." Yuanquan's arm forcefully pushed Fujimiya back a few steps.

The torrential rain fell, pulling a wet dividing line in front of the two.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything wrong, even you can't stop me." Fujimiya stood up, in the rain, and it was the first time he really realized that the source was the source It's different from my dream.

"People who do something wrong often feel that they are not at fault."

"Caught in a daze, can't get out of it, right?" The hand at the side was clenched slightly, and Yuanquan slowly raised it, pointing at Fujimiya: "Then I'll wake you up!"

"So, you said I was wrong, isn't that what you said? How do you prove that I was wrong?" Fujimiya raised his head, looked coldly, and responded to Yuanquan with Yuanquan's words.

"I haven't done anything yet, are you just like me, self-denying others?"

Although Yuanquan really wants to say, I really know what you will do in the future, and you have caused irreparable damage to the earth, but now you want to ask why, someone like Yuanquan really can't think of how to prove this for a while.

After all, in this time period, Gaia's plot timeline is still early, and many of Fujimiya's ideas have not yet been realized.

"Then don't stop me." Fujimiya strode forward, and he was the first to strike with a jab.

Yuanquan reacted quickly, raised his hand to block Fujimiya's attack, and at the same time bent his calf to block Fujimiya's kick.

Fujimiya's attack fell into a neutral position, trying to retreat to increase the distance.

But how could Yuanquan let Fujimiya retreat so easily?
Taking a step forward to block Fujimiya's retreat, Yuanquan swept across with one hand, tore open the defense in front of him, and went straight to Fujimiya's door.

Fujimiya also wanted to bend his arm to block Yuanquan's attack, but unfortunately his strength was crushed. The bent arm was completely cut off by Yuanquan's hand knife, and it hit Fujimiya directly in the chest.

Fujimiya let out a muffled snort, and was already injured in the first face-to-face confrontation, which gave Fujimiya a clear understanding of the strength gap between them.

The calculation he made is not wrong, Skylight is indeed a more powerful existence than him and my dream.

The fist from bottom to top drove the rain curtain to pull away a series of water stains, and hit Yuanquan's elbow heavily.

The feet are staggered, splashing and competing with each other in the rainwater accumulated in the puddle, trying to get stuck in each other's position.In a series of transformations, the fighting figures were gradually submerged in the increasingly rapid downpour, and disappeared in the rising rain and fog.

Only the impact of collisions from time to time can vaguely hear the sound of the two fighting.

But compared to Yuanquan's full strength, he has kept his hand a lot. After all, if there is a real fight, with Yuanquan's strange power that can pierce a tree with one punch, Fujimiya will never be his opponent in the human state .

And in this world where the rain curtains continue to the sky and the earth, the military vehicles driving out of the Jiou base galloped from the road with lights, passed through the heavy rain curtains, passed the intersection one after another under the light of the lights, but slammed at the corner. A sudden stop.

"What are you doing, why stop suddenly!" As the driver, Womeng suddenly slammed on the brakes, forcing Kajio, who was sitting with her, to almost crash to death in front of the car.

Who told him not to wear a seat belt...

"Captain Kajio, wait here!" I Meng didn't have time to elaborate, I opened the car door and ran down, ignoring my clothes that were soaked in the rain. Shouting, disappeared in the rain.

Yuanquan punched Fujimiya in the face, and while pushing Fujimiya back, Fujimiya also responded with a side kick that landed on Yuanquan's chest, successfully repelling.

The two took a few steps back, Fujimiya covered his cheeks, and spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva.

Yuanquan, on the other hand, had nothing to do at all, and took a step forward, as if he wanted to continue chasing him.

Which of the two is stronger and weaker, the superior and inferior will be judged.

Clenching his fists, Fujimiya shook his hands angrily, the shirt that was completely wet stuck to his body, splashing countless water stains as he walked.

Yuanquan stepped on the ground with one foot, shaking the accumulated water in the puddle and flying it, forming a water curtain in front of him that blocked his sight.

Unaware of it, Fujimiya broke through the water curtain and approached.

In the next moment, Yuanquan's hand, which had been stretched towards the back, was full of kinetic energy, and he struck out. His fist tore through the mist of the rain curtain, like a ray of light tearing apart the sky and earth in a chaotic world, and approached Fujimiya's face.


This punch tore apart the raindrops and shattered the rain curtain, but in the end it still stopped in front of Fujimiya.

The water stains pulled by the kinetic energy jumped over the fist and slapped on Fujimiya's face indiscriminately.

But compared to being hit directly by this punch, this result is already the best.

My dream finally arrived at the battlefield at a critical moment. At this moment, the sky, the earth, the ocean, and the giants carrying the three rays of light of the earth met for the first time on this corner of the road.

The guardians who were supposed to be the guardians of the earth against the destructive creatures and protect the earth, however, broke out a civil war under their respective persistence and ideas.

Even though the source only bears a weak part of the light of the sky, it is also the proof given by the earth, and the proof of his status as the guardian of the sky.

After carrying the light of the sky, Yuanquan understood why the light of the sky could not appear in the original work.

Differentiate the power of the land and the sea, for the earth, it is already a desperate struggle under the weight of the shattered body.

The concept of the sky is more complex, coupled with the wormhole technology of destroying the summoned body and the behavior of pulling monsters from the universe, it makes the concept of the sky even more blurred.

So although there is light in the sky, it is not enough to make a person a giant of light.

It's just a ray of light, a ray of proof.

But this ray of light is the most important and indispensable part for the earth, or for those who try to gather the three colors of light.

"Fujimiya, why did you appear here? Could it be..." The turbulent rain quickly wet my uniform and hair, and while the rain was falling down my face, I took a step forward and questioned The two who were fighting: "Could it be that you are already going to attack ordinary people?!"

"There must be a limit to innocence, my dream, do you think anyone is worthy of my meeting in person?"

"On this earth, besides you, there is only him." Looking directly at the rain-soaked fist in front of him, Fujimiya's gaze was still fixed on the circle without any diversion.

"Except for me, only him... what do you mean!" I'm not an idiot in Mengmeng, Fujimiya has already said it so clearly, how can he not figure out the tricks in me?
"You mean...the boss, Ultraman Nexus?" I Mengmeng swallowed, the news was so explosive that it made me dizzy for a while.

"I know what you're thinking. You thought that Nexus would be someone from Alchemy Star, a genius like you and me who carried the light of the earth, so you didn't think about him at all, yes No." Fujimiya said with certainty, because both his and my dreams had a common source.

My dream did not speak, but turned my questioning eyes to the source.

(End of this chapter)

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