Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 411 No way?No one really thinks that Lan Nai is only good for eating flat.

Chapter 411 No way?No one really thinks that Lanna is only worthy of being deflated, right? (Funny)
Digrob's huge body is even bigger than the meteorite that ruined the dinosaur era back then. It fell to the earth at cosmic speed and hit the sea or land, which would cause destructive power at the level of cleaning the surface.

Such destruction is absolutely unbearable for human beings.

But the XIG, who had nothing to do with Diglob's fall, could only let the Ultramans operate.

In fact, when Aguru came up with the solution, although the people in the air base thought it was absurd on the surface, and felt that the cost of doing so was too high, not many people thought that such a solution would not work.

Because in the final analysis, human beings are always the kind of creatures that can make choices at critical moments.

Wisdom is endowed with thinking, and thinking will weigh gains and losses, the weight between gains and losses and trade-offs, after all, the minority should lean towards the majority.

With the extinction and death of all creatures within 20 kilometers, in exchange for the safety of the entire earth, isn't this a choice that can be answered at a glance?
People may have sympathy for Tokyo, but it should be done, and human beings will still do it.

After all, there are very few people like my dream.

Looking at the whole earth, the innocence of my dreams is also rare.

The world is real, and the people who live in the real world are real.

No one would mind what Aguru did.

But if there are options, who wouldn't want them all?
Therefore, Nexus, who flew up to meet Digrob and tried to counter Diglob with his own strength, was placed high hopes by many people.

Although Aguru's approach is true, although it is also a helpless choice, the scenes that exist in fantasy are always beautiful fantasies of real people living in the real world.

And that fantasy, now someone is actually going to do it.

Using the power of Ultraman to shake Digrob, who fell from the universe, is not to defeat or blow up, but to force it to stop here. The energy level and personal strength required for this are very demanding.

But it is a coincidence that Lan Nai also has the existence of both.

"What's Digrob's speed now!" The Cool Dragons flew from a distance in an arrow formation, but they didn't dare to get really close to Nexus.

Judging the falling speed of Digrob through the radar, and following closely behind, is already the limit of what they can do.

"It's constantly falling. Keeping this falling speed, maybe... he can really do it." The captain of the cool dragon team, the heroic female captain-Daocheng Meihui, broadcast the information collected on the scene to the air base.

Those who felt it at close range could better understand how outrageous it would be for Nexus to resist Digrob's fall.

"The blue Nexus...is there a stronger existence than the red one?" The commander of the stone room was shocked by the power displayed by Nexus, but he was also surprised to find that Nexus could change colors, and After turning blue, the intensity is amazing.

At the same time, the space around the earth began to fluctuate abnormally. A life form existing in the high-dimensional space seized the opportunity, shook its tentacles and released electromagnetic waves, and began to cover Nexus.

The Quantum Streamline and the Reckoner whizzed past at the same time, Gaia and Aguru flew in from the ground one after the other, guarding the left and right sides of Nexus, avoiding the sneak attack of hyperspace fluctuating life forms .

Nowadays, outsiders can no longer intervene in the contest between Nexus and Digrob. The bodies of the two are wrapped in huge flames, and only some shadows can be seen in the firelight, and nothing else can be seen. .

Nexus' back broke through the clouds, and he rushed out of the stratosphere and came under the sky of the earth.

Looking from the back of Nexus, one can see that the island country, which is as small as a black dot, is gradually enlarging.

Even the city of Tokyo is gradually revealing itself.

Such a huge bolide fell from the sky, no one would not care about it, and no one would fail to see it.

People scramble to raise their heads, people become more and more afraid, and people believe more and more that this is a judgment issued by the earth for the destruction caused by the body!
"What's going on now?!" At the moment of crisis, Commander Shishi couldn't keep his composure any longer, and rushed directly behind Qiao Ji, his eyes fixed on the radar, and his hands were clenched secretly, as fast as his heart. .

The closer to the ground, the slower and slower the speed, first the gradually enlarged island country, and then the gradually enlarged city, until it finally landed at an altitude slightly less than 3000 meters above Tokyo, so that the people who are fleeing for their lives can see with their own eyes what is about to fall. Damn.

"It has been reduced to the basic speed!"

"The speed is less than 30 kilometers per hour!"

"It's about to touch the ground!"

A frenzied storm swept across the surroundings, and the fire tornado destroyed all buildings within 400 meters of Nexus in an instant.

It was the heat wave that fell from the clouds and surrounded Nexus' body due to friction. Such a small covering area was already the result of his contraction.

Otherwise, this blazing storm alone would be enough to burn the entire Tokyo.

Tapping his toes and landing slowly, Digrob's huge figure and Nexus' figure stood together in the urban area, his feet plowed a trajectory of 40 meters on the ground, and Nexus stood firmly Dang dragging Digrob's body, not even retreating.

If you look at it from a distance, you will find that this scene is very shocking.

Digrob, the size of an asteroid, casts a shadow large enough to cover a third of Earth.

Observed from the universe, it seems that there is an extra ball on the earth for no reason, like a tumor.

The whole of Japan is shrouded in shadow, and the distance between Digrob and the earth and the earth is only 56 meters.

And Nexus became the only existence linking the earth and Digrob.

He stands on the ground, supporting Digrob with both hands, just like a giant supporting the heaven and earth in mythology.

People stared dumbfounded at the existence of Digrob, and watching such an asteroid-like existence at such a close distance, perhaps this is also the most shocking thing in life for human beings.


Lowering his body slightly, he put Digrob on his back. Regardless of Diglob's roar, Nexus staggered forward, and Diglob, who was resisted by him, trembled for a few minutes at the same time. all over the earth.

The explosion of an asteroid-sized monster was unusual, and Nexus knew he couldn't eliminate Digrob here, so he chose a better plan.

Lowering his body to the extreme, Nexus suddenly raised his hand and threw Diglob up a bit. The next moment, the power of legend washed over his hands, and a huge vortex was generated under Nexus' feet.

Accompanied by his roar, the power of legend exploded violently, greatly increasing Nexus' strength in this second.


Raising his arm, he pushed Digrob back, and Nexus put all his energy into this punch, and he stepped forward with a punch, sending Diglob flying out of the earth.

The Storm Sword was already useless in this situation, Nexus raised his arms, and the legendary power popped out the wings in the rearrangement, releasing golden light particles that continuously escaped and flowed.

From a distance, it is full of machinery and special photography.

With the increase of legendary power, Light Arrow Storm has a carrier, and its power becomes stronger.

The ultimate guillotine condenses and turns into an arrow mounted on the bow of sparks.

Aiming at Digrob who was slowly leaving the earth, Nexus charged up slightly, and let go of the hand pulling the bowstring.

Ultimate - Spark Bow.

This is Lan Nai's combination nirvana, and it is also a unique ability in this form.What kind of power he has, Nexus has never been clear, because there are very few cases where he can use the legendary bow.

Today is also the first time it is used in actual combat.

The sparking arrows shot out together with the bow became larger in mid-air, and at the same time, the sky was shining brightly, as if echoing the power of the sky guardian, and they were fighting against Digrob together.

In the end, Diglob was pushed back into the stratosphere, where he exploded under the piercing damage of the Bow of Sparks, turning into endless flames, illuminating the entire Earth in an instant.

Gaia and Aguru united their hands and used the rotating shield at the same time. The light of the earth and the ocean echoed each other. Under the power of the two, the debris produced by the Diglob explosion was transferred by them hand in hand, separated and digested, making this huge The aftermath caused by the monster explosion is almost nothing.

The legendary bow retracted its wings and returned to the sides of its arms, turning it into legendary power again.

The gemstones on the bracelet are still the same, and the glow is old.

Nexus stands in the middle of the city, the blue fades, and the red spreads again. He is so relaxed that even the timer is still fully charged.

(End of this chapter)

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