Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 412 Who knows where the limit of the destructive body is?

Chapter 412 Who knows where the limit of the destructive body is?

"It has been confirmed that Diglob has been eliminated, and the crisis on the earth has been lifted." Dunzi's excited voice sounded, breaking the silent silence in the air base.

As her words fell, everyone cheered.

Tokyo doesn't have to be destroyed, the same earth can be safe and sound, everything is the best ending, who would not be happy about it?
"It's really powerful... It's a monster with a mass equivalent to that of an asteroid. It stopped it abruptly, without harming the earth at all. It can even be pushed backwards to kill it." Commander Shishi said in the While happy, she was also shocked by the power displayed by Nexus.

Gaia and Aguru want to use the power of monsters to destroy Digrob, which shows that they themselves have no ability to deal with Diglob.

And Nexus...

In fact, if Nexus destroyed Digrob, the Stone Chamber Commander would not have such a big reaction.

But Nexus is not destroying, but... it is stopping.

Looking at Nexus standing there, compared to Gaia, Nexus' position is not particularly biased towards humans. If there is a conflict between the two sides in the future battle, with the power of Nexus, humans... ...Do you really have the ability to start a war with him?


Although he knew that he was the Giant of Light and he should believe in him, Commander Shishi couldn't associate Nexus with Gaia anyway.

His heart is telling him that the choices of the two are different.

"There is a change in space. Something is observing the earth through the wormhole!" Qiao Ji's voice interrupted Shi Fu's inner thoughts, forcing him to focus on the big screen.

In the rippling space above the earth's sky, it seemed that something was trying its best to rush out, but it couldn't.

Dudu could only release all the cracks, tear open a small part of the Earth's defense line, and set his sights on Nexus.

Nexus, who blocked His plan and even took on all the crises on his own, this unexpected giant of light, would indeed become the biggest uncertain factor.

It was originally planned that even if Diglob couldn't hit the earth, it would kill the Renlong and destroy the dragon's veins.

If it doesn't work, it can intensify the conflict between Gaia and Aguru.In any case, it is a bloody situation.

As a result, Nexus came with a shoulder-resistant asteroid, which directly cut off all thoughts of the shattered summoned body, and made him completely silent.

The disillusionment caused the body to take a deep look at the giant in the sky, and if he wanted to deal with him, did he really have to let the dark giant take action?

However, under the layers of protection under the arrangement of the earth, Mephisto, who is proceeding cautiously and cautiously, if there is no accident, his arrival may be a long time later.

Of course, if the guardians of the earth are in a civil war, the collision between the light of the earth and the light of the earth is enough to severely damage the earth itself, and at that time the earth will be weakened to the limit, and it will no longer be able to prevent the invasion of the destroyer.

And what the shattered body has been doing is to divide the two giants and create conflicts and confrontations, in order to make them fight.

But can this plan still succeed now?
In the end, what was left to the body of the disillusioned body was the cheers of the people on the land of Tokyo who survived the catastrophe.

It's been a circle from the gate of hell but nothing happened. This kind of ups and downs in life really stimulates people's nerves.

Those with weaker psychological defenses even collapsed on the ground and wept with joy, sobbing and celebrating their survival.

These voices are the greatest irony in the ears of the broken body.

After Gaia and Aguru descended from the sky and wiped out Diglob's remnant body, they finally returned, but they were still shocked by Nexus' strength in their hearts.

That blue gesture...what the hell is it?
Can actually do such a thing?
It's too strong.

Gaia and Aguru didn't understand, but watching Nexus dissipate into a phantom, Gaia and Aguru also disappeared at the same time, and each returned to a human form.

The guardians who had returned to human form gathered together, but Womeng and Teng Gong rarely looked at each other, and felt somewhat frightened by the source standing alone on the opposite side.

"What is that blue posture?" After a long silence, I Meng couldn't bear the curiosity in my heart after all, and asked, "Is it the unique ability of Skylight? Or is it?"

"If you don't want what happened today to happen again, then work hard and work hard to become stronger." Turning around, Yuanquan didn't intend to explain the blue youth form.

Originally, he planned not to use the blue youth in Gaia time and space, but after all, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Now that the blue youth form is exposed, and one of the nirvana moves is used, the shattering summoned body may have to make corresponding adjustments for him.

Shattered Hopes Induced Response to Blue Youth's data collection was not overly detailed.

"With such power, why...why do you still passively guard? Why can't you take the initiative to attack?" Teng Gong gritted his teeth, although it seemed angry, but in fact he was disappointed with himself.

"Being able to summon Digrob that exists like an asteroid to hit the earth shows that the power of the Destroyer is absolutely extraordinary. We are the guardians. We can't find where the Destroyer is. We can only see the tricks." There are some words that I didn't say, that is, even if I find the body of shattering, so what?
As the ultimate boss of the third work of Heisei, the pit of the shattered summoned body is still unknown, and the source does not know where the limit of the shattered summoned body is.

"Seeing that I have such strength, do you still want to continue to do what you think is right?" After the two of them asked the question, Yuanquan also began to express his opinion.

"Teng Gong, in a few days I'll go find you to catch up on the old days, and have a good discussion. Are you yourself, or are you a puppet of the optical quantum computer Chrissys?"

"I know, even if I say that the optical quantum computer you trust has been hacked, or even controlled by the destroyer, you won't believe such a thing. Even if you check it, you won't find out why."

Stretching out his hand and clenching his fist in front of him, the source was as plain as water, but he pronounced his disposition against Teng Gong and the optical quantum computer: "So, I will do it for you and spare no effort to give Chrissis a big inspection."

"You said Chrisis was hacked? All the information conveyed to me was wrong?"

"Impossible! I am the one who created Chrissys, and it is impossible for Chrissys to be invaded!" Teng Gong's emotions became agitated visible to the naked eye, and the source was that he was denying everything he had always believed in. Teng Gong Absolutely unacceptable.

"Yeah, then why do you think that your ability is stronger than that of the Destroyer?" A simple sentence pierced Teng Gong's heart, making Teng Gong open his mouth, But I can't tell what's next.

"Is this what training can achieve?" After Teng Gong was speechless, Wo Meng also raised his question.

The strength of Nexus horrified him, but also made him yearn for it.

"As long as you put your heart into it, don't be afraid of suffering or tiredness, and persevere to the end, you can do it." Yuanquan gave a thumbs up, and the success of the nonsense that came out of his mouth filled my dream with energy, and I even couldn't wait to start special training immediately.

It is true that he was fooled into it.

(End of this chapter)

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