Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 416 He came here to fight, can I still satisfy him?

Chapter 416 He even ran here to beat him, how can I not satisfy him? (For the big kryptonist Yan Ze to add more)

Under the guidance of Saori, Teng Gong also came to the open space in the back mountain along the path.

He came at just the right time, and both Yuanquan and Womeng had canceled their transformations. It is understandable to have a proper discussion while ensuring that their energy is full and will not affect the second transformation to fight.

The earth is not peaceful now. Both Gaia and Nexus must ensure that they have enough energy to deal with it. Otherwise, the energy consumption will be serious. Putting hope on Teng Gong is completely unreliable .

The creaking sound of stepping on the dead wood and fallen leaves rang in my ears. Yuanquan and I Meng followed our line of sight and saw the figure of Teng Gong walking in.

"I have checked Chrisis carefully, and there is nothing wrong with it. What you said is simply nonsense." Teng Gong stayed aside and said such words, indicating that after returning to the Institute of Earth Will, Not really doing nothing.

As for the source, Chrissy had been tampered with and controlled by others. Teng Gong searched carefully, but found nothing.

In this world, there is nothing that can be hidden from him. Teng Gong has this confidence, so he feels that Chrisis has nothing wrong.

On the contrary, he felt that Yuanquan was talking nonsense, and he was simply fooling him.

As a genius, Teng Gong is extremely confident in himself.

But it was precisely this self-confidence that was the reason why Shattering attracted his body and determined him.

"Have you checked Chrissy?" Yuanquan asked rhetorically.

"That's right, I didn't check the situation you mentioned at all, you are lying to me!" Teng Gong clenched his fists, suppressing his inner anger, being deceived by the successor of the Giant of Light, Teng Gong Gong's heart was full of anger.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was still a trace of will in his mind, knowing that he was definitely not Yuanquan's opponent, Teng Gong would have already gone up to beat someone.

"You don't think that you have been ignorant of the changes in Chrissys for so many years. After I remind you, you can find out the difference?" Yuanquan put his hands on his knees, and he stood up and brushed The dead leaves on his body said in a leisurely manner.

"Your self-confidence is that you can't find out the root cause of Chrisis' tampered will."

"Are you trying to say that I'm a waste?" Teng Gongqi's face was almost distorted, and he tried his best to restrain his emotions, but now he can't help it anymore.

"Isn't it?" Yuanquan seemed to feel that the stimulation was not enough, and added fuel to the fire: "In the eyes of the shattered body, you can't find anything, what is it if you are not a waste?"

"Everything you did, under the guidance of the Destroyer, became a knife in the hands of the Destroyer, slashing at your planet, this earth!"

"Shut up!" Teng Gong couldn't bear it any longer, and directly raised his hand to release the power of Aguru in the sapphire cone. Aguru's blue figure stood tall in the rush of the blue light like a waterfall. Above the earth, huge and sacred.

"Until the Yellow River, you will never die. I will let you understand the gap between Ultraman and Ultraman." With a cold snort, Yuanquan directly pulled out the evolution trustee. Although there was some energy consumption, it was harmless. Agulu at this stage is also enough.

In the next moment, a red ball of light soared into the sky and escaped into the sky.

Seeing this, Aguru immediately opened his arms and went after the red ball.

He will never let this brazen guy go.

"Boss! Teng Gong!" I really couldn't figure out why such a conflict broke out between the two in just a few words.

He subconsciously raised the sapphire cone and wanted to transform, but was stopped by a voice sent by a burst of telekinetic power.

"No need to transform, come with your EX number, I will let Teng Gong understand what it means to rein in the horse!" Yuanquan's voice sounded in my dream's mind, and it also cut off my dream of transforming.

Looking at the big footprints belonging to Aguru in front of me, I Meng gritted my teeth, turned around and ran towards the Geo Base.

The gigantic figure of Aguru is flying in the sky, chasing a red ball, such a movement cannot be hidden from the air base.

It's just that after the screen was brought up, everyone couldn't figure out what the red ball that Aguru was chasing was.

But the commander of the stone room still made the Lightning team stand by. Once the red ball that Aguru was chasing showed the appearance of a monster, he would immediately let the Lightning team attack.

After flying across the sky for a long distance, the red ball fell from the sky and landed on an isolated island.

The red ball that hit the ground dissipated its luster, revealing its original appearance.

The red figure of Nexus squatted on the ground, and the next moment, Aguru's familiar explosive falling sounded behind Nexus, which also represented the arrival of Aguru.

"It's Nexus?" Seeing that it was Nexus, Commander Shishi let go of the Lightning team's attack.

But Aguru is chasing Nexus, what's the situation?
Could it be that there was some dispute between these two Ultramans protecting the earth?

"Are they... going to fight?" Staff Officer Chiba said with some uncertainty, mainly because the two Ultra fighters on the big screen looked completely opposite.It's hard not to think that a conflict between the two is about to break out.

Before the other people in the air base had time to answer, Aguru on the screen directly raised his hand and released the palm cursor towards Nexus.

At the same time, he himself also strode forward, and after stepping out of the mud all over the sky, he rushed straight away with astonishing momentum.

Nexus turned around, swept across with the Nexus weapon, and scattered the cursor on his palm.At the same time, Nexus raised his hand, gathered powerful light energy in his hand, and waved out a feather of particles.

Aguru maintained a running posture and took off, avoiding Nexus' attack and kicking towards Nexus in mid-air with a flying kick.

Nexus dodged sideways, raised his foot at the same time, and kicked Aguru from bottom to top, but was blocked by Aguru's hands lying in front of him.

And Aguru used this force to maintain the tendency of his body to fall, and successfully made himself farther away, and his feet stood firmly on the ground.

Aguru's lightsaber was transformed into another hand, turned around, and slashed down, the movement was done in one go.

And Nexus used the Nexus weapon to resist Aguru's wrist, forcing the sword to fail to fall.And the Nexus weapon in the other hand that was left vacated across Aguru's waist, shooting out a large number of sparks.

Under the severe pain, Aguru couldn't help taking a few steps back, kneeling on the ground with his hands on his waist.

With the sharpness of Nexus' weaponry, it would definitely not feel good to be hit like this.

Nexus turned around slowly, and in the short handover battle, Nexus had completely gained the upper hand.

After obtaining the light of the sky, Nexus transformed into a red youth instead of a child.

It seems that it has been sufficiently evolved, so that the juvenile Nexus is gone forever.

And the red youth has become the basic form.

There is nothing wrong with such a result, after all, the red youth is Nexus' favorite gesture.

The strong will made Aguru endure the pain and forcefully stand up. The pain in the waist and abdomen remained the same, but it could not change his will to fight.

After all, Aguru, apart from being aggressive, is most famous for his body with a very high injury resistance rate.

(End of this chapter)

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