Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 417 Aguru!real man!

Chapter 417 Aguru!real man! (This is a chapter that was owed by Wan Reward last time, so I added it)
Aguru endured the pain and stood up, not to mention how much combat power he still has, but Nexus has no plans to fight a life-and-death battle with Aguru, who is the light of the sky on the earth.

So he didn't use the light of the sky, but blocked the light of the sky at this moment, and fought Aguru with the power of himself as an Ultra warrior and as an outsider's giant of light.

In this way, the collision between them is no wonder the dispute of the light of the earth.

Even in the end, there will be no collision between Gaia and Agur that would cause great damage to the earth.

Temporarily abandoning his identity as the guardian of the sky, Nexus suddenly felt that the sky of this planet had become strange, not only the sky, but even the land under his feet had become very strange now.

It is no longer the previous one, as long as you stand on the ground, you can feel the pulse from the ground.

Those whispers that have been silent for millions of years have now turned into whispers that no one can hear.

Aguru rubbed his hands in circles, gathering spiral sea-blue rays of light, which gradually gathered toward his chest to form a blue light ball, releasing a unique and mysterious aura.

Liquidator, Altman Aguru's nirvana in v1 form is second only to photon smasher.

Although it is a sphere, its power is not only the same as that of Gogaia's Quantum Streamline, but also has a better record than Quantum Streamline.

After all, quantum streamline has a nickname called deflated streamline.

How this nickname came about, I can only say that I understand everything.

In comparison, the liquidator is simply a miracle.

Gathering his hands together, the liquidator was pushed out by Aguru, dragging his blue tail and galloping all the way towards Nexus.

This move showed that Aguru really came with the intention of killing, so Nexus was not polite, and spread his hands in front of him to form a ripple shield to resist the liquidator.

With the strength of the liquidator, it was still unable to break through the protection of the corrugated shield, and the blue sphere kept rotating, but it was still unable to break through this thin layer.

In the end, the Reckoner sent out a big explosion, and the blue sphere exploded completely, and the breath of the ocean splashed everywhere, flooding the area where Nexus was.

Aguru waited wholeheartedly for the follow-up, and did not launch a pursuit.

The people at the air base who watched the whole process through the images sent by the satellite also expressed concerns about the safety of Nexus.

After all, it is another Ultraman's nirvana.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the looming figure of Nexus emerged behind the smoke and dust. He raised one hand high and faced the sky without saying a word. After absorbing the light energy of the liquidator, he accumulated his power in the Nexus arm , is already gaining momentum at this moment.

With one hand down, the power gathered on the Nexus arm is about to explode, turning into a pure white energy ray, cutting through the air, and becoming the only one linking each other.

In his haste, Aguru only had time to cross his hands in front of him, blocking Nexus' blow that had accumulated light energy.

Although he blocked it, he didn't completely block it. Aguru, who was forced to back away, let out a long shout, his arms glowed with silver-blue light, and his crossed arms tore apart the attack in front of him, breaking it.

But what followed was a series of changing positions of the red figure, which made it impossible for Aguru to distinguish the real from the fake afterimages.

PS: The key is that I didn't remember who gave the reward for a while.
In the middle of his thoughts, Nexus suddenly appeared behind Aguru, put his hands through Aguru's armpit to lock him, and then flew straight to the sky.

During Aguru's struggle, Nexus made a sudden turn and flew downside down. Amid Aguru's uncontrollable anger, Nexus penetrated heavily into the ground.

Nexus flew out with a back spin, and slowly floated from mid-air to the ground.

As for Aguru, the upper half of his body came into close contact with the ground, and at this moment he was still a little dizzy and couldn't tell the direction.

Nexus was determined to put an end to this battle. He had already released a lot of water, and he hadn't used the Storm Sword at all.

But even so, it is enough to face Aguru in v1.

Slightly lowering the body, the full light energy began to converge towards the calf, and the golden arc was linked with the slight brilliance, and the leg armor began to spread upward, covering the entire calf to the knee.

Youyuan's mysterious characters appeared on the leg armor, looming in the flickering arc, not very clear.

The lowered body is continuously accumulating strength, which is also giving Fujimiya a chance.

Shaking his head and finally getting out of the dazed state, Aguru suddenly noticed a powerful force not far away that was accumulating energy.

Realizing that this light energy has been accumulated for a long time, Aguru straightened his body, ready to receive it.

Nexus roared angrily, and after a few steps, he took off from his forward running figure, and flew straight up to a height of 1000 meters. A flying kick shining with electric arcs and flames descended from the sky, falling rapidly.

Not to be outdone, Aguru also concentrated the light of the ocean on his feet. If the light energy accumulated in a short period of time is not enough, then use the energy of the photon smasher as well.

Agulu, who was exuding sea-blue light all over his body, leaped in mid-air, jumped off the ground, and faced Nexus head-on with his kicking skills from bottom to top.

The two sides contacted in an instant, and a powerful explosion erupted in midair, rumbling like the sound of thunder resounding through the universe.

The next moment, Nexus' single-leg armor covering his knees fell off, and he turned his body from mid-air and landed perfectly.

And Aguru fell from the center of gravity of the explosion, and fell heavily on the ground.

His blue body fell to the ground, kicking up mud and gravel all over the sky, and the oscillating ripples swept across the surroundings, and the shock was strong.

Aguru groaned in pain, and raised his hand to grab something, but he had to disappear into a phantom when the timer beeped on his chest, and turned back into a human body again.

Nexus, who was facing away from Aguru, also disappeared in the phantom, as if the previous battle between the two behemoths was just an illusion.

"Send the seagull team to search the island immediately, and the swordfish team to help." Commander Shishi couldn't figure out the reason for the two Ultraman's development, but it was necessary to investigate the scene.

Why did you fight?Or where it went after disappearing, all these need to be verified.

Captain Tsutsumi immediately went to execute it, and Staff Chiba raised questions as usual: "Just now, was the blue Ultraman defeated?"

"It seems so, but we still don't understand what the reason for the battle between Ultraman is." Commander Shishi nodded with a sigh. Always just guesswork.

"Maybe it's because of each other's positions?" Qiao Ji interjected at this time, expressing her own opinion: "Whether it's Gaia, Aguru, or Nexus, none of what they did was wrong. Repeated."

"In other words, the will of the three Ultramans is different."

"We humans will fight because we can't understand others, and maybe Ultraman is the same."

"You mean to say that Ultraman is also human?" Commander Shishi asked back.

"No, maybe not human beings, but I think they are also intelligent creatures. Although we still can't understand what Ultraman is, they can communicate, communicate with us, and are fighting for the earth, I think This way, it should be enough." Tunzi followed Qiao Ji's words to add his own opinion.

"Communication is the first element of conveying friendship, and behavior is the first criterion for releasing one's position. They have proved themselves with their actual actions, that's right." Commander Shishi certainly understood what Qiao Ji and Dunzi said, but he just thought about it for a while. can come up with an answer.

"It's just, do we understand Gaia, or all the giants?" Staff Officer Chiba expressed his own question, and this question, even Commander Shishi, couldn't answer it.

Because the complexity of Nexus and Aguru is not as pure as Gaia.

(End of this chapter)

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