Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 418 Now you finally understand what I'm talking about

Chapter 418 Now You Finally Understand What I'm Saying (Close Your Fist)

How could he be so powerful, no, why is he so powerful?

I didn't get any advantage from him at all, and I was suppressed from the beginning to the end.

Even if there was a counterattack for a while, a stronger attack followed, which made it difficult for him to bear.

Struggling to stand up among the rubble and ruins, but was beaten back to the human body state, Fujimiya suffered great damage.He was severely injured, and he would not be able to stand up for a while, even if he tried his best, he could only climb a little farther.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and the creaking sound of stepping on the soil echoed in Fujimiya's ears. In the faint, the guy who had hammered himself back to the human body state, just put his hands in his belt, leisurely came over.

"Are you here to laugh at me? Nexus!" Fujimiya did not raise his head as he struggled to support his body.He didn't want to look up at the source with this attitude, it would make him feel ashamed and an indelible insult.

"Don't think too much, if I think about it, then you should be a dead man by now." The atomic flying kick didn't use all its strength, which is also Yuanquan's mercy.

Aguru is by no means his opponent, this must have been clear to him from the very beginning.

"Don't say it as if you can take my life at any time, if you win, then kill me, otherwise I will never let you go!" Fujimiya scratched the dirt on the ground angrily, with the fingers between his nails Already covered with dirt.

"You fooled me, you lied to me, you treated me like a clown, you just..."

"In normal times, you can't listen to people's words at all, and I don't think you will think that there is something wrong with Chrissys. In order to avoid you making trouble later, it is better to let you lie on your stomach now." He said, Yuanquan stopped in front of Fujimiya, squatted down and grabbed Fujimiya's shoulder.

"Since you think there is nothing wrong with Chrissy, then go and have a look with me."

"I believe it won't take long."

"Yuan!!!" Grasping Yuanquan's ankle, Fujimiya uttered angrily, his anger was unbearable.

As if he didn't hear it, Yuanquan pulled him up by the collar of Fujimiya. Under the latter's resentful eyes, the life-sized Nexus appeared again, and activated the skill passed down from Tiga -Teleport.

In an instant, from the isolated island in the sea, he came to the Institute of Earth Will, which is the holy place of Aguru.

Even with one person, it is not a problem for Nexus to protect Fujimiya with light energy.

With the timer still full, Nexus canceled his transformation and returned to his human form.

At the same time, he also threw Fujimiya out, smashed through the gate of the institute, and let Fujimiya collapse inside in a state of embarrassment.

Yuanquan stepped into it. It was the first time he came to this research institute, which is also the holy place of Aguru. Here, Yuanquan heard the voice of the earth more clearly.

After he was released from his transformation, he shouldered the responsibility of the guardian of the sky, and he listened to the ocean in a place where he could perfectly listen to the voice of the earth.

"So that's why he found you, not you who chose him."

"Is that so, the countless geniuses on Alchemy Star were born because you lifted the restrictions. As a genius, Fujimiya found you along this road, and became the guardian of the ocean logically?"

"Do you know that Chrissy is passive? But Fujimiya can't hear what you are saying?"

"Is that so, Claude... the guy who betrayed you?"

Yuanquan with his eyes closed was saying something to himself, but this made Fujimiya's eyes widen a lot, because he knew what it meant.

He once had such a brief experience, but he was kicked out before he could do anything.

Since then, he has never had a dialogue with the will of the earth.

Even so, he thought he was already the best of mankind, the chosen one who could hear the will of the earth.

But now, the source can directly talk to the will of the earth, and what is even the scene of listening to the earth?
Could it be that he is really right?
Is it an emissary who is more favored by the earth than himself?

"The lesson is enough? Let him lead him on the right path?" After casting a glance at Teng Gong, who was like a dead dog, he stopped howling so much after all. For confident people, it is an absolute hit.

"You are the will of this planet. Of course I will not violate it. After all, we are all guardians and Ultraman." Yuanquan shrugged and accepted the task given to him by the will of the earth.

And then, in Agur Holy Land, the gleaming light from the pool reaching the center of the earth gradually disappeared.

"Why...why did such a thing happen? In your eyes, I am not no at all. In fact, I am." Teng Gong, who has always regarded himself as the chosen one, will definitely not be able to deal with it no matter how big the blow is. This blow came big.

The depressed mood visible to the naked eye made his energy and energy quickly slump.

"Okay, don't act like you're going to die, it's not too late to wake up." Yuanquan interrupted Teng Gong's self-pity, and added: "Did you hear what you just said, Claude, this person You should still have an impression."

"The member of Alchemy Star, the biggest hero who helped me develop Chrisis, what does it have to do with him?" Teng Gong asked.

"He betrayed the alchemy star, he betrayed the earth, and he tampered with the program of Chrissies at the beginning of Chrisses' design, making it a part of the destruction recruiting body." Yuanquan doesn't remember Gaia's story too well Clearly, Claude, if he hadn't been ordered by the will of the earth, he really wouldn't have remembered it.

"Before Alchemy Star was established, he had already taken refuge in the Destroyer Entity."

"Claude tampered with Chrissis's program? Why did I?" Teng Gong subconsciously wanted to say why he couldn't check it out, but he suddenly remembered that when he designed Chrissis, he just A general direction and a procedure were given, and other follow-up work was done with the help of other members of Alchemy Star.

The part that Claude is in charge of is the crucial circuit board of Chrissy.

It can also be said to be the backbone of Chrissys, the most core position except the chip.

Claude betrayed humans?Take refuge in the body of the shattered recruit?
What is he trying to figure out!

"You quit Alchemy Star, maybe you don't know that after Ultraman Gaia appeared, Claude has lost contact with Alchemy Star, and no one can contact him." Yuanquan shook his head, This information is not known by Teng Gong who has quit.

Sitting at home like an otaku, what can he know?
"No, I don't believe it. If it's all true, I want to witness it with my own eyes. I'm going to find Claude!" If it was the source before, Teng Gong wouldn't listen to a word, but after experiencing The source of dialogue with the will of the earth, Teng Gong is no longer so hostile to the source.

In his eyes, Yuanquan is a more qualified guardian of the earth than he is, able to directly listen to the will of the earth.

A genius even more talented than him.

"What if you can't find it?" Yuanquan asked back: "The earth can't afford to wait for your procrastination."

"Half a month, if I can't find Claude within half a month, I will personally remove Chrissys' motherboard!" This is undoubtedly equivalent to destroying Chrissys, but in order to seek Take an answer, Teng Gong is willing to do so.

Even if his heart is pierced.

"You trust me now?" Yuanquan said.

"I don't believe in you. I believe in the earth. I believe that people who can listen to the voice of the earth will not lie for no reason." Although his nose is bruised and his face is swollen, Teng Gong is more like a person now than before.

"I want to join Alchemy Star again, and find out all the people who participated in the design of Chrissis back then!!"

(End of this chapter)

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