Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 421: The Enemy of Reprints: Dark Lops-Siro

Chapter 421: The Enemy of Reprints: Dark Lops-Siro
"Mechanical lifeform..." The broken part where electric sparks and overflowing electric currents were shining, and the wires exposed the internal structure, was enough to explain his identity to the world.

This is not Ultraman, but a mechanical life form created by imitating Ultraman.

"Who on earth is capable of creating such a perfect and powerful mechanical life form?" Director Di also exclaimed. The existence of Ultraman itself is incredible, but now someone can imitate Ultraman. The power to create the same mechanical life form.

Is it another good thing that the disillusionment provokes the body to do?

Or is it that the body of the shattered summoner has already controlled such a powerful force?

The shattered recruit who was also watching strongly did not know that he had been blamed on his head. Now that there is any battle about Nexus, he will start to observe, and then make a decision based on Nexus' ability. Adjust, so as to make the metal life form more in line with Nexus himself, rather than specious.

Let's show that blue figure again for the world to see. As long as it is shown a few more times, and more power is exposed, the Destroying Invited Body will be able to cultivate a more perfect existence that is closer to the main body.

Unaware of how shocking the exposed wound on his thigh was, Dark Lopsero's one-eyed quickly analyzed the energy level of Nexus' previous move, and described it for Emperor Caesarbelia. The database, also has the introduction of this trick.

And Dark Lopes Sero also discovered that in order to deal with this move, Emperor Caesarbelia deliberately used the energy of the Esmeralda ore to construct a mysterious vein for himself.

These metals are mixed in various parts of the body, which can effectively resist the occurrence of atomic splitting.

Nexus raised his arms high, with one hand aimed at the sky and the other retracted on his abdomen. The blade of the Storm Sword shone brightly under the sunlight, and then he slashed down.

The whistling sword energy galloped out with powerful force.

Crescent Shockwave finally got a chance to play, instead of just living in the settings as before.

Quickly judging that this move was unresistable, Dark Lopes Sero immediately fled, and the body that was rapidly strengthened made him burst out with powerful strength at this moment, dangerously and dangerously at the corner of the crescent shock wave skimming.

Just a little bit, he was about to be enveloped by the crescent moon shock wave.

Hit by such an attack, Dark Lopes Sero was quite sure that he would be forcibly turned into a pile of parts.

At the moment of escaping the crisis, the dark Lopsero who was still in mid-air immediately released Emelim Cut.

But this time it was released from the pure white one eye, maybe it can be called Cyclops again.

After all, for Dark Lopes Sero, the milky white ones are his eyes.

Nexus wanted to dodge this attack, but he suddenly found that the Earth Will Institute was not far from his back.If he escapes here, it is self-evident what the end of the institute will be like.

So Nexus did not retreat, but stretched out the corrugated shield with both hands in front of him, blocking the blow from Dark Lopsero.

This is much more powerful than Aimelim's cutting. While taking this move, Nexus couldn't help but take half a step back.

This half-step retreat is proof that Dark Lopes Sero has shown his own strength.

Although it is an imitation, he certainly has the ability to fight against the deity.

Quickly browsing the database, Dark Lopes Sero obtained Nexus's next response method through the information of Emperor Caesarbelia, so he immediately stopped using the Aimerim cut, and his hands Intertwined, the ice axes above the head attacked together, double-teaming Nexus from left to right.

Just as he was about to put the Nexus weapon on the shield to absorb the ability to launch a surprise counterattack, the Dark Lopsero stopped attacking at this moment, making Nexus breathless.

His hand almost touched the back of the shield!

The shield opened by both hands was revoked by Nexus, and he used the storm sword with both hands again, and at the same time as cutting down the ice ax, Nexus released an eight-point light wheel, preparing to reenact the previous battle.

But if you can't kill it with one blow, the battle is endless.

With this in mind, Nexus immediately made up his mind and began to go all out.

It looks like Hongna can't win, but is she really?
Nexus' attack, Dark Lopsero couldn't bear it, and the idea of ​​opening Lan Nai the first time he encountered a difficult enemy in battle was absolutely unacceptable.

How to limit the ice ax of Dark Lopes Sero, this is the importance of the problem.

Even though the two ice axes that look like floating cannons need to be manipulated by Dark Lopes Sero, Dark Lopes Sero is equivalent to having two extra helpers for no reason.

But with the sharpness of the ice axe, Nexus would not want to feel that kind of feeling when he was scratched by this thing.

The eight-point light wheel caught up with Ice Ax one after another, and once again caused Ice Ax to temporarily lose contact with Dark Lopes Sero in the explosion. Seizing this opportunity, Nexus ignited flames all over his body, and strode straight to the meteor. Dark Lopes Sailo left.

In this state, he is not only a precursor to launching the Ultra Bomb, but also able to obtain an increase in all attributes in this short period of time.

Although the time is short, even just one second is the best time to attack.

"Can you catch those two things?" In the air base, Commander Shishi looked at Womeng, who was recalled urgently, frantically operating in front of the console. Feeling that the situation was difficult, he couldn't help asking.

"The speed of movement is not too fast, but those two things are completely controlled by the mechanical giant, and the trajectory of their movements is unpredictable at all, and there is no trajectory at all." I dreamed of calculating the trajectory of the ice ax, sweating profusely.

But what does Dark Lopes Sero think, how can I know in my dream?
It's too uncertain, I'm tired of dealing with it, and it's hard to give orders to the Lightning team.

Of course, he actually knew better not to get involved in such a battle, because Team Lightning's fighter planes were particularly vulnerable in front of such an ice axe.

"Is there any other way?" Staff Officer Qianye couldn't help but speak out.

"According to the satellite data, Nexus has always kept the battle site in the mountainous area, but there are still small towns." Qiao Ji's fingers moved fast, and the more times like this, the more she can reflect her superb Level.

"If the lock is unlocked, let us shoot with our intuition?" Captain Kajio's voice sounded.

"Don't mess around with me. There is no such thing as intuition or intuition at this time." Captain Dicheng reprimanded severely: "There is no [-]% certainty, and no risk is allowed to be taken lightly!"

"Those two things are under the control of the mechanical giant. If you can't aim at that, you can only attack that giant." In the end, I Meng gave up the idea of ​​finding out the law of the ice ax's movement trajectory, and turned to the signs. Placed in Dark Lopes Sero itself.

Secretly, he couldn't help holding the sapphire cone.

If it wasn't for the situation, he really wanted to transform into a battle.

"Lightning team, aim at the mechanical giant and launch an attack immediately!" Commander Shishi ordered immediately.

"Understood!" x3
The Lightning team, who had been waiting for a long time, was gearing up and eager to try.

It is not their style to wait and do nothing. They have held back for a long time in order to wait for this order to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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