Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 422 Destroy the body: I ​​dream of high mountains! ! !

Chapter 422 Destroy the body: I ​​dream of high mountains! ! !

Team Lightning joins the fray, heading straight for Dark Lopes Sero.

Their targets were very accurate, and they were arranged in an arrow formation. Captain Kajio led the way, and the three planes released red light at the same time, hitting the back of Dark Lopes Sero accurately.

Although it didn't cause much damage, Dark Lopes Sero's movements were stagnant. Then, the two ice axes were controlled by Dark Lopes Sero again, and rushed towards Team Lightning roaring.


Facing such a tracking thing for the first time, the three members of Team Lightning were fully prepared and tried to help each other shoot down the ice ax in their respective dances.

But the ice ax manipulated by Dark Lopes Sero is almost equivalent to doing whatever the Dark Lopes Sero wants, and the ice ax can work as it wants, so that the tactics that the Lightning team prepared at the beginning could not work.

The power of the plane was fully pulled up, and it was very embarrassing to be chased.

On the side of the operator of the main control, the pounced figure grabbed the arm of Dark Lopes Sero, and forcibly pressed his arm down. Taking a few steps back, he caught the impact of Nexus.

What followed was a red fist hitting Dark Lopes Sero's face, forcibly disrupting his spreading thought power, thus forcing Dark Lopes Sero to be unable to operate the ice axe.

One punch wasn't enough, and Nexus added several punches one after another, all of which hit the face of Dark Lopus Sero.

And in the last punch, it was full of light energy, and even used the electric light fist to suppress the hand that Dark Lopes Sailo stretched out to try to stop him. Luo's face.

The sparks of the explosion swelled fiercely, dotted with a moment of brightness, and the dark Lopsero stepped back a few steps and knelt on the ground, covering his face with his head bowed, and he had no intention of getting up for a while.

Nexus withdrew his fist and put on a vigilant posture. He knew that Dark Lopsero still had an ultimate nirvana that he hadn't used, which was enough to reverse the entire dimension and cause the universe to distort, creating a dimensional gap in the chaotic universe. Dimensional Distortion Cannon.

And the core of that thing exists in the timer of Dark Lopsero, that is, under his steel plate that looks like a soft armor.

Want to use it here?Dark Lopes Sero.

"Emperor Caesar evaluated the data for me, saying that it is impossible for me to defeat you. It seems that His Majesty has a clear understanding of my strength." Young and flamboyant, the voice of Dark Lopes Sero is deeper and more stable.

"Emperor? Is it Caesar Belial? That guy, is he still alive?" Nexus asked back.

"Hmph, the body that can really defeat you must be on the way. I believe that is the opponent you are most afraid of encountering." Dark Lopsero stood up, and was knocked off his face. A large piece of skin exposed the inner metal structure.

The emerald energy of the Esmeralda ore flows in the body of Dark Lopsero, providing him with continuous power.

"But before that, I want to prove myself one last time!" As soon as the words fell, Dark Lopes Sero directly used his big move, the soft armor on his chest was opened, and the timer that was just an ornament was retracted, replaced by It is a muzzle, a cannon with deep and dark dimensional energy.

This is also the future, the predecessor of Beria's dimensional bomb that destroyed the world before Ultraman Gedde TV.

There's no way Nexus could just sit back and watch him unleash his ult, especially one with a fully charged ult.

Throwing out the cross storm, Nexus decided to act first and blew up the Dark Lopsero.

But the Dark Lopes Sero jumped into the sky, and just avoided the cross storm's shooting.

Suspended in mid-air, the Dimensional Cannon began to slowly rotate to store energy, and behind the dark Lopsero, there were layers of ripples in the space.

That is the proof that the dimensional core of Dark Lopes Sero is absorbing the power of this universe and using it for launch.

It doesn't matter if the cross storm is empty, Nexus is about to go up and beat him down, but at the same time, the voice of Dark Lopsero rang faintly.

"Is it really good to let it go? They are about to be caught up by the ice axe."

Nexus turned around suddenly in surprise, and suddenly realized that under the pursuit of the ice axe, the Lightning team's plane was already very dangerous.

The distance between the two sides is constantly getting closer. Once touched, the Lightning team will definitely be wiped out.

Is it to stop the bombardment of the dimension cannon, or is it to save the Lightning team?
This was the choice given to Nexus by Dark Lopes Sero, but unfortunately, he didn't know that Nexus hated doing this kind of multiple choice questions the most in his life.

The light particles were condensed with one hand, and the fist was suddenly punched out in the glow. The space particles in the Meta field hit the Lightning team Kajio's plane in an instant, and the diffused space particles formed a barrier, linking the Lightning team's planes together, and directly They are taken into another world.

After completing this, Nexus turned around abruptly, folded his hands in front of him, the intertwined currents diffused each other, and then drew his right hand down and raised it to the side, and then pressed it against the elbow of his left hand to form an "L" shape.

At the same time, the spiral bombardment of the dimensional cannon rushed straight down, and the entrained dimensional energy tore apart the barriers of space, causing a trace of cracks.

"Fortunately, I've caught up!" The air base wouldn't have been watching the show from the very beginning until now. From the moment Dark Lopes Sero showed the dimensional cannon, my dream in the air base immediately started to crack this thing.

Due to time constraints, he even contacted Daniel of Alchemy Star to share the information, and asked all members of Alchemy Star to help him analyze the composition and energy of the Dimensional Cannon.

Under the concerted efforts, the function and countermeasures of the Dimensional Cannon were quickly analyzed, and I dreamed to drive the EX to prepare for departure.

And the huge logistics of the air base has also become the guarantee that the idea of ​​Alchemy Star can be realized.

Gama, who was mounted on the EX and driving the attack, came to the scene at the last moment.

So don't look at how lively the fight was before, but in fact the time has not been too short.

The high efficiency of the air base and the solidarity of the alchemy stars are also necessary factors to achieve this miracle.

"Anti-dimensional ray, launch!"

At the moment when the ultimate light-torrent and the dimensional cannon were about to come into contact with each other, I Meng pressed the button, and the device mounted under the EX released a green light, which hit at the same time as the ultimate light-torrent.

It was supposed to be enough to cause a space shock level, but it became calm with the addition of this beam of light from my dream.

Even the ultimate light-torrent ripped through the bombardment of the dimensional cannon all the way, and formed a crushing posture within five seconds of the front and rear stalemate. The ultimate light-torrent directly hit the dark Lopsero.

In the latter's mournful wailing, his body was decomposed and melted by the light, and his whole body turned into blue light particles, passing away with the wind.

The space is stable as usual, without any vibrations or cracks, all this is due to the light beam emitted by my dream.

It was he who neutralized the dimensional energy, causing the situation that was supposed to be a stalemate against the wave to become one-sided.

Because there is an opposite force melting the dimensional energy, completely reducing the power of the entire shelling to a minimum.

Such a result is what Nexus wants, what I want in my dream, and what the earth wants.

But it is by no means what the disillusionment invites the body to want.

The shattered summoner accurately sensed the damage that Dark Lopsero's final attack would cause, and fully knew that once that attack was achieved, a large crack would be torn open in the earth's space.

And that crack was his opportunity.

That crack was big enough to allow Zorlim to pass through, and even destroy the army of incoming bodies!
As long as the dimensional cannon can blast out, it's fine, as long as the space can be split.

Watch the launch of the Dimensional Cannon with your own eyes.

Watching Nexus confront this attack with his own eyes.

Witnessing with his own eyes that he is about to have a chance to come to earth because of this unexpected guy.

Undoubtedly, it is lucky to invite the body, and it is also what He desires very much.

But Gao Shan Womeng flew a plane and came to the scene with the device made by the alchemy star and the air base, which directly caused the joyful disillusionment to attract the body, and slowly collapsed until it became Sima's face.

Space crack?

Dimensional scars?

Take a look at the blue sky, white clouds, wind and sunshine, does it look like those things appear?
Not to mention that the will of the earth immediately closed the door after the war, and directly closed the door for him.

Disillusionment provokes the hatred in the body!
Alpine my dream!

I sympathize with you fairy!
(End of this chapter)

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