Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 434 Every scientist will pursue power in the end, right?

Chapter 434 Every scientist will pursue power in the end, right?

Now that Commander Shishi has seen everything, no matter how much he conceals it, it is meaningless to him.

As the commander of the air base, his wisdom should not be underestimated, especially because Commander Shishi was the first human being to perceive the ins and outs of the entire plan to destroy the summoning body, so his resourcefulness needless to say.

But even so, My Dream and Yuanquan definitely didn't plan to reveal their identities here, but came to a safe house under the leadership of Commander Shishi.

For a room like this, Commander Shishi has prepared a lot. It was all the preparations made at the headquarters when he had not boarded the air base.

Unexpectedly, it would come in handy at this time.

It can be said that there is everything in the safe room, and there is everything that shouldn’t be there. When Shishi helped me to sit on the sofa, Yuanquan curiously opened the cabinet next to it and took a look.

And at this moment, he saw the firearms stored in the cabinet, all of which were energy magazines, and even some bullets from physical firearms.

In general, you can find any weapon you want to find in this small cabinet.

"Those were all prepared to deal with some unpredictable enemies, but I didn't expect that our enemy would be the enemy of destruction, and these preparations would naturally be useless." He opened the cabinet and saw this scene. Of course, with his wisdom, he turned his head a little bit. Isn't that just a random reason?
"Indeed, if I were to prepare the safe house, I would wish to put an airplane in the basement." Yuanquan nodded seriously, very sure of Shishi's statement.

"I think you must have a lot of things you want to tell me." My dream's injuries are minor, the main thing is that his physical strength is very exhausted, and he also suffered backlash in the previous confrontation.

Being able to speak a few words out of breath is already a high incense.

Otherwise, why didn't he run out of the scene in time?

So Shishi focused on Yuanquan, the owner of a small shop on the side of the road, who seemed to have an ordinary identity, but who could associate him with the guardian of the sky, the extremely powerful Nexus together?

"Well, I am indeed Ultraman Nexus, that is, the guardian of the sky." Yuanquan did not hide it. If the current situation allows Shishi to know the inside story, it will bring great convenience to his next actions .

After all, this is the supreme commander of XIG. If he understands certain things, it can save a lot of effort.

So the source basically didn't keep it, and told Shishi about the arrival of the destroyer and the current plan during this period, including the placement of the destroyer on the earth as an undercover agent, and the release of monsters to intensify the human's disgust towards monsters, so as to achieve Human beings take the lead in destroying the earth monsters.

In this way, only human beings are left alone.Then it is never a problem to want to conquer this earth.

Then, there was the battle of ideas between the guardians of the earth, and the traitor of the alchemy star, and the fact that Claude took refuge in the shattered recruit body, and the source basically told Shishi.

And Shishi's expression accompanied Yuanquan's narration, sometimes frowning tightly, sometimes turning into a sigh.

Although it was only a slight emotional change, it also proved that these things Yuanquan said were things that Shishi had never thought about before, or even thought about them.

"That's why you prevent humans from killing monsters, and you seldom kill monsters yourself. It turns out that's the case." In addition to facing those monsters that fell from the sky, Nexus treats the local monsters on the earth, especially those from the earth. What comes out of the bottom should be quite gentle.

Because Shishi had no way of knowing the choices of the Ultramans before, but now that the person who is Nexus is in front of him, he finally got a personal answer from Nexus himself.

"That's true, but in fact I also have a deeper desire in it." Saying that, Yuanquan smiled self-deprecatingly.

"I have faced the same choice before. I kept saying that as an Ultraman, I cannot interfere with the choices of human beings. I assume the role of the guardian of the earth and treat all life with a fairer attitude. But after all, I just Speak with your mouth."

"I am a human being, and I will always subconsciously bias my choices towards human beings. I keep saying that I want to be fair and fair, but in fact, I am just talking about it."

"It was me who made that choice. I don't know whether it is right or wrong. Perhaps this question will take a long time to be answered by humans. How I choose depends on humans themselves."

Of course, it is human beings themselves. Yuanyuan chooses to believe in human beings, and cannot erase his identity as a human being. The premise of being biased towards human beings is always to hope that human beings can become better.

This is his message, and it is what he passionately desires.

The human beings in the Tiga world cannot say that they can do it completely, but at least it is enough to let the source see some.

As he said, the darkness of human nature is always greater than the light.

"It seems that while possessing power, the responsibilities that need to be borne are not simple." Shishi understands the burden of this sudden burden of responsibility. Dual identities mean that the choice between the two identities must be clearly recognized, or, to be Make a trade-off.

If the power is abused, the consequences will be disastrous.

"You have blocked the plan of the body of destruction, and the sky has returned to calm. What do you think the body of destruction will do next?" In this regard, Shishi chose to consult Yuanquan. After all, he is the guardian of the earth and knows more than him.

"The first and most important thing is to find Claude, the star of alchemy. That guy took away the light of Aguru. I launched an attack rashly without knowing it in advance, which almost caused a big mistake." My dream will After listening to the general conversation between my boss and comrades-in-arms, it can be regarded as getting enough rest, and then I have the energy to start expressing my opinions.

"I went too late, and I didn't have time to stop it."

"It's good that you can come back alive. Claude is the biological weapon that destroys the summoned body-Bizom, a monster that has part of the light of the earth and part of the light of the sea. It is not an opponent that Gaia can defeat at present." Yuanquan is not surprised. It is normal that Gaia of V1 is not Bizom's opponent, and there is nothing surprising.

It's better to say that my dream has not been fucked, it is already a proof that my dream has become stronger during this period.

".I'm sorry." Womeng opened her mouth, and finally had to admit that this was a fact, but in the bottom of her heart, Womeng began to complain more and more about her own weakness.

Too weak, too weak!

If you can become stronger, if you can get the same power as the boss!Then I can defeat Bizom, defeat Claude, and even protect the earth, and the current situation will not become like this.

He even remembered what Yuanquan said when facing Digrob's arrival.

"All the tragedies and choices in this world are due to the lack of strength of the parties involved. As long as you are strong enough, you have a third choice."

"I want it all."

My dream clenched his palms tightly, and his full of desire turned into motivation, making him pursue more and more power.

Just have power, great power.

(End of this chapter)

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