Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 435 Here comes the chapter, all of my Ciro's style and layout are here!

Chapter 435 I'm back, all of my Sero's coolness and face-to-face are back!
"Where is Fujimiya? What about others?" Since it was because of Fujimiya Haku that the follow-up incident happened, it wouldn't make Fujimiya disappear inexplicably like this.

I dreamed that you didn't take Fujimiya with you when you were leaving?

Or did you just forget about him?

"Eh? Fujimiya...too bad, he's still in that room!" After Genquan said this, I dreamed as if suddenly enlightened.

Yuanquan was immediately speechless.

Co-author, you really forgot about Fujimiya.

"Fujimiya...who is it?" Commander Ishishi asked if you two could have a conversation in Yangjian, each name being put aside.

Do I look like someone who would know who the other person is?

"The developer of Chrisis is also the blue giant Aguru, but now, his light has been taken away." As soon as Fujimiya was mentioned, I dreamed that it was exciting.

This was his idol who had just joined Alchemy Star. Although he was ignored by Fujimiya at the time, would my dream be the kind of person who just ignores me?

"It's him." Was the Fujimiya that Daniel was talking about actually Aguru?Ishimuro understood, and accepted the fact that Fujimiya is both a genius and an Ultraman.

"But what is the purpose of taking away the light of Aguru? Does he want to become Aguru himself?"

"That's not likely to happen, but he must want to use the light of Aguru to awaken something." Yuanquan narrowed his eyes dangerously: "What I'm most afraid of is actually that he gives the light of Aguru to the shattered summoner to use the light of shattered to awaken something." None of us know what kind of monster weapons can be produced by obtaining the complete ocean light by means of recruiting bodies."

Monster Weapons... So, does the Destroyer have the ability to turn Ultraman into a monster?

Commander Shishi's heart sank, he couldn't imagine what would happen if the three Ultramen on Earth were turned into monsters.

"Then, the mechanical Ultraman from before, could it also be the handiwork of the shattered summoner? What kind of Ultraman does that image look like?" Shishi has too many questions to ask, and it happens that Naike knows almost everything. Seth's shapeshifter is here, and Shishi is determined to figure it out.

"...Uh, that guy, in fact, has nothing to do with the body of destruction. It is probably a product of other civilizations wandering in the turbulence of time and space." Yuanquan never expected that Shishi would ask this question, and he was almost stuck. It's better to turn your mind quickly and give a superficial statement.

"What's its name?"

"Dark Lopes Sero."

"Dark Lopes Cyro... the name of the Ultraman that this mechanical giant imitated is..."

"Sero, Ultraman Zero."


At this moment, Ultraman Zero, who was talked about by Yuanquan and Shishi, has gone crazy on the way to Gaia's time and space.

The mechanical Ultra brothers blocked the way. With the original power of Zero, I am afraid that only the ultimate brilliant Zero can fight against it.

After all, as a representative of stacking boxes, Sai Luo's current power has been diluted quite too much.

I even suspect that after he opened Ultimate Brilliance Zero, he was majestic for 1 minute, and then killed two or three mechanical Ultra Brothers, and then was suppressed by the remaining two.

Just like him who was invincible when he was a fledgling at the beginning of the year, he killed two in one fight against five, and then killed one in a one-on-one fight. In the end, he lost to the mechanical seven and the first mechanical generation due to lack of physical strength.

Fortunately, he has made considerable progress in his strength after putting on a brand new box on himself. Facing the mechanical Ultra Brothers, Sai Luo was chased to nowhere. Shen Sailuo has used both, but they have all been directly played out of this form.

The output of the Ultimate Zero form is definitely enough, but he doesn't think Palaji's Bow can hit the middle man.

This is not the [-]% hit move that shoots anyone who will die standing still. Palaji didn't have that setting...

As for the other side of Sailuo... let alone, it is all tears.

Although Sai Luo really disliked this special transformation effect with its own sound effects and full of shame at the beginning, but since he tasted the sweetness, Sai Luo has completely enjoyed it.

Not only did he not feel that the sound and special effects were embarrassing, but he even had already posed, inserting the dial on the Palaji bracelet with a confident smile.

Then it became Chonghuang zero during the super long invincible time after a lot of famous lines (you see, Chonghuang Zero feels awkward no matter how you listen to it, eh, when I do this, does it feel forced to come up? .)
Five Mechanical Ultra Brothers, right?More than people, right?
I directly press the relief to summon Gaia!
Seeing the summoned Gaia directly switch postures while raising his hands to become supreme, Sai Luo showed a quite rampant and confident smile in his heart.

The only undefeated true god form in the Austrian world, Supreme Gaia, here he comes!

Press the relief on the calf, and at the same time Max and Jeno jumped out of the golden gate, Max met the mechanical Seven, and Jeno faced the first generation of the machine.

Without further ado, Gaia went straight to the mechanical Sophie.

Shake out the Dharma King Dijia, and then Dijia directly turned into a red reckless man under Sai Luo's astonished eyes, and went straight to the mechanical Ace with his fists clenched.

Then the mechanical Ace roared, and rushed towards Tiga with his fists raised.

G:? ? ? ?

In the end, Sai Luo pressed the relief to summon the Galaxy and Ultraman Victory, and then the two partners went straight to Jack.

I heard that Uncle Jack is best at one-on-two, right? Then you, mechanical Jack, also have this ability!
Looking at the scuffle on the scene, Sai Luo recalled the scene where he needed him to fight one by one, and he might not be able to beat it, and he would even be hammered and couldn't take care of himself. Sand sculpture.

Nexus!My good master!Why didn't you hand this over to me sooner!
If you give me this design earlier, I will still be a waste material of version T3?
What do you do if you are surrounded by people in a place where no one can find you?
Sai Luo now feels that he is omnipotent.

But at this moment, the void stagnated, and time and space were swallowed by large swathes of space. A distorted and incomprehensible sphere with penetrating sound effects broke through the barrier of time and space, and came straight to Sai Luo.

It smells very good, delicious and nutritious on Sai Luo's body!

Sai Luo narrowly escaped this guy's attack. Although he failed the cultural class, Sai Luo has seen such a similar guy.

"Griza?! Why is there Griza here?" In astonishment, Sai Luo dodged one after another to prevent Griza from sticking to him.

But Griza is the kind of existence that will not give up until it reaches its goal. No matter how Silo evades it, he will never be able to escape its lock.

"Hmph, but I won't be afraid even if it's Griza." After dodging sideways, Sai Luo pressed the relief on his arm: "It's better to deal with you."

Just as he was speaking, as if in response to Sai Luo's words, X, who had transcended his form, jumped out of the golden gate with the rainbow knife in his hand, and slashed at Griza's sphere.

Sensing danger on the Rainbow Knife, Griza followed his instinct and drove himself away.

On the other hand, X flew straight up, holding the Rainbow Knife, and went to chase and kill Griza.

After all, Griza is only in one form, and his strength is still lacking. In the face of surpassing Aix and Rainbow Knife, Griza really can't stand it.

Sai Luo flicked casually, and suddenly saw a large transparent jellyfish on the barrier of time and space, sticking to the barrier of time and space, escaping cautiously.

"There is another one? If I hadn't observed carefully, I would have been attacked by you!" Sai Luo pressed the relief and shook him directly.

Gauss jumped out from the gate. Standing beside Sai Luo, he directly cut the form without saying a word, from the moon god to the corona, and then from the corona to the solar eclipse.

Gauss in the third form uttered a battle cry, and strode straight towards the jellyfish.

Mezzard: ?

Fuck, what are you doing!Who is that Ultraman? !Who are you? !
I just opened the gate of time and space normally and prepared to take a stroll around the Gaia universe. Why did I meet you gang of ghosts and snake gods fighting here?
If you fight, fight, it's none of my business?I just want to drop by!

Fuck!What are you doing, a double-changing giant?
What are you going to do? !
Don't come here! ! !

He didn't pay attention to the scene where Gauss was beating innocent passing jellyfish. Seeing the scene in front of him, Sai Luo was very excited.

See no, see no!
Line up!


All these things that I said to someone once never came back, are all back!

In this section of the space-time tunnel, dozens of bosses are fighting here, the light is flying around, and the special effects are full.

Quite a few supreme battles have reached the end of the universe, time and space have been shattered, and the avenue has been obliterated.

(End of this chapter)

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