Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 436 Gede: He said, you can go

Chapter 436 Gede: He said, you can go
"Tsk, this guy, Sai Luo, is really troublesome." Tartarus, who was hiding on the other side of time and space, saw the battle here, and it was hard for him not to pay attention to the battle that disturbed the time tunnel.

But how would he intervene?

Sai Luo's ability to cause trouble in this form is really not low.

If it's one-on-one, it's just your one-on-one one-on-one, and Zero can summon a group of Ultraman to beat you at any time.

As for the beating, Sai Luo's form itself will not be afraid of beating.

After thinking about it, maybe the only way to deal with it is to not give him a chance to transform, and just stab him to death.

But looking at the battle situation carefully, Tartarus suddenly found that there seemed to be some guys missing,
What about Dark Lopes Sero and Saigegu?Why didn't these two show up?
There is also Darkness Nexus, which seems to be missing.

"It's really troublesome, Beria, I'll leave it to you." Tartarus unfolded the rubies in his hands again. He was too lazy to entangle with Sai Luo any more, and let Beria, who was his old enemy, pass by, and let Sai Luo take his own life. Get yourself a headache.

"Hmph, you and I will settle the score later. When I kill Sero, it will be your turn." Terman, but after being possessed by Lebrondo, Beria even met Sero several times.

As for why he was found by Tartarus, I have to mention that the future timeline has been divided into countless tributaries due to a lot of interference.

Now even King Ao could not be sure what the future would be like.

The division of these timelines has no source, and the scale of time is being stripped away, becoming more and more subdivided.

King Ao knew that if this continued, the entire multiverse would be destroyed in an instant.

But at the same time, the uncertain future is inherently changeable. If he tries to gather all the timelines together, the future will be completely locked.

Maybe it can survive for a while, but the future of the universe will eventually go to destruction.

Because the observed future will not change again, it is a doomed ending.

When the past and future of a universe are fixed, it goes without saying how natural the result will be.

Of course, the bigger reason is because King Ao knew that his doing so was tantamount to obeying the wishes of some existences.

Among them, Mo Tianshen, who has been committed to eliminating the possibility and turning everything into a dead end, is the first beneficiary.

So Ao Wang can't move, the timeline of this multiverse is unraveling, aren't those guys in the future doing their best to prevent the entire universe from going to destruction?
It's a pity that although Tartarus appreciates what they have done, what it wants is not the ending where Ultraman will win. Even if it returns to unity, it must be the Kingdom of Absolut, ruling all the universes!

This Beria was pulled by Tartarus from another timeline.

What?What do you think would happen in that timeline without the crucial Beria?

No matter what he is, the timeline is the least cherished thing nowadays. This huge and countless tributary is Tartarus' back garden, and it is the basis for him to pull out a powerful existence at any time.


Seeing Beria passing through the barrier of time, carrying the Ultimate Fighting Instrument, and roaring to Sero, Tartarus was just about to watch the show in his spare time, when he saw that Sero pressed down the relief on the other hand , and then, Ultraman Ged jumped out from the gate and locked Beria's fighting instrument with both hands.

Amid Beria's bewildered questions, Tartarus suddenly felt lost.

"...I forgot that Geide was also from the Heisei era..."

His plan to pull Beria out is good, but the existence of Geed...

Gedd doesn't have to bear the burden of father's resignation and son's screaming.

From this point of view, the opponents to be found next must be guys who did not exist in the Heisei generation?
Then if you do the math... Which monsters in the Showa period can fight against the current Cyro?

And what is the era after Heisei?
Mo Tianshen didn't tell me!

I am most familiar with the stories of the Heisei era!
Tartarus, who was a little numb, was thinking about what he should summon, and suddenly remembered a trace of existence in his mind. Tartarus moved his hand, and subconsciously began to summon.

The huge energy phantom condensed into a solid body, and began to gather in front of Tartarus. The formed figure was not huge, but it exuded a rather unique atmosphere.

Although Hypagedon was the first choice, Tartarus didn't think he could summon that Hypagedon.

Otherwise, it would be completely meaningless.

So Tartarus chose the second one, and that was the guy he remembered when he saw the Heisei fighters like Tiga.

The short-lived phantom condensed into a solid body, the huge energy was swallowed by the darkness, the black robe danced, and in the dark purple darkness, the specially summoned existence appeared in front of Tartarus in a state of non-existence.

"It was you who summoned me here?" A hoarse voice sounded. I should have died from the shining fusion light emitted by the eight warriors, but I appeared here for no reason. Obviously, the golden guy beside me is the real one. Mastermind.

"Saving you from a certain death situation is not free, Dark Shadow Mage." After saying the name of the guy in front of him, Tartarus thought about it, and only this guy would not exist. Terman refrained.

"You call this saving me?" The shadow mage pointed forward. The scene where the dozen Ultra fighters fought monsters of various series was even better than when he faced the eight Ultra fighters. Even more outrageous.

This is called rescue?Didn't this Nima just come out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den?

"Of course, at least they won't rush over and kill you for no reason, will they?" Tartarus simply explained to the Shadow Mage what it meant to be safe by staying out of the way.

"Tsk." The Shadow Mage was silent, but he had to pinch his nose and admit that Tartarus was right.

At least the guys below were fighting in full swing, but it wasn't the target of the beating.

"What do you need me to do?" There will be no unreasonable kindness in this world. Of course, the Shadow Mage understands that there is a reason for Tartarus to summon it.

"I need you to take a trip to the time and space of Ultraman Gaia to help destroy the recruited body and overturn Gaia's history." Tartarus also did not explain what Gaia's time and space meant. There are countless clones in the multiverse. The mage naturally understood the meaning of his words.

"To subvert the history of the past that has already happened, you bastard, are you so ambitious?" Shadow Mage's eyes hidden under the hood of the black robe showed a look of surprise, even if it was such a thing, it would not dare to do it at all .

Touching time changes history, but it is a forbidden area to travel through.

"Even if something really happens, I will make a move." Tartarus wrote a blank check. Under normal circumstances, he will make a move, but it is also based on discretion.

"You shot it yourself? Are you strong?" Shadow Mage asked back.

Tartarus smiled confidently, and the lightning intertwined with Absolut's power gathered in front of him to form a vortex, gathering in his hands.

It's just a condensed mass of Absolut's power, without even the name of the move, but even so, when such a huge Absolut's power hits, it will smash the barrier of time and space in an instant.

Even the mechanical Seven, Jack, and Max, Galaxy, and Victory within the central range of the explosion were affected and destroyed in the bombardment.

Of course, the Ultra fighters turned into a ball of light and disappeared, while the mechanical Seven and Jack really exploded.

Aix, who was a little farther away, was also affected. Before he could fly out, he was grazed by the power of Absolut, forced to withdraw from the transcendence form, and returned to his original appearance.

After losing the rainbow sword, Griza immediately said that it was fine again!
(End of this chapter)

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