Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 447 Can't figure out why some people in this world are not afraid of death

Chapter 447 Can't figure out why some people in this world are not afraid of death
He still can't figure it out. When Faust was destroying the armory, Long transformed into Nexus. At that time, Long received the light of Nexus for the first time. He was not Faust's opponent at all. fight.

But even so, no one will help Long at all, and the fighter planes flying in the sky do not exist at all.

Under the sky and the earth, there is only Nexus' hammered figure, and there will be nothing else besides this.

But now, it was the same Nexus, but the bystander became the person involved, but why the result was completely different?

Why would anyone stand up and help Nexus?Aren't they afraid of death?
Did they really, so trust Nexus?

"Assist Nexus, this is the... final battle of our Falcon team!" Already with the consciousness of death in his heart, Captain Yone Tian operated the pull-up, manipulated the fighter plane to fly up and down, and poured out his own firepower continuously, for Just being able to help Nexus in this battle.

Protect the earth, protect mankind, even sacrifice your life for it!

"It's really courting death!"

Although Mephisto knew that the team members in the Ultra world were a bunch of lunatics, but at the same time, he couldn't imagine why he stepped onto the battlefield with his consciousness.

It's better to live than to die, don't you know this sentence?
But it is undeniable that facing such an ending, Mephisto was very angry. He erupted with dark energy and knocked Nexus away.

The energy ball was dodged by the fighters of the Falcons, but this was not a random move. The energy ball exploded, spreading out countless small energy balls and flying around, covering the entire field at an extremely fast speed, covering the whole space. All covered.

Nexus is very familiar with this trick. No, it might be better to say that Nexus has seen this trick many times among the able-bodied people who have passed on for hundreds of generations.

The Falcons never thought that there would be such an attack, so they could only dodge with all their strength in manipulating the fighter plane before they were prepared.

They knew that as long as they were hit by one, their lives would be over.

Human beings have limits. No matter how exquisite the piloting skills are, they will never ignore the limitations of the fighter itself. Even if it can bloom a flower, it is still powerless in the face of a large-scale coverage attack.

Seeing the black and red sphere gradually approaching in front of him, Yone Tian already knew his own destiny, and even more so, what his ending would be.

But it is enough to die in order to protect the earth and human beings on the battlefield, at least it is not a waste of time.

Yonetian, who was ready to die, let go of both hands, but at the critical moment, the erratic light particles gathered into a diamond-shaped gem shield, completely protecting Falcon [-] inside.

At the same time, Nexus surpassed Mephisto, and flew forward at a faster speed. With the Nexus arm of both hands, he built a lightning interweave, forming a grid to protect both Falcon [-] and [-]. in.

The intertwined lightning formed a protection, and the continuous dark spheres hit it, but they couldn't break through the protection, crackling like popping beans, completely useless.

"This is..." Captain Yoneda, Hayashi Xingshi, and Tsukamori Toru, who were ready to face death, looked at the things guarding them, and all set their eyes on Nexus.

And it so happened that at this time, what fell into their eyes amidst the curtain of successive explosions was Mephisto pressing down on Nexus, and the two sides passed by them in the struggle and fell to the earth.


Although the battle on the ground was not that exaggerated, with the power of Gaia v1, it is still very difficult to defeat Bizom.

It has part of the light of the earth and the light of the ocean, and now it is gradually absorbing the light of Aguru. Bizom's power completely surpasses that of v1 Gaia.

So much so that Gaia has been at a disadvantage since the beginning of the battle.

Seeing this scene, Fujimiya was extremely anxious, because he was deprived of the light of Aguru. If it wasn't for this, Gaia would not have fought so hard.

After finally finding Reiko in the bushes of the forest, after Fujimiya woke her up, the two witnessed Gaia's declining winning rate in this battle, and they really didn't know what to do.

The Kulong team has tried their best to help, especially the Hercules and the Lightning team who rushed over from behind. It can be said that the human side has used all its strength.

But even so, human fighters are constantly decreasing, and the result of failure is gradually approaching reality.

Gaia must not be allowed to fail like this!
Fujimiya gritted his teeth, deeply ashamed of his powerlessness.

"Hey, aren't you Ultraman anymore?" A cold voice sounded, and Fujimiya and Reiko suddenly turned their heads, just in time to see the black-haired girl in short sleeves with a Q version of Jayden's image printed on her chest.

"It's you, what are you doing here?" Seeing Saori appear, Fujimiya immediately remembered the identity of this girl, the one next to Yuan...

"I was called by Yuan. He told me to come to you and take you to a place." The girl raised her head, Gaia was knocked down again, and the energy timer was already blinking.

The Sting of the Hercules team has been scrapped. Now they can only carry their guns, and they can change places with one shot. They are still on the front line and are unwilling to leave the field.

"Can you change this situation?" Fujimiya's frowning eased a little: "Does he have anything to say?"

"Go to Inazuma Shrine, find Ms. Kuroda Megumi, and wake up the dragon." Saori actually wanted to blurt out a sentence about Renlong Niang, but after growing up alone for so long, the girl does not understand everything, and her common sense of life is seriously lacking. That kind of exists.

If he really blurted out "Renlong Niang", Fujimiya might not have questioned him on the spot.

"Renlong... yes, if it is Renlong!" After being reminded like this, Fujimiya immediately remembered the Dragon of the Earth that had appeared before.

If Renlong wakes up and joins the battle, then the pressure on Gaia will definitely be relieved.

Fujimiya has always been very aware of Renlong's power, otherwise why did he wake up so many sleeping earth monsters in the original book, but why didn't he go to find Renlong?

No, it's because Renlong can't afford to provoke...

"That mythical dragon that appeared in Tokyo back then? But... how do we wake it up?" Reiko also reacted, and she was very excited when she found hope.

"I think, I should go to Miss Kuroda Hui." A thick and steady male voice sounded, and Commander Shishi walked over wearing the hard attire for going out to fight: "I have heard that you want to wake Ren Dragon, right?"

"I didn't expect the commander of the air base to go to the battlefield in person. It's really rare." Of course Fujimiya recognized Ishishi, and there is no information in this world that he can't find.

Guarding the air base and xIG on the front line of human beings, he already has a clear understanding of the intelligence of the people inside.

"Now is a critical moment, even the commander, there is nothing that cannot be shown." The destruction caused the body to be seen, and the largest combat power on the earth was also confronted with an unprecedented powerful enemy. The battle on Gaia's side affects the earth aspects of mind.

Not to mention that Shishi already knows that Gaia is my dream, so I can't just leave it alone.

"If you want to wake up that dragon, it's too late to walk on your legs." Following the words of Commander Shishi, the gust of wind swirled, and the xIG's command plane, the Mir, cast a gradually enlarged shadow from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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