Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 448 I'll Always Love Renlong... Mother

Chapter 448 I will always like Renlong...Mother(?)

It was their plan to fly back to Inazuma Shrine in Tokyo on the Mir to awaken Renlong.

But Bizom would never let them do what they wanted. Although it didn't hear Fujimiya's plans, he would never let Mir fly over his head, and he would never let it leave safely.

Bizom released attacks one after another, and the small energy balls mixed with red and blue were released one after another like rain.

Even though the Mir has tried its best to dodge, the Mir is bigger than ordinary fighters, and it is more difficult to dodge.

In the end, it still didn't last long in the sky, was hit by the tail, and began to burn and fall.

"The tail is damaged, the power is damaged, and the plane is about to crash!" The pilot who operated the Mir desperately pulled the joystick, holding on tightly to prevent the Mir from spinning out of control in the sky.

But even so, it is impossible to land safely.

At this time, Saori played a role.

The Mir lost control, and Saori put her hands in front of her face to activate her super powers. She is the best among monsters and inherited the power of the cosmic dinosaur monster Jayden. Saori is by no means weak.

The scene of the Mir burning in the sky didn't last long, and it disappeared in the next instant.

The burning black smoke broke the track and disappeared on the battlefield.

On the other side, in front of the gate of Inazuma Shrine in Tokyo, the quiet and clear shrine is very calm, as usual.

Today is a working day, and almost no one will come to the shrine to pay homage.

Although deserted, this quietness is also in line with the daily life of the shrine.

But not every day is everyday.

such as……


The Mir, which was emitting black smoke and its tail was still burning, suddenly appeared in front of the shrine. The huge body even knocked down the gate of the shrine.

Amidst the rumbling smoke and vibrations, the Mir silently shut down and stood still.

The door of the cabin was blasted by a [-] trillion degree fireball, and the little flames were burning stubbornly.

Saori walked out first, followed by Ishimuro and Reiko who were coughing constantly, and Fujimiya who fell behind.

"The ability to move instantly, to get angry, you really are not an ordinary earthling." Fujimiya witnessed the girl's operation the whole time, and he, who already had doubts about the girl's identity, confirmed that she was not human.

At least not Earthlings.

"I'm from Earth." Saori turned her head and said this very seriously.

Although she is a monster girl, it doesn't mean that being a monster girl means that she is not human.

If you say that again, I will swim in the bone soup.

"It's fine if the result is good. Hurry up and ask Ms. Kuroda Megumi to wake up Renlong. The situation over there is very critical." Reiko pulled Fujimiya away, and directly dragged him away regardless of his hesitant expression.

The only stone room that was doing business seriously had already stepped into the shrine, and happened to see Ms. Kuroda Megumi rushing out.

Probably because the gate suddenly exploded, shaking the entire shrine, which alarmed Megumi Kuroda.

It's just that as soon as he came out, he saw the commander of xIG walking in front of him, and there was even a plane emitting black smoke right in front of the gate, which made Megumi Kuroda somewhat confused about the current situation.

"There's no time to explain, Ms. Kuroda Megumi, please wake up Renlong, we need its power and the help of Shenlong!" Concerned about Gaia's safety, Fujimiya stepped forward to answer.

Shishi, hesitant to speak, had no choice but to suppress the unspoken words and hand over the situation to Fujimiya.

"You are..."

"For the specific situation, let's see this." Shishi silently handed over his communication device, and in the picture on the communication device, the scene of Gaia being beaten by Bizom was printed on the eyelids of Kuroda Kei.

Even a Dragon team plane was hit, and the plane with black smoke crashed to the ground, classic hoeing the ground.

"Two guardians of the earth? How is this possible?" Seeing the image of Bizom in the screen, Megumi Kuroda was stunned and said in astonishment.

"No, it's not just the guardian of the earth, but more of the aura on his body is the guardian of the sea..."

"He took the light of Aguru from me, and it can be said to be very powerful now. We need the power of Renlong to help Gaia!" Fujimiya took a step forward, his eyes filled with pleading looks.

"Please, Gaia, he can't lose!"

"Where is the Sky Guardian? Where is he?" Kuroda Whetton paused. There is no reason why the Sky Guardian is not here after such a big event happened.

The moment Megumi Kuroda asked the question, the fireball from the sky pulled its long tail and fell from the sky, hitting the suburbs of Tokyo.

The scorching heat crystallized the soil, and the blazing flames exploded, scorching the trees along the way, and soon a fire broke out.

A deep ravine was pulled all the way from the urban area of ​​Tokyo to the suburbs. On this straight line, the fire was burning. Two huge giants were entangled with each other, and each punched each other hard in the chest.

Almost the same amount of force forced the two to retreat, opening the distance again.

"I'm afraid he won't be able to take a shot now." Seeing the destructive scene, Shi Shi could only hope that Dunzi and Qiao Ji in the air base had calculated their positions before they landed and issued a danger avoidance notice .

Otherwise, after this, I am afraid that not many people would dare to live in Tokyo anymore...

"That enemy is..." From the guy who confronted Nexus, Kuroda Megumi also felt a very strong breath of the light of the earth.

That is to say, that guy is also the guardian of the earth?
But it is impossible for the guardian to fight with the guardian, and what Megumi Kuroda sensed from Mephisto is darkness, the pitch-black abyss that swallows even the light of the earth.

"I understand." Taking a deep breath, Megumi Kuroda, who was alone in the shrine without knowing such a big event, didn't dare to be careless. He took off the pendant on his neck and held it in his hand, turned around and walked towards the pool in the center of the shrine, and put the pendant hang down.

With one hand on his chest and the other holding the pendant, along with Kuroda Megumi's chanting voice, the looming dragon's roar also began to emerge in everyone's ears.

In the center of the pool, a group of fluorescent lights slowly floated upwards, and jade with radiance like diamonds soared into the sky. At the same time, there was also a jet of underground water in Tokyo.

The fountain soaring into the sky makes the whole of Tokyo in a water-filled environment.

The huge body of Renlong emerged from the Dragon God's Jade. As soon as it came down, the roar of the main dragon and the roar of the small dragon's head with nine tails, the overlapping dragon's cry shook the sky, symbolizing the reappearance of the dragon of the earth.

And listening to this familiar dragon's roar, looking at that familiar figure, and feeling the daily power and water outages, although the residents of Tokyo have experienced it once, they still can't help cursing.

xIG is used to fooling people, the promised dragon has fallen into a deep sleep and will not reappear?
You are simply cheating!
The moment Renlong appeared, he immediately turned around and focused his gaze on Mephisto.

Qiqi's dragon roar was Renlong's warning, and it was even an inquiry.

"No, this is a matter between me and him, just go and help Gaia directly." Nexus refused Renlong's help. Compared with him, Gaia is the place that really needs assistance .

"Go and help him, the current Gaia cannot defeat Bizom."

Renlong is not hypocritical, believing in Yuanquan's choice, it turned into the Jade of the Dragon God again, burrowed into the ground, moved forward from the underground waterway, and went straight to the battlefield on Gaia's side.

"I'm really confident. If that dragon of the earth joins the battle, maybe I will really lose?" Mephistopheles raised his heart and let it go. If Renlong joined the battle, he would try his best to escape immediately.

Ghosts want to fight two.

"As I said, this is a matter between us. No one has the right to intervene." Nexus said in a deep voice, clenched his fists in front of his eyes.

"In this universe, no one can!"

Mephisto was silent, then sneered and didn't answer.

It is the default choice of Nexus.

(End of this chapter)

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