Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 449 I just want to live happily, even if it will bring pain to others, does it matter?

Chapter 449 I just want to live happily, even if it will bring pain to others, does it matter?

Returning to the earth, Nexus is inevitably restricted. The destructive power and strength that can be swayed in the universe, but on the earth, many factors have to be considered, so it is restrained.

But fighting to protect the world does not mean that destroying the world can be called protection. That is absolutely wrong.

Mephisto was aware of this, and Nexus chose to guard, and he was destined to be bound on the earth.

And he, who is unscrupulous, doesn't care about the life and death of this planet at all.

He can do whatever he wants, and he can use all reckless means.

Every attack is restrained, and every collision cannot exceed the range. If you are restrained, you will be suppressed and you will be at a disadvantage.

But Nexus has no complaints and no regrets, even if he is suppressed, he will never complain.

From the moment he chose this path and started on this path, he already knew that this kind of thing would happen.

If he acts recklessly, isn't he no different from Mephisto?
The so-called Ultraman is an existence that will be persistent in such small things.

"Come on, guardian of the earth, guardian of mankind, don't you want to protect this planet? Protect mankind?" With one hand, he threw out several dark spheres and attacked all around indiscriminately, starting from targeting Nexus Instead, it turned into targeting the surrounding buildings, which is what Mephisto wanted.

He was sure of Nexus' plan.

Nexus released the crescent light blades one after another, and all the continuous releases hit the sphere released by Mephisto. The two sides collided with each other and exploded, eliminating the offensive invisible.

Seeing this, Mephisto moved casually, knowing Nexus, he only felt that the warrior of light in front of him was no longer a threat.

Even though he is powerful, but thinking about so many things in his heart, his waving fists are bound by layers of invisible shackles, how could he be his opponent?
Now, Mephisto no longer regards Nexus as an opponent of the same level.

Just think of it as an absorbable, moving energy body.

So the next thing to do is to...

Before the complacent thoughts in his heart could continue to think about it, the continuous artillery fire mixed with missiles hit Mephisto's body.

The Falcons returning from the universe passed in front of Nexus. They were fearless in tactical flight and launched their own attacks with great effort.

This also made Mephisto, who had gradually retrieved the force, suddenly broke his power, and screamed in embarrassment after being beaten again.

After the round of attack was over, Mephisto looked up at the three planes. He was so angry that he hated the Falcons at this moment, even more than he hated Nexus.

"Oh no! You annoying flies, die to me!" The Devil's Claw released a series of bombs, chasing after the Falcons' fighter planes to attack one after another, and soon shot down Lin Xingshi's fighter planes.

The fighter plane that was emitting black smoke was crumbling, and it was no longer possible to continue to participate in the battle.

And if Mephisto focuses on the human side, it will inevitably expose its flaws.Nexus caught up, and his fist was ignited with flames. When Mephisto turned around and had no time to dodge, he was punched heavily in the chest by Nexus.

Mephisto retreated one after another, while Nexus continued to follow closely with heavy punches, which made Mephisto unable to respond.

After taking several punches in a row, and even being forced out of the suburbs of Tokyo to an uninhabited mountain area, Mephisto used the devil's claws to hold Nexus' fist, and erupted dark energy to form a repulsive force. Push Nexus out.

The severe pain in his chest was accompanied by a burning smell, and Mephisto was in so much pain that even breathing became difficult.

"Do you think nothing will happen if you force me out of the city? It's too naive, don't forget that you and I come from the same world, we know all the history and past of Ultraman!" Hands folded on chest Beforehand, Mephisto opened his crossed hands, each of which condensed a mass of dark energy, and after touching each other to form an "L", he released his nirvana.

Losing the opportunity and having no time to charge, Nexus directly dodged to the gap between the two mountains and opened the ripple shield.

If that attack passed between the mountains, it would definitely be able to hit the human city.

Nexus couldn't have let this happen.

The turbulent stream of dark light continuously washes over the shield, constantly testing the strength of the shield.

Mephisto had absolutely no intention of stopping, and Nexus naturally had no intention of letting go.

The remaining two planes of the Falcons flew one from the left and the other from the right, and went upstream along the dark light, grasping the flaw that Mephisto was stiff and unable to move during the wave-to-wave process, and the Falcons went upstream , flew to Mephisto's eyes before attacking.

All the remaining firepower was poured on Mephisto's face, covering his entire face.

Being covered by the strong firepower, Mephisto was affected, and the action of releasing the light couldn't help but stagnate for a moment.

Grasping this opportunity created by humans, Nexus immediately raised his hand, and the absorbed dark energy was converted into light energy and stored on Nexus' arm.

Nexus revoked the ripple shield, chose to attack instead of attack, and used his own strength to go upstream, crushing Mephisto's black light until it hit Mephisto himself.

"You guy..." Being pushed back and hit by the light technique, Mephisto knelt on the ground, feeling the numbness of his trembling hands. A feeling that he might die flowed in his heart, making Mephisto I couldn't restrain my fear, and even my body trembled faintly.

Everything he does is for his own survival, even if he exposes his world to the demons.

Even becoming Mephisto was driven by the heart of having acquired the power of Ultraman, but did not want to fulfill his destiny but wanted to continue to possess the power of a giant.

Because in this way, he can leave that world, go to a bigger world to find those lights that have not yet grown up, devour them one by one, and then do whatever he wants in that world.

He will kill whoever does not make him happy, and kill whoever does not satisfy him.

In the whole world, he is synonymous with reckless invincibility, he can do whatever he wants, everything he wanted in the past, everything that cannot be touched, is all at his fingertips.




I'm dying of laughter, look at Ji Yazhun's bitter face that I haven't laughed in the whole plot, and being hammered by the team members, and being arrested for electrotherapy.

Thinking about those Ultraman human beings who were suffering and hating all day long, he understood at that time what it takes to become an Ultraman.

Choosing between the dark giant Mephisto and Nexus?Isn't it obvious who to choose?
Do you know how happy it is to enjoy living for yourself!

It's been ten years, do you know how I have lived these ten years!do you know!

I am the behind-the-scenes king of the world, the master of human beings, and the dark giant of the captive plane!
How could it be possible to lose to a... to a crippled guy here!

Turning around slowly, Mephisto looked at the giant standing in the darkness and shining with brilliance behind him. From him, Mephisto vaguely saw the past... those who also carried the light, but between him and him The phantoms of the guys who disappeared under the siege of Faust and even the alien beasts.

Obviously it was just a Nexus standing between the mountains, but Mephisto saw many familiar guys in a trance.

Over the past dynasties, among the able-bodied people passed down from generation to generation, he has faced many of them, and some of them were even killed by him.

The overlapping phantoms are like ghosts, and the strange warrior's light deposits a bond of unity.

"I see, is this the secret hidden in that light?" Mephisto murmured, but then his eyes became fierce.

"You are already dead, and the light that has worked so hard to form a bond has been swallowed by me."

"The successor you have chosen, I will personally send him to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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