Chapter 451
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It is not only Mephisto who is immersed in the past, but also Nexus.

It is just the miracle of inheriting 5.00% of the light. At the last moment, this light is handed over to the source, and what is given along with it is also the expectation of those predecessors.

The proof of existence is not just that it exists in memory, but the light itself is the proof of existence.

Knowing this, Yuanyuan finally understands how unimaginable is the miracle achieved by the faint light of 5.00%, driven by the light of people's hearts.

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time, a third time, countless times!" After Mephisto knew what was in that faint light, he became more and more unacceptable.

In his eyes, profound energy and power beyond everything are capital, and illusory things like fetters and inheritance are meaningless at all.

To him, those were the frivolous things of a child's fantasy.

But since he abandoned this light and was picked up by Long, the people who followed up used this light one after another to fulfill their promises, each of them believed in the childish fantasy in his eyes, and fought for it.

I can't figure it out, I really can't figure it out.

I am obviously the first fit person, and I should be the one who becomes Nexus.

If I hadn't given up on it, how could you have been recognized by the light?

I am the first generation of able-bodied people, and only I am qualified to judge this light!

You are all just thieves who picked it up from me!
Under the confusion, Mephisto's already tense nerves had a vague tendency to collapse, and he became more and more disorganized in the battle with Nexus.

Although he was also dazzled by anger and no longer remained calm, but Mephisto gave up his strengths and chose to confront Nexus head-on, which was the worst approach.

With one hand resting on Mephisto's chest, sparks from Nexus' palm hit Mephisto's obsidian-like timer.

And Mephisto also waved the devil's claws, drawing ferocious sparks on Nexus' chest.

All skills are abandoned, and all grievances and grievances must be vented in fists to the flesh.

A warrior who fights for himself yearns for his own strength, and fights to the death for himself to survive.

A warrior who fights for others longs for an end of vengeance, an answer that will comfort his homeland and his predecessors.

Right and wrong are not important, and life and death are also ignored. The only thing that supports them in fighting is belief, and it is the battle of belief that they persevere for.

The timer on his chest flickered faster and faster, and Nexus's exhausted physical strength affected his own state. Even if he exchanged injuries for injuries, Nexus must suffer the loss.

In the battle since this period of time, after experiencing such a high-intensity battle, Nexus is already at the end of his strength.

"You've reached your limit, you finally..." Mephisto's body was covered with wounds. It was obviously Ultraman's body, but the dark particles escaping from the sword marks on his body were like fresh blood.

"No, we are at the end!" Yuanquan, who was also not much better, clenched his fists, pulled up his last physical strength, ignored the beeping of the timer that had already flashed, and fought forward desperately.

"This time, I will devour you without a drop!" Lifting up the Devil's Claw, Mephisto bravely moved forward, and a cold light flashed from the Devil's Claw restrained in his waist.

The two sides struck out the final blow at the same time, without any defense on either side. Under the body of the bloody battle, Nexus' legendary power turned into a sword of sparks in an instant, hovering and falling into Nexus' hands.



The spark sword pierced Mephisto's stomach.

The demon's claws ripped the armor from Nexus' chest and buried it in the core of the bird.

The two sides faced off in the end, and both sides suffered losses.

The moment the war between light and darkness came to an end, Gaia in the other place finally wiped out Bizom with the help of Renlong, and successfully absorbed the light of Aguru to evolve into Gaia v2.

Just like the original work, it has the final form of TV, and it is also the only undefeated form in the Austrian world so far.

With the supplement of Agur's light, the flickering of the timer eased a little, and Gaia didn't dare to stay. With the help of Renlong, the two immediately rushed towards the battlefield on Nexus.

"You actually... hide a sword." The figure of Nexus was reflected in the dark eyes. I never expected that the two sides would fight to such an extent. Nexus actually had reservations. Mr. Mephisto Unexpectedly, I still suffered a loss after all.

"You want my light, I want your life, we are each other." Asuka's core was injured, although Nexus was in pain, but the determination to kill Mephisto was stronger than him pain.

"Hmph, but after all, I am slightly better. I will accept your light!"

Although he was stabbed in the opposite direction, but his devil's claws were inserted into the core of the bird, Mephisto felt a little better, activated the ability of energy absorption, and began to devour the light of Nexus.

Nexus remained silent, but secretly he was also absorbing Mephisto's power.

In the condensed darkness of Mephisto's body, scattered blue and red light spots, these light spots sensed the breath of sky light on Nexus, and became active in Mephisto's body one after another. stand up.

Attracted by the light of the sky, the condensed light began to flow, along the wound torn open by the spark sword, the red and blue light particles entangled together, and gradually entered Nexus' body.

The energy level on Mephisto's body is getting higher and higher, because he absorbs the light from Nexus' body to make up for his own loss.

This light made him very fond of it.

So he increased the strength of the suction.

But such an increase will cause problems.

A beam of golden light that could not be any weaker was sucked out from the core of Asuka by the devil's claw, and then sucked into Mephisto's body.

As soon as this faint light entered Mephisto's body, it immediately caused a huge reaction, and the faint golden light suddenly exploded, dispelling all the darkness in Mephisto's body.

As if Mephisto was hit hard, the devil's claw exploded, and the shattered fragments scattered all over the ground.

Sparks exploded from Mephisto's body, and he was sent flying and fell to the ground, moaning in pain.

"That... what is it..." Struggles to raise his hand, Mephistopheles is extremely incomprehensible.

Why did I inhale and inhale and explode?

"That's the light of human beings that stays in my body and keeps dissipating, the hope of people belonging to one world, and you, a traitor to human beings, huh..." Of course Nexus knew why Mephisto was blown out, so There is not much light in his body that is constantly disappearing, but for Mephisto, the human traitor, of course, it can't be treated.

After all, this light comes from Episode [-]: The Man Who Shines

"Hmph, it doesn't matter anymore!" Feeling that his body had absorbed a lot of Nexus' energy, Mephisto was unwilling to stay here any longer.

"Your light will become my strength."

"The next time we meet, it will be your death day."

"Oh, I said the same thing." As he said, Nexus slowly raised his hand, and there were two rays of light on his hand, one red and one blue.

Mephisto was stunned, feeling the light of the earth that had been diluted by half in his body, and immediately roared angrily: "You!"

"Return the light of the earth that you took away!" Nexus said calmly.

"You...huh, it's stored with you, and sooner or later I'll get back all the principal and interest." He wanted to grab it back, but felt the breath of Renlong and Gaia approaching quickly, Mephisto finally Understand that this is not a place to stay.

Bizom was defeated, that is to say Gaia got the light of Aguru, and has evolved to v2, even the highest...

With his current state, there is absolutely no chance of winning when he meets Supreme Gaia.

36 Straightforward is the best thing to do, a gentleman takes revenge, ten years is not too late, Mephisto feels that he can wait.

The figure turned into a black mist and disappeared in the shadows. Mephisto left the battlefield in an instant and escaped into a different dimension.

(End of this chapter)

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