Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 452 Approval of the light of the planet, the first birth of the planet

Chapter 452 Approval of the light of the planet, the first birth of the planet

The sky was full of yellow sand, and the wind blew across the earth, raising patches of dust. In the distance of sight, a looming relic was undulating in the heat wave, making it difficult to see clearly.

Yuanquan couldn't understand why he appeared here. After the decisive battle with Mephisto ended in a situation where both sides suffered losses, he suddenly found himself here.

Although a lot of energy was absorbed by Mephisto, it was just energy, not the light of Nexus. No matter how much energy was absorbed, as long as the light was still there, the consumed energy could always be recovered.

In contrast, Mephisto undoubtedly lost more, Nexus sucked out a part of the light of the earth and a part of the light of the ocean from his body.

Perhaps it is only a weak part compared to the multiple earth lights absorbed by Mephisto, but it is light after all.

At the same time, the red light of the earth and the blue light of the ocean flew out of the source, one left and one right respectively flew to different places, and then sank into the yellow sand at the same time.

In the next moment, the yellow sand shook, and a dazzling light rushed out from the ground. Two huge giants stood on the ground, recovered from the state of stone statues, and were once again endowed with light.

"Gaia...Aguru..." The two giants were face to face, of course it was impossible not to know Yuanquan.

In fact, the moment he saw these two, Yuanquan had already recognized his current location.

It is the space in the original book of Gaia, once the earth wants to tell me something about Meng and Fujimiya, it will pull them into the space.

The dead silence of the yellow sand and the giant stone statue buried by the wind and sand are the earth telling me what the future of the earth will be like if Meng and Fujinomiya fail.

It's just that I didn't expect that I would still have the opportunity to enter here, which made Yuanquan a little dazed.

Not only did he get the light of the sky that never appeared in the original book, but he also became the guardian of the earth because of it, and even now he is drawn into this world.

As if stimulated by the appearance of Gaia and Aguru, the faint light of the sky flew out of Yuanquan's body, hovering and tangling above Yuanquan's head.

Although it is impossible to turn Nai Yuanquan into an Ultraman, the light of the sky is also one of the lights of the planet, and it is also a symbol of status.

Sensing the appearance of the sky light, the revived Gaia and Aguru raised their hands at the same time, leading their own energy to flow out of the timer, and re-gathered into a ball of light, which merged into the sky light.

They were originally stone statues whose light had been taken away, and the light that Nexus had taken back from Mephisto's body entered their body again and awakened them.

They will never forget this kindness.

But at the same time, as the light of the planet, they lost to Mephisto.

They act as the light of the planet, but in fact their earth has long since ceased to exist.

Even if resurrected, they have no meaning to survive at all.

So after recovering, Gaia and Aguru decided to give up themselves, reincarnate into the light of the planet and give it to Nexus, and hand it over to the sky guardian in front of them.

His power, his enmity with the dark giant, they recognized the identity of the source, and handed over to him what they carried on themselves.

"There are no guardians of the sky in our world. Our world has been destroyed, and the planet no longer exists. As guardians, we have lost the meaning of existence."

"The ending of this world must not repeat our mistakes, so we hand over the light to you, and hope you can protect your world, Guardian."

After Gaia's thick voice finished speaking, the bodies of the two collapsed and reorganized again, and they transformed into a ball of light again, entering into the circle of light in the sky one after the other.

The source can be seen clearly. From the image of just a ball of light, it entered the stone statues of Gaia and Aguru, and then turned into a ball of light again. There must be some key elements that the source did not notice in such an unnecessary behavior , the reason for the two strands of light taken out of Mephisto to do so.

But in any case, what Yuanquan really didn't expect was that these two lights would recognize his identity, and even turn back into the light of the planet and merge into the light of the sky...

Could it be that someone from me was also recognized by the planet?
I don't know the source of the specific matter. After obtaining the bodies of Gaia and Agulu, and regaining the complete light of the earth and ocean and entering the light of the sky, the three colors of light began to intertwine with each other.

The color added by the high-speed rotating ring is getting richer and richer, from gray and white at the beginning, until a touch of bright red appears, and finally even a portion of azure blue is added to it.

The three colors of light are the light of the planet, and the source has also been collectively recognized by the sky, the earth, and the ocean.

As we all know, if you absorb the light of the planet without being recognized, you can only enslave the power of the light of the planet and cannot fully exert it.

And when a person can get the recognition of the above three and gather the three kinds of light into one, he will get the brilliance equivalent to the brilliance of the planet that has been shining for 46 billion years in the dark universe.

And when Yuanquan raised his head and looked at the ring above his head where the three kinds of light merged into one, the sudden explosion of planetary light shook the entire yellow sand-filled world, shattering the world in an instant, like a glass mirror It shatters before your eyes.

At the same time, a powerful force fell from the top of his head like a solid steel ring, and quickly smashed on the head of the source, knocking him unconscious.

The source of fainting did not see that the brand-new light of the three kinds of brilliance merged into one, turned the shattered world into a vast dark universe at this moment, as if the previous vibration was the buzz caused by the big bang of the universe .

In the dark universe, the color of the shining halo changes repeatedly. The light of the star shining in the dark universe is deep and beautiful.

In the end, the halo freezes at the birth, a white radiance that is completely different from the dark universe.

At this moment, the sky fell apart!

"How is it? How's the situation?" Fujimiya hurriedly ran from Inazuma Shrine to the hospital, his face was full of worry.

Because he really didn't expect that the result of this battle would be so tragic.

"My dream's hand is broken, and there are many serious injuries on my body. It will be fine after a period of recuperation, but that person..." The doctor pushed his glasses and said seriously.

"I don't know what he went through, but his chest seemed to be cut open by a knife, and he could even see the beating of his heart when he was sent over."

"Whether it is life or death, we are not sure."

"Impossible, he must not die, you don't know who he is, and why he got this injury, absolutely, absolutely nothing will happen to him!" Fujimiya pushed away the xIG players who stood in front of him, grabbing him with both hands. On the doctor's shoulder, he said anxiously: "Without him, we have no chance of winning at all!"

"Fujimiya, calm down!" Reiko was also shocked by the development of the situation.But Fujimiya's eagerness is too obvious.

"Please do your best to treat him, xIG will bear all the medical expenses and equipment!" Commander Shishi's face was also very serious, Yuanquan must not die, after witnessing the strength of the dark giant, and the background of the body drawn by Shattering, Shishi The commander could no longer imagine how terrifying it was.

As the top fighting force on the planet, Yuan, there must be no surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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