Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 453 Destroy the body: I'm here to pick up people's heads!

Chapter 453 Destroy the body: I'm here to pick up people's heads!
Generally speaking, at this time, when the male protagonist of a book is badly injured and lying on a hospital bed, wearing a respiratory mask and hanging an IV to display his life status with an electrocardiogram, the female protagonist will sit by the bed and accompany him. I didn't even fall asleep until late at night, to highlight the heroine's love for the hero.

Of course, this is generally speaking.

In fact, when converted to the source, he did enjoy the achievement of having someone sitting by the bed waiting for him to wake up.

But it's a pity that the one waiting for him to wake up is not the heroine, or even a woman, but Hiroya Fujimiya, a high-intelligence scientist.


To be honest, I think Yuanquan will definitely not care about this.

If he really wakes up and finds that Fujimiya is guarding him, he will definitely be moved to tears!
Think again when Dagu crashed and was lying in the hospital with half of his body injured, Yuanquan rushed back from the outside in a fast-moving car all the way, galloping all the way to the ward of the ground base and opened the door.

The first thing that caught his eyes was the crowded ward.

Lina is here as a matter of course, and Mayumi can also be said to be a nurse here.

But why both Lucia and Maya are there!

How can you two enter the ground base!

At that time, as soon as Yuanquan opened the door, he immediately saw Lina's extremely gloomy face, obviously trying his best to suppress his anger.

On the other hand, Maya and Lucia expressed their kindness to Yuanquan, and both of them knew the identity of Yuanquan and had been helped by him.

Of course, Dagu is certainly not as important to them.

Shutting the door like a bereaved dog, Yuanquan suffered an unparalleled blow. After that, he was allowed to rest for several months, and he didn't even raise his energy to fight monsters. He picked up the little wine he hadn't tasted for a long time, and drank it with bitterness.

What he saw suddenly hurt him badly.

And Yuanquan also believes that if the dinosaur girl Yi Wu and the alien girl Sha Ji are not on the earth, there will be two more in that ward.

(Source: Kihigosuke and Hiroya Fujimiya, why is there only a muscular man standing in front of my hospital bed!)

Closer to home, Fujimiya, who was guarding Yuanquan's hospital bed, looked at that pale face and couldn't help but sneer for a moment.

"The guy who beat me up vigorously back then is now lying on the hospital bed and can't get up, it's really you." This laugh was mocking Fujimiya himself.

Now that I am useless, I am sitting here intact, while the guy who is so important to the earth is lying there.

The so-called having power means taking responsibility, the stronger you are, the more you will be hurt, maybe that's what it means.

Before today, Fujimiya, who had rarely considered it from a human standpoint, was affected by Nexus' desperate struggle, coupled with the shattering of the dream he insisted on, and finally realized a certain thing that Yuanquan has always insisted on. something.

The door of the ward was slowly opened, and I Meng walked in with a bandaged arm.

He knew that Fujimiya would be here, just as Fujimiya was here waiting for him.

"You are finally here, I dream." Fujimiya understood, and asked aloud: "You have taken back the light of Aguru, right?"

"I came here today to give you the light of Aguru again." Lifting the sapphire cone in my hand, although I Meng felt the power of the new Gaia, he who is obsessed with power can completely He took this power as his own, but more than that, what he wanted more was his comrades standing by his side.

"...No need." His eyes stayed on the sapphire cone for a moment, and Fujimiya quickly looked away: "I am no longer qualified to be an Aguru, and I am even more unworthy to be an Aguru. Just keep it and protect me." Earth, protect humanity."

"Why, you are also a soldier chosen by the earth, why do you say you are not qualified!" Unexpectedly, Fujimiya would refuse, and my dream seemed a little anxious: "We are one, the guardians of the planet and human beings, why? you want……"

"Do you understand the feeling of being deceived by something I created with my own hands, and something I have always regarded as the truth?" Fujimiya's eyes were like a pool of stagnant water, and the calmness without waves implied the withering of the spring of his heart.

"I dream, I don't have anything worth protecting anymore, Aguru also admitted you, didn't you?" Fujimiya looked extreme like a terrorist, and decadent like a retired old man, back and forth For the two extremes, he only takes the two ends, and does not take the middle value at all.

This kind of attitude made Mengmeng quite uncomfortable.

Because my dream is the kind of person who only takes the middle and does not take the two ends...

"Just take that light with me, and go to fight and continue to protect something." Then, Fujimiya stood up and prepared to leave.

On the one hand, he stayed here waiting for my dream, and on the other hand, he was afraid that the dark giant who was not dead would come back.

In fact, he already had the intention to protect Yuanquan even if he died.

But when my dream came, Fujimiya felt that there was no reason for him to stay.

I saw him, I entrusted things to me, and I dreamed that I could even become an Ultraman. He was more suitable than me in every respect, so why did I still stay here?

But at this moment, the ground outside the hospital violently rioted, and a huge demon who descended from the sky supported his body with his legs and landed not far from the hospital.

Withdrawing its pure white wings, it looked at the surrounding environment, and soon it locked on the light of the earth.

The broken demon Bribroz standing on the ruins of the city collided with the eyes of Gama and Fujimiya who looked out through the hospital window.

Of course there is a reason for it to come here. The strongest guardian of the earth and Mephisto fought for both sides. After receiving treatment on the hospital bed, he will not be able to wake up at all for a while.

Coupled with the previous layout, the will of the earth has been greatly damaged, and there are not many things that can be done now. At this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how can the disintegration invite the body to turn a blind eye.

Be it the light of the sky or Nexus, in any case, now is the best opportunity.

It must be here to destroy Nexus, or capture him.

As for such a powerful Guardian of the Earth, the Destroyer has the confidence to transform Nexus into the strongest vanguard.

Transforming and enslaving the light of the planet into a monster weapon, this kind of operation has long been familiar to the shattered recruits.

Bribroz stepped forward, heading straight for his destination.

And in the ward, Fujimiya and I Meng glanced at each other, and I Meng immediately walked to the window and transformed.

The shape of Gaia v2 emerges from the red light, there is no earth-shattering flying soil, and there is no trembling earth. Gaia, who appears lightly, is concerned about the hospital behind her, and chooses a less disturbing arrival.

Nodding to Fujimiya, Gaia took a few steps forward and made a fighting gesture, never letting the Demon Destroyer take another step forward.

Raising one hand, successive attacks were released from the palm of the hand. Gaia spread out both hands and used the reversible shield to bounce all the missiles away.

After getting close enough, the Destroyer strode forward, heading straight for Gaia, and Gaia also canceled the shield at the same time, without flinching.

"Destroyer recruits the body, taking advantage of the serious injury, do you want to come over and kill him?" The two huge figures collided, and the hospital that was too close was greatly affected, and Fujimiya couldn't stand upright due to the tremor like an earthquake stable.

In the first face-to-face confrontation between the two sides, Gaia withstood the power of the Demon Destroyer. In the original book, the Demon Destroyer, who was able to overwhelm Gaia v2 and Aguru v2, was unable to take advantage of it in a short time.

Because in the final analysis, my dream is still my dream, and Gaia is still Gaia just like the original book, there are some other things in them.

Because there is a shameless guy bullying my dream every day in the name of training, looking for pleasure in my dream.

Although that is indeed the case, the growth that I Meng gained in the devil training is precisely the proof that he has surpassed the original book by a large margin.

The Destroyer Demon can't suppress the current Gaia.

(End of this chapter)

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