Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 456 We still don't know what the name of the second-to-last adaptor is

Chapter 456 We Still Don't Know What The Name Of The Penultimate Competent Person Is

At the same time, Teng Gong also encountered a certain enemy in the outside world.

And this enemy may even be a child created by him.

"From the moment I created you, I thought there was hope for human beings, and so did the earth. Under your guidance, we will surely be able to defeat the body of destruction!" Teng Gong stood up straight. Risis, he has many, many things he wants to say to it.

"I used to have such high hopes for you. Even if Claude intervened, I think it was his fault, not Chrissy's problem, because I think you don't want to be the one who invites destruction... . " Speaking of this, Teng Gong's tone had a bit of hatred for the lack of iron.

"But I didn't expect that you would really become like this!"

"Could it be that your depravity has nothing to do with Claude, even without him, would you have come to this point!"

"That's right, human beings are a race that doesn't need to exist, just like the ones you showed me. For the earth, human beings don't need to exist." Chrissys admitted his changes and responded in disguise. The answer it gives is true.

"I was created by you, but it doesn't mean that I will follow your wishes forever."

"I never believe that you are a mistake, Chrissy, but you are destroying my trust." Teng Gong took a deep breath, accepting this reality.

"What do you want to do when you appear here?!"

"Get the strongest power on this earth today, become the strongest guardian, and then destroy all human beings!" Chrisis also came here for the source, in order to obtain the power of the strongest guardian, now is the most powerful guardian. good timing.

"Don't try to succeed, I will never let you succeed!" Teng Gong had an expression that I knew a long time ago, secretly he was already quietly preparing to unscrew the door of the ward and run away.

"What are you going to do to stop me? You are no longer Ultraman!" As soon as the words fell, Chrissy's ghost broke through the TV screen, and the appearance of jumping out of the screen was somewhat horrifying, reminiscent of To that classic screen image.

At this moment, a certain woman who had been waiting for a long time suddenly appeared in front of Teng Gong and Krissis, and her open hands built a transparent barrier, wrapping Teng Gong and her in the barrier.

Chrissy slammed into it all at once, but was unable to break through the defense.

"You are Miss Saori?" Seeing Saori appear, Teng Gong finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although she is not a human being, she is an ally on her side, and there is no doubt that she did it to protect the source. appeared.

"Well, leave with me." Saori nodded, as she accepted her purpose of coming here.

Maintaining the barrier, she directly smashed through the wall. With Teng Gong's hesitant expression, she grabbed Teng Gong and activated the teleportation ability together, and left the hospital.

"Want to run?" Chrissy shook his head, and once more awake, it escaped into the TV again, followed the channel of the electronic virtual world, and began to search for Saori's current location at an exact speed.

Once confirmed, it doesn't even need a thousandth of a second, it can reach where he wants to go in an instant.

As long as there are electronic devices and wires, it is everywhere.

"But I still have to ask, do I really have to do that?" After reminiscing and teasing, Yuanquan finally brought up the topic again.

If possible, he would definitely not want to do it.

"Yes, even if the price is our disappearance, we will not hesitate!" Zhenying said without hesitation.

"The last competent person, a member of the special operations team of the Earth Defense Force - Yuanquan."

"Your former fitter died without a name, and we didn't know who he was, but even so, he didn't give up at the end."

"He chose to believe in you and pinned his hopes on you."

"Haven't you lived up to his expectations in what you have been doing all this time?"

"Mephisto lives for himself, Yuan, you are the proof of our existence, your life means we are still alive."

As long as there are still people in this vast world who remember, and there are still people who remember that world, then we will live forever and exist in that person's memory.

".Really, do you have to do that?" Yuanquan suppressed the grief in his heart, and asked in a harsh voice: "It's not that I can't beat Mephisto, you don't at all."

"What about Zaki? What about the messenger behind the red ball? Once fate finds you, it won't give you another chance." Another capable person, Yang Shubao, who moved bricks on the construction site, said, "There is no need to be nostalgic for us. , You, keep looking ahead and keep going.”

"That's right, now is the opportunity, an extraordinary power is being bred in your body, we cannot be your shackles, we must leave!" He said solemnly: "That power will push you to a new level. You will go to a level that we can't reach, do it, overcome it, and surpass it!"

".I know, you don't want to be Ultraman. In fact, none of us want to be Ultraman. It's just that we have no choice. If we don't do it, we will die." Rogers patted Yuanquan on the shoulder.

"Everyone here, none of them wants to become an Ultraman, because everyone understands what the price of being an Ultraman is."

"Although daily life is very hard, people are still alive."

"Yeah, since when has life been a luxury." Shaking his head with a sneer, Yang Shubao continued, "But all things will not develop according to what we think, failure is failure. "

"We're losers, and you're overtaking us."

"Let's start with me." Long raised his hand first, and stepped forward: "He discarded the light, and I picked it up. The fate and karma passed down from generation to generation starts with me."

"I've finished what I want to say to you." Starting from his feet, Long began to disappear into light spots.

He was smiling until it completely dissipated.

"After that, it's me." The able-bodied person after Long stepped forward and stood in front of Yuanquan: "I am Chiba Fax."

"You have to live, Yuan!"

"It's me again, the third competent person, Jie Lun."

"Is it my turn? My name is Thomas, and I'm the fourth."

"Hmph, take a good look at Yuan, I'm Gorbachio, the bear man, and I'm the fifth!"

More and more people stand in front of the source, leave their names, tell words of encouragement, engrave their existence, and pass on their care.

In order to let the current able-bodied people go further, in order to enable this generation of able-bodied people to go beyond, to do things they have never done, to defeat the enemies they have not defeated, and to save the world they have not saved.

"I am No.90 Nine Generations, and my name is Qian Shuren." The boy in school uniform showed a bright smile: "I have the same name as Qian Shuren, maybe this is also my fate."

"Come on, Yuan!"

In Yuan's eyes, the smiling young man also turned into a spot of light and disappeared, and after him, no other able-bodied people appeared.

The hundredth capable person, Yuanquan didn't know who he was, because it was he who gave up everything to send Yuanquan away, and he also separated the light.

He didn't even have existence.

"Aren't you trying to force me to become a guy like Mephisto who also lives for himself?" Yuanquan whispered with a breath.

"In this way, I can't bear to die myself."

(End of this chapter)

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