Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 457 Jiedunniang has already made one piece with Renlong

Chapter 457 Jeden's mother has already become one with Renlong (literally)
Moving out of the hospital in an instant, the vision in front of Fujimiya changed, and the scenery in front of him changed in an instant, and it was already different.

Fujimiya breathed a sigh of relief, if he stayed away from the hospital in an instant, even Chrissy would not be able to catch up in a short time.

Rejoicing in his heart that he was able to escape from birth, just as Fujimiya was about to say something, he felt that the world was spinning again and again.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the environment in front of him was distorted again. After the transformation of the distorted world that hit the eyeballs, Fujimiya suddenly found that he had changed another place.

"I..." Just about to say something, Saori grabbed Fujimiya's wrist again, activated the teleportation ability again and disappeared from the spot.

Each stay in the same place hardly exceeds five seconds. This continuous space jump makes Fujimiya indifferent from the beginning, and gradually becomes difficult to adapt to.

No one would feel comfortable after so many consecutive jumps, and Fujimiya just felt uncomfortable, which was already a testament to his extraordinary human physique.

"We...why can't we stop?" After jumping for the last time, looking at the dense forest around him, Fujimiya suppressed his discomfort and asked: "After jumping so many times, Chrissy shouldn't be able to catch up." .”

"No, it's right behind me." Saori stopped her teleportation for a short time until she came to this deep mountain and old forest.

In her perception, Chrissy, who was always chasing behind, came here all the way, so it was unable to catch up.

"That guy is essentially a computer, which can digitize itself and shuttle in the online world. In theory, as long as there is an electronic device, it will arrive in an instant." Saori said, Fujimiya's smart The little head also started to function, and soon he figured out the key factors.

That's why Saori launched teleports one after another to come to this deep mountain and old forest.

"Did you get rid of it?" Fujimiya asked back.

"I can't smell it anymore, maybe I didn't catch up." Saori sniffed and frowned: "But there is another smell approaching, and it's very fast, and it smells bad."

"Another one?" Fujimiya's question just fell, and in the next moment, a substance like flowing mercury drilled out of the ground, gathered from all directions to form a humanoid creature, and revealed its original form in the gradual stacking. attitude.

"That's..." Watching a group of indescribable creatures transform into Ultraman Nexus in the bright red light, standing on the ground with that familiar red body, Fujimiya saw this , and finally understand what this slime-like metal substance is.

"The wreckage of the metal life form, the fragments stored in Geo Base, have you taken it away?" Both Gaia and Fujimiya have faced such a metal life form before, and they all won the battle. .

But that doesn't mean that the metal lifeforms are too weak, on the contrary, the first generation of metal lifeforms forced Gaia v1 to almost achieve the achievements of the first five episodes.

And the one that Aguru faced later, Aguru also won miserably in the first battle.

If it wasn't for Fujimiya's gift from Agurus to greatly increase his strength, he would have faced a comeback for the second time, and even mimicked Agurus' metal life form, and he might have been defeated.

Now, the ghost of Chrissis has invaded the network of Geo base and took away the remains of the metal life form to activate it, use it to build its own body, and even mimic Nexus.

"Chrissis, is this your current strength?" Clenching his fists tightly, a sense of powerlessness invaded his heart, making Fujimiya grit his teeth, watching all this helplessly.

It's too late to say anything...

"Can I still run now?" Although she was already useless and useless, Saori was still here, and her ability was extremely important at this juncture.

"I can't run away from it, I don't want to run away." Saying that, Saori lay on the ground, murmuring something, and Fujimiya moved closer to listen, and happened to hear part of it.

"Come on Shenlong, come on Shenlong, come on Shenlong..." Listening to Saori repeating this passage solemnly, Fujimiya's face was quite complicated. If he could call out Renlong so easily, how could it be? Isn't it too childish?

That is a divine dragon. If you want to invite him to appear, you have to hold a ceremony or let Miss Kuroda Hui...

Amidst the shaking of the earth and mountains, the huge dragon's head broke through the ground, and the roar of the dragon resounded throughout the universe.

Almost at the instant the false Nexus struck, the instant the Particle Razor was thrown, the Renlong overturned the ground beneath it, sinking it into the pit.

First came the first dragon head, then the second, and then the third, until all nine small dragon heads broke through the ground, roaring continuously at the metal life forms that fell into the pit.

Fujimiya: ...


Why can this girl call out Renlong by shouting a few times like a child's play!

What do you make the priestesses in those shrines think?What do you make me think?
The dragon head of the trunk body appeared out of thin air and approached Saori. The sacred and noble dragon has appeared quite frequently recently.

But the current combat power on the earth, now that only Gaia has a strong combat power as the guardian, Renlong must shoulder the responsibility.

Saori stretched out her hand and touched Renlong's nose, and the power of mind and spirit became a bridge to communicate with each other.

In that brief moment, no one knew what they were talking about.

The gorgeous cross storm appeared in bright red, and directly hit a certain dragon's head.

After a short stalemate, the cross storm detonated the little dragon's head, blasted it apart, and took the dragon's life.

Renlong roared in pain, and then turned his attention to the mimic Nexus.

The deep dragon roar contained pain and anger, canceled the link with Saori, Renlong turned around, and was impressively ready to face this big battle.

"Let's go." Nodding to Renlong, indicating that she knew what to do next, Saori greeted Fujimiya, and she wanted to activate the teleportation ability again to go to the fortress in the sky.

"At present, they are all eager for Yuan and want to seize his power. Renlong told me that there is only one place that can guarantee her safety." Saori pointed to the sky, the place she said, There is no doubt that it is an air base.

"The sky base? Do you really think that place is safe? For me, as long as I want, I can break through the network defense of the air base and let it fall." Fujimiya moved his gaze to the mimic Nexus Looking at its body locked by Renlong's thought power, hanging in the air and struggling, I have a clear understanding of Renlong's terrifying power in my heart.

"If I can do it, Chrissy will definitely be able to do it, and so can the members of Alchemy Star."

"And I can't guarantee that there are no traitors inside the Alchemy Star." This is what Fujimiya is really worried about. Once bitten by a snake, he is afraid of well ropes for ten years. He no longer trusts the Alchemy Star so much.

Who can guarantee that it's just an accident that someone like Claude will appear on the earth?

(End of this chapter)

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