Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 458 I'm a charitable person, I don't want to see other people's pain

Chapter 458 My Old Gai Is A Charitable Person, I Can't See Others Suffering (No Mercy)

"Ahem..." From the posture of the dark giant to the human form, the sword wound on the abdomen and the bruises all over the body symbolize the price after that battle.

Back in another world, Mephisto turned into his human image, a young man.

The pale face exposed one after another blue veins, resisting the burning pain in his body.

He was lying in the dark world, on top of a piece of bluestone, licking his wound alone, like a stray wolf, wandering silently by himself.

He raised his head and looked up at the distorted starry sky. All he could see at this glance was the world shrouded by the monsters of destruction. Those stars were nothing but factories that were manufactured under the hands of the monsters of destruction behind their backs.

There, innumerable monster weapons were processed out of the factory, and accompanied by the crusade of the shattered monsters, they wreaked havoc in worlds and left their footprints in countless worlds.

"Destruction invites the body, you are here." His face became paler, but he couldn't conceal the anger and hatred in his heart. He absorbed a lot of energy belonging to Nexus, and the missing 5.00% was finally able to be filled.

He also has the confidence that he will evolve after this time.

Even if the light of the earth is taken away by him, so what?
If the exchange condition is the energy of Nexus, he can still evolve.

Don't think that you can be recognized by them by absorbing the light of the earth, you are just a Nexus, I can't even be recognized by the light of the earth, and of course you are impossible.

You were selected as a competent person when you died until there was no one left, which means that you don't have that qualification at all.

It's just a lucky guy.

That can only increase some energy and strengthen some physical fitness, but it cannot bring about an explosive increase in strength.

When my evolution is complete, then it will be time for you to bow your head in front of me.

Just like I said before, use your strength to bury your life!

The distorted starry sky flickered for a moment, and in the shattered world, the silent fluctuations of the shattered body responded to Mephisto's question.

"I'll give you a coordinate, the coordinate of a dead world. In the next period of time, you will pull that planet over." There was a cruel smile on his face, nothing compares to that broken world Being here is a better taunt.

The light is powerful enough to wipe out the planet, right? Then I will pull that planet over.

The earth that once belonged to me was pulled over by me, what are you going to do?
Some doubts arose in the fluctuations of the shattered body, and it seemed that they couldn't understand the use of pulling the earth over.

"That is the tomb I chose for him. Just like his predecessors, I want him to follow in the footsteps of those guys and become a lonely ghost in a dead world." Speaking of excitement, Mei Fei Sturt can be said to be gnashing his teeth.

The dead earth hangs alone in the solar system in that world, and the once shining treasure has also been silent.

As Ultraman's tomb, on that planet, isn't the capable person sleeping in a certain cemetery the final destination of Nexus?

Can you win by pulling that earth over?
This is another question asked by the disillusioned body, but this time, Mephisto still chose to answer: "That is an extinct world shrouded in darkness, where there is light, there is only extinguished despair!"

"Of course I am very confident in this, because in that world, I have a lot of experience in killing Ultraman."

"Do you need to give up interfering with him? Go on, why give up? If he is so badly injured, should I wait for him to heal before fighting him? Do I look like such a pure person?"

"Will it be done for me as soon as possible? That's good. When I digest his energy and recover from my injuries, at that time, you destroy civilization and I kill Ultraman, just like we have been cooperating."


Activate the teleportation ability, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the lounge of Commander Shishi in the air base. Here, Shishi has already been prepared.

The moment Saori moved over with Fujimiya and Yuanquan, the alarm device and automatic camera device in the house had already been turned off, in order to let them come quietly.

"Kajio, come back immediately." In the screen, the battle between Gaia and Destroyer Demon has become more and more frenzied. The longer the battle, the lower the chance of victory for Destroyer Demon.

The more entangled, Gaia's fighting spirit and energy level have been rising, as if there is no end.

The more he fights, the more he can't do what he wants. From the beginning, he felt that he would not lose much to Gaia, then later Gaia had two tricks, and now he is thinking about how to run away. It can be said that this Mindset change is a gradual process.

Of course, Supreme Gaia has never been recorded in the materials of the Destroyer's summoning body. When all his data is unknown, the Destroyer Demon doesn't think it is a rare thing that he lost to him.

This... How can the difference in intelligence mean that I lost?

After paying the price of one wing being smashed and beaten by Gaia's photon ice skate, the shattered demon Bribroz fled into the wormhole in embarrassment, and ran away without looking back.

But it's a good idea for him to run to the end, but it's a pity that the setting of the Supreme One must take the head is here, especially when he still lacks a wing.

In the end, Supreme Gaia's strongest output technique - different from the general "L" or cross gestures, Gaia directly rubbed an Amitabha light (photon streamline) with his hands.

This wave, this wave is Gaia expressing that he is kind-hearted and does not want to see others suffer, so he sent him to bliss early (no mercy).

The thick and turbulent red light stream hit Bribrotz instantly, and after a short delay, Bribrotz's body exploded with a bang, and the body's tissue structure was destroyed by the photon streamline, and the ultra-high temperature energy detonated the body. It turned into wreckage in the explosion.

From a distance, it looks like a firework is set off.

Bribrots was destroyed, Gaia was untransformed, and Imeng stood on the balcony sweating profusely.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries, the physical consumption was not small.

At this time, I dreamed that I was fortunate that I had been trained by the devil, and my physical fitness and other aspects had grown considerably.

Otherwise, let's not say whether I can win this battle, anyway, after the transformation is lifted, there is a high probability that my dream will lie on the ground and howl.

He clenched the sapphire cone in his hand, and inside the sapphire, the light of Gaia, which symbolizes the earth, and Aguru, which symbolizes the ocean, are shining.

This is power, this is my current power, powerful, incomprehensible, and shocking.

Only such power can protect the earth, protect mankind, and defeat those powerful enemies!
This kind of power is called power!
At this moment, my desire for power has been satisfied for the time being, my dream heart is slightly relaxed. Before I have encountered a powerful enemy that even Supreme Gaia can't defeat, my dream heart that was influenced by the source and pursued power will not There is something to crave.

After that, I went down the elevator and found the leader of the ground assistance force sent by xIG. After talking with him, I learned that I hadn’t picked up a critically ill patient named Yuanquan and a guardian named Fujimiya. The smile hanging on his face froze immediately.

Broken... lost people!

(End of this chapter)

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