Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 472 Mistakes Caused by Eccentricity Are Punishments for Crossing the Boundary Between Humans

Chapter 472 Mistakes Caused by Eccentricity Are Punishments for Crossing the Boundary Between Humans and Inhumans
Do you know how rare it is for Yuanquan to wait for the door to open without punching the door when he was furious? !
In the case of being seriously injured, Yuanquan had to think a little more, but this did not change his mood at the moment.

As a human being, no matter what a human being does, he has no way to stop it, just like he cannot stop dog lovers from loving dogs, nor will he stop others from eating dog meat, as long as he is himself.

But if it is the position of the guardian, then it is necessary to look at the overall situation more impartially in addition to the identity of human beings.

He once also said that he is an unqualified guardian of the earth, always biased towards human beings, and always unconsciously chooses human beings when making the final choice.

It's just trash that says it should be fair and fair, but in fact it can't be done at all.

His eccentricity is based on the premise that there is always hope in the hearts of human beings, and that the brilliance of human nature that is gentle and beautiful is always preserved.

He had seen such a scene before, and seen the brilliance of humanity bursting out in the hearts of human beings in the darkest moment.

So he is willing to believe, willing to give to mankind again and again.

This was the case when he was in the Tiga world. Human beings did not disappoint him, but his confusion was not answered.

In the world of Gaia, when this kind of trust is regarded as a necessity, and thus is the capital that human beings can do arbitrarily, then what is the meaning of the so-called favoritism of the source and the partiality that tortures one's inner choice with guilt.

As the guardian of the earth, just because you are a human being, you allow human beings to harm life on the earth again and again?
Just because of my choice and trust, it is considered necessary by human beings, and they recognize me as my own, so I have nothing to fear?

No matter what happens, Ultraman has the bottom line, right?

Even though he had no identity, Yuanquan began to walk into the door of the command room.And it just so happened that Commander Ishishi and a certain guy who carried out the plan to destroy monsters, Brigadier General Hiiragi Hiroyuki from the headquarters, was the guy who presided over the elimination of the Didi monster Tigulis and completely wiped out all the monsters on the earth with underground penetrating bombs. It's all here.

In other words, the true master that the source is looking for.

"Execute the so-called underground penetration bomb plan, destroy monsters, destroy the ground, and pollute the environment, just because this is the choice of human beings, so ignore other things?!" The voice of the source is so clear and abrupt, the third party who suddenly stepped in The voice symbolizes that a guy who has been lying dead has once again entered Gaia's main line.

"This is." Hiiragi definitely didn't know Yuanquan, so he set his sights on Commander Ishishiro.

"This is one of the researchers hired by XIG. His name is Yuanquan. He was seriously injured by a monster attack and is currently recuperating." Shi Shi casually made up an identity, and because he is the commander of XIG , and no one will doubt what he said.

At worst, he can just sit back and watch Yuanquan's identity, no big deal.

"You oppose the implementation of the underground penetrating bomb plan?" Hiiragi understood, and then faced the source again: "Why, why did you refuse? You are a human being, but you want to stand in the position of a monster and think about problems for the monster?"

"I'm not from the standpoint of monsters, but from the standpoint of humans. Once the underground penetrating bullet is launched, it is equivalent to saying that humans are going to declare war on all monsters on the earth. At that time, you are ready to fight the monsters to the death, and then both die suddenly , let the disintegration invite the body to accept the earth?" Even though he is still weak, in terms of momentum, Yuanquan's aura is unmatched.

Even Hiiragi, who is known for his toughness at the headquarters, can't compare to Yuanquan in this regard.

"You think we can't destroy the earth monsters?" Hiiragi asked back.

"So, what do you make Gaia think? He is the guardian of the earth, and he protects all life on the earth. Do you want his beloved human beings to challenge his duties?"

"The so-called guardian of the earth is just some superstition. Who can prove Gaia's identity?" Hiiragi is definitely not someone who will be easily shaken. As a result, his combat troops were completely annihilated in the battle against Zhong Naier, and he developed an unparalleled hatred for monsters.

"Really? Then why are you going to deal with Tigulis instead of killing Renlong?" Yuanquan's eyes were full of mockery: "Is it because I dare not, or I can't, or I can't afford it?"

The so-called dare not dare to use large-scale polluting weapons in one of the largest cities on the planet.

The so-called impossibility means that underground penetrating bombs cannot be used in large cities under the constraints of international conventions and laws, otherwise it would be a violation of the treaty.

The so-called inability to provoke, naturally Tigulis is relatively weak, and Renlong, with its strength revealed by its appearance several times, is the biggest shock.

"That's the end of the plan, not what needs to be implemented now." Hiiragi lost the intention to continue talking with Yuanquan, turned his head and left, and walked towards the door.

During the period, I also met in a dream, and during the short look at each other, they turned away from each other.

"Heh, human beings talk about the so-called revenge in a high-sounding way, saying that they want to destroy monsters on behalf of the happiness of all mankind. Is this the result of partial choices all the time?!" Sitting on the chair, Yuanquan looked at the ceiling and laughed at himself smiling.

Renlong has given human beings a chance to rethink themselves, and he also believes that human beings can always show their gentle and kind side.

But in the dark abyss before those things appear, how many lives must be devoured to be reconciled!

"Boss" I can't say anything in Mengmeng. In the final analysis, Hiiragi wants to avenge his subordinates, so there is nothing to say.

At the end of the day, the guardian is going to protect all life, so it is normal to stop the launch of the underground penetrator.

Two things need to be undertaken by two different identities.

But two different identities are assumed by one person.

The trade-offs are tormenting.

"Do you have to stop the launch of the underground penetrating bullet?" Shi Shi was silent for a long time, and finally spoke.

Because this not only represents the will of the source, but also represents the will of Nexus.

If Nexus really intervenes, then humans have to be prepared to face the strongest guardian.

"That's right, Tigulis didn't do anything, why was he killed for no reason? Just because it threatened the safety of human beings? Then why did human beings threaten the safety of Tigulis, and Tigulis didn't destroy human beings? ?” After a pause, Yuanquan suddenly realized something, some questions that he had when he was watching Gaia, but after experiencing it personally at this moment, he suddenly understood.

"Perhaps, it is because of this inferiority of human beings that prompts the arrival of the shattered host."

"If the host of destruction is really another advanced civilization in the universe, then the host of destruction has observed human beings for so long, and this inferiority of human beings has long been known to him. That's why he made up his mind to exterminate human beings. "

"Because sooner or later, human beings will develop to be aware of His existence, and when that day comes, will the inferiority of human beings let the destruction invite the body?!"

"Is this possible?" I asked confusedly.

"Although it's a hypothesis, it might happen. Even if it's not the object of destruction, it might be something else." Why doesn't Shishi understand this, but there is no solution at all.

"It was Zhong Naier who killed his subordinates. Zhong Naier was awakened by Claude, and Claude took refuge in the Destroyer's body. If he really wants revenge, he will fight against the Destroyer's body." He said, Yuanquan stood up and walked outside the gate.

"Instead of hurting the earth monsters."

"Even, the target he wants to hunt is not Zhong Naier."

"I am the guardian of the sky, I must stop him!"

"Where are you going?" Shishi and Imeng asked Yuanquan at the same time. With his current body, he wouldn't want to.
"I'm going to get something." After a pause, Yuanquan said quietly.

"Be back soon."

(End of this chapter)

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