Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 473 Have the courage to press the trigger on the guardian who protects the earth and mankind

Chapter 473 Have the courage to press the trigger on the guardian who protects the earth and mankind?
"I have understood the determination of human beings since a long time ago. Whether it is wrong or right, they are good at going to the end of a road and never turning back when they die." Taking out the evolution trustee from the drawer, Yuanquan's expression is very dignified.

But Saori didn't want Yuanquan to do this. She knew that Yuanquan could never transform now. His power and light had not been recovered until now.

If you forcefully transform, the result will definitely be...

"Yuan, you now..." Saori stood up, grabbed Yuanquan's arm, and looked at him worriedly: "No, you can't transform now..."

"I have to go, I must go!" In fact, it is enough to wait for Fujimiya to come back and let Sai Luo go, but... there is too little time.

By the time Fujimiya comes back, Tigulis is already dead, and there is no difference at all as in the original book.

And I Meng, Yuanquan didn't think he would stand up and have that determination to stop human beings and stop Hiiragi.

So in the final analysis, only he can stand up.

"Definitely, I must..." Determined that it was the fault of his own favoritism, Yuanquan pulled out the evolution trustee, and the response of the faint light symbolized that Yuanquan's power at this moment has not been restored.

Transformation is possible, but what will be the price of transformation?
"Tigulis...I want to atone for my eccentricity!" Roaring, Yuanquan held up the evolution truster.

A faint golden light enveloped Yuanquan's whole body. In the dim light, the red light of Nexus flew out of the air base and went straight to the ground.

In the command room of the air base, watching the trace of the red light go away, Commander Shishi was very worried.

Yuan, did you choose to stop it after all?
With your current body, can you really resist it?
And on the ground, Fujimiya also learned about it from My Dream after returning from the beach. Leaving aside Sai Luo for the time being, Fujimiya himself absolutely cannot accept this matter.

Even if he never had the power of Ultraman on his body, he would prevent this from happening, not to mention that he still has the power of Ultraman now?
Tigulis is sleeping below Genjin Lake, whose identity is the white tiger, one of the four great sacred beasts on earth, and has the same noble status as Renlong, but their strengths are vastly different.

Responding to the will of the earth, these monsters are sleeping underground and will not interfere with human society.

This era is the era of human beings, and they do not need to be active in this world.

They are monsters of the earth, and of course they respect the choice of the earth.

But even though they are sleeping underground, their existence is still feared by humans. In the place where they are sleeping, countless military buildings have been erected on the ground.

It was built to eliminate them. Once they change, these powerful military weapons will launch without hesitation and destroy the monsters.

"Prepare for debugging, penetrate the ground, and start charging." Hiiragi wore sunglasses to prevent people from seeing his cold and ruthless eyes.

For the earth monsters, he only has hatred now, and he just wants to kill them.

After a little adjustment, Hiiragi looked at the building standing on the ground. The launch port loaded with the only underground penetrating bomb was aimed at the ground, at Tigulis, and at the heart of the earth.

After all, human beings have revealed their own evil and their inferior side.

"You know Yuan can't transform right now, right?" Fujimiya raised his hand, directly showed the Palagi bracelet, and revealed the Sero Otto glasses: "So in this matter, I have to replace him... "

"No, it's too late." I Meng also held the sapphire cone, and he wanted to transform, but he was still one step too late.

Under the sunlight of the brilliant sunset, the transparent phantom gradually solidified. Nexus walked from the place filled with light, and the timer on his chest was flickering rapidly from the moment he transformed.

But even so, he still walked slowly, with the sun as the background, full of divine light, making Nexus look like a god.

"How could it be! He should know that he can't..." Sai Luo looked at Nexus approaching in amazement. He checked Yuanquan's body. Without the severe injuries to his own body, it is impossible for him to transform.

Although he had some recovery, he might be able to transform, but how much combat power would he have left after transforming?
"Are you going to stop me too? Nexus!" Hiiragi looked at the holy being walking in the setting sun, even if it was a warrior who protected the earth, even if it was a giant of light who had saved the earth more than once, but To stop him at this time, Hiiragi will never back down.

Those subordinates, those subordinates who are like brothers to him, I was still telling them to be good just a moment ago.But within a few ten minutes, what I got was the news that their entire army was wiped out and they were all buried by Zhong Naier.

Can you bear such a thing?
Even though I have wondered more than once, why did I not die on the battlefield with them, why did I have to bear all this and live?

Painful, like a nightmare.

Waking up from sleep, it seems that they are still telling themselves the pain of death and their unwillingness before dying.

Telling him that he must take revenge, must take revenge on the monster that killed them.

Living with such guilt day and night, Hiiragi himself couldn't figure out how intense the hatred was derived from.

He only knows to take revenge, to protect human beings, and to prevent other people from being given by monsters like himself and his subordinates...

This is my long-cherished wish, and this is the only thing I can do now!

Nexus, even if it is you, I will never show mercy, and neither will I!
Adjust the button, adjust the turret to move to the front, and aim at the slowly walking figure of Nexus. Hiiragi's finger is placed on the button to confirm the attack. Just press it, and these cannons will pour huge firepower to the ground. Nexus' body.

Perform your duties the same way you dealt with monsters before.

However, Hiiragi didn't press it down, and he still didn't press it down.

He knows what the result will be once he presses it down, and he also knows that Nexus has defeated many powerful enemies for the earth and for mankind.

Although it was the first time he saw it with his own eyes and not in the video, Nexus was no different from those fighters who fought at the forefront.

Press it?Then attack Nexus, attacking the warrior who protects the earth.

I...really so...

"Why are you forcing me! Why are you forcing me! Nexus!" In the end, Hiiragi pressed the button while roaring, but it was not the launch button of the turret, but the launch button of the underground penetrating bomb.

After all, he couldn't have the courage to push the trigger to Nexus, who had been fighting for mankind and the earth.

The underground penetrating bomb ignited a flame at the launch port, and the white smoke pierced through the ground, and began to shoot towards Tigulis underground.

But this was the moment Nexus had been waiting for.

He didn't think that his appearance would cause Hiiragi to let go of his hatred and give up his plan to launch underground penetrating bombs.

With his hands crossed in front of his chest, Nexus used his thoughts to forcibly interfere with the trajectory of the underground penetrating bomb, forcing its target to shift to the ground.

Namely, Nexus himself.

(End of this chapter)

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