Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 474 I don't need Mephisto to do it, I personally send the fountain to the west!

Chapter 474 I don't need Mephisto to do it, I personally send the fountain to the west!
Underground penetrating bombs have great power, and the lack of power also makes it very unlikely that they can break away from gravity.

Therefore, there is no need to expect this thing to fly into the sky to explode. Its extreme propulsion force can only make it rush out of the ground at a height of less than 20 meters, and then explode with a bang.

Leaving aside the destructive power of the underground penetrating bomb, once it explodes, it will cause extremely serious pollution, and will cover the surface of almost a large town with harmful substances, and it is the kind of irreversible damage that will last over time. Gradually flow towards other places, polluting more environment.

And with the self-healing ability of the earth, if we want to reverse this kind of damage, it may take a long time transition in units of tens of millions.

That is absolutely unacceptable to Nexus.

At this juncture, the explosion of the underground penetrating bomb is tantamount to another injury to the earth that has already suffered from a backstab.

Nexus would never allow such a thing to happen.

"Does he want to withstand the underground piercing bomb by himself?" Sai Luo watched all this happening in front of him, and had no plans to transform the palace for the time being, because in his impression, the power of missiles has never been very good. land.

Even if it explodes, how much damage can it cause?

And in this timeline, in this past timeline, to what extent can human technology reach?
Even if Nexus was seriously injured, it would still be stable.

"No!" I Meng raised the sapphire cone and transformed directly. Unlike Sai Luo, he is very familiar with the technological strength of human beings. It can be said that with the help of Alchemy Star, the spears used by humans to attack are very sharp.

It is so sharp that even as an Ultraman, it is difficult to bear it intact.

He has seen the damage caused by the explosion of the underground penetrating bomb in the video. Nexus, with such a severely injured body, once he bears it.
Gaia's transformation takes time, and in this short period of barely five seconds, the underground piercing bomb has rushed out of the ground and directly hit Nexus.

It was at this moment that Nexus grasped the ground penetrating bomb with both hands, and his weak body couldn't bear the power to push him back a few steps.

Nexus seized this opportunity, activated the ability of teleportation, crossed the distance between the earth and space in a short period of time, and teleported directly to outer space.

When Gaia stood on the ground, a rumbling explosion suddenly appeared outside the universe. The strong explosion mixed with crimson flames swept across the sky. From a distance, it seemed that something hit the atmosphere Like an explosion.

Gaia clenched his fists, and with Nexus' safety in mind, he directly raised his arms and flew towards the sky.

After leaping a short distance, he saw Nexus' body from the sky earring.

There was no response, and even the timer on the chest had stopped blinking. The huge body did not slow down at all, and fell against the atmosphere.

Gaia immediately flew forward, slowly approached from the side, lifted Nexus' body to hug him, and fell towards the ground at a decreasing speed.

When his feet touched the ground, the terrifying kinetic energy carried by Nexus was also eliminated by him.

Putting Nexus on the ground, Gaia clenched his fists. He was once invincible, the strongest existence among the guardians of the earth. In order to protect the earth and even human beings, he has already fought Mephisto. Do your best, even. Take a heavy hit.

And the final answer that humans gave him was to launch underground penetrating bombs?
"Master!" Appearing from the brilliance, Sai Luo never expected such serious consequences, and by the time he realized it had already happened.

Sai Luo hugged Nexus' body and shouted anxiously: "Hey! Master! How are you doing! Master!"

"Sai Luo, don't panic, use the Palaji bracelet, use light energy!" Teng Gong was also anxious in the light quantum space. It would be too ironic if Nexus was buried by humans.

Fortunately, with Teng Gong's reminder, Saima used the light energy stored in Palagine to slowly transmit it to Nexus' body, so as to maintain the weak light of life in Nexus' body.

After the constant input, Nexus' timer restarted, and a gleam of light returned to his dull eyes.

But then, Nexus' body disintegrated and dissipated, shrinking in the light and shadow.

In the end, the man in the hospital gown lay motionless in the pothole.

"Nimma's!" Yuanquan was temporarily suspended, which means that his life is not in danger for the time being, but this does not mean that Sai Luo can completely ignore it.

He stood up abruptly out of resentment, and set his sights on the base built by humans to destroy monsters.

"Is this human? Is this... what humans did in the past!" Sero, who is active in the theater version and the new generation, has never experienced the darkness of these dark human natures in the Showa era and the Peace era. After all, there is something It's not that Ao who doesn't have TV can understand.

Sai Luo obviously didn't know this, and in addition, he didn't listen to the lectures at all in class, so naturally he didn't understand.

"Siro!" Gaia stood in front of Siro with open arms, blocking Siro's subsequent actions.

Because Sai Luo was already so angry that he was about to plan to cut Aimerim.

In order to prevent this from happening, even though Gaia felt very ashamed in his heart, he still chose to stand up and stop Sai Luo.

"Get out of the way! Gaia! If this is the answer of human beings, then the so-called protection of human beings is just a joke within a joke!" But Sai Luo didn't back down, why was his master ever in such a mess?Although he knew about Nexus' miserable past, knowing it and seeing it with his own eyes were two different things.

"No, I can't let you do that. Once you do that, it will represent us, no, it will represent the earth and human beings. There is really no room for redemption!" Gaia will never back down, he can't let Sai Luo be here Big mistake.


Although Sai Luo was furious, there was still a sliver of reason in spite of his rage.

Seeing Gaia's firm movements, Sai Luo gave up the plan to attack, and instead held the source in his hands, turning into a ball of light with himself, leaping into a galloping bird, and disappearing into the clouds.

And at the moment when Sai Luo was about to disappear, green light finally fell from the sky, swept past the launch pad, and shattered the ground launch pad.

Although Gaia stopped him, Sai Luo couldn't personally teach the person who pushed the button a lesson, but his anger must have a place to vent.

Gaia's eyes reflected the burning of the ruins.

Why didn't this fire not burn in his heart?

Is this how human beings repay the guardians who fight for the earth?
As if she lost something she had been insisting on all along, Gaia's legs softened and she fell to her knees on the ground, her whole body becoming depressed.

Those milky white eyes could only reflect the flame in vain, unable to arouse any emotion.

Holding the ground with both hands, Gaia's body turned into a phantom and dissipated, replaced by I Meng kneeling on the ground in the same posture.

"Why? Why can't you let go of your hatred? Why do you use this high-sounding reason to cover yourself up?"

"Why do you still give me strength even if I am doing something I don't want to do in my heart!"

I dreamed of looking at the sapphire cone in my hand, no matter what happened, the light of the earth and the light of the sea were responding to him.

But when he transformed himself to block Sai Luo, in fact, he was also confused in his heart.

Block it?
Or let Sai Luo teach mankind a lesson?
Warn human beings that they are not beings who can do whatever they want, but are still a member of all living beings.

"Earth, why did you give me power? Obviously human beings are like this...why must it be given to human beings instead of other creatures."

"Is this your love for human beings in this era? Just like those earth overlords in the past?!"

"Earth, tell me, what is the answer!!"

(End of this chapter)

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