Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 482 Henshin! Grand-zero!

Chapter 482 Henshin! Grand-zero!

PS: I didn't work overtime at night, so I made a chapter out of it.

The atomic flying kick fell from the sky and landed directly on Mephisto's body. The flames swept across Mephisto's body, but the strongest cracking ability was not revealed.

Compared to the condensed darkness on Mephisto's body at this moment, the power of the atomic flying kick is too weak, and it cannot be deployed on his body at all.

After taking three steps back, Mephisto brushed off the dust on his elbow, and blocked Zero's atomic flying kick with one hand.

Sai Luo, who landed, broke away from the autistic state. Although he still didn't think clearly why he still had to fight for human beings, but now is not the time to think about that.

The current Sai Luo personally participated in the stories he had heard before, and became a participant in it, especially Mephisto, the old enemy of Nexus, whose name is even more famous.

Turning around slightly, Sai Luo and Wo Meng looked at each other. The two sides had a tacit understanding and understood it. Sai Luo took a few steps forward to distance himself, and faintly blocked the EX number behind his back.

"Have you become stronger?" Although he has never fought against Mephisto, Teng Gong has seen the battle between Mephisto and Nexus through the recorded video. Going to be able to kick Mephisto back a few steps.

But with only such a small distance, Mephisto's body must have been strengthened again in this short period of nearly a month.

"After all, when I found out that you were among my opponents, I was of course prepared." Mephisto rubbed his wrist, absorbed the energy of Nexus, and filled up the missing 5.00%, and got Complete Light of Nexus and gain evolution.

Although Mephisto still looks the same as before, his strength and energy level are completely different from his previous level.

Of course, this is not the reason why he has the courage to stand in front of Sai Luo. In fact, the real reason is the alien beasts hidden on this planet, who have been sleeping for an unknown amount of time.

"It's your biggest miscalculation that you came here to fight." Mephisto condensed powerful dark energy into his fist, and smashed it heavily on the ground. The vibrating dark energy swept across the entire planet, calling out all the sleeping alien beasts come out.

Not only dormant in the earth, but the cotton-like cloud covering the earth reveals its true posture from the invisible fluctuations.

Coming out of the phase space sea, alien beasts with unique space abilities also appeared one after another, gathering towards Mephisto's location.

On the ground, I Meng untied the restraints on his body, threw the protective clothing aside, climbed out of the cabin and stood on the ground, letting the acid water under his feet look down on his shoes, I Meng held up the sapphire cone , carrying a strong anger, let this already dead planet shine again with the brilliance of the planet.

That is the will of the earth!
"Gai!!! Ya!!!"

Appearing in the red glow, Gaia landed on the earth smoothly. This dead planet will not give Gaia any response. Of course, the dusty scene will not appear.

In the sky, the Falcons have already fought against the alien beasts that appeared from the clouds. Although they can't see where the enemies are, the superb skills of the Falcons allow them to survive for a while, so as not to fall into a disadvantage .

Gaia came to Sai Luo's side, and Sai Luo and Gaia, who had returned to their basic form, fought side by side, and once again staged a tacit battle between Ultra fighters.

But this time, their opponent is not only Mephisto, but also the alien beasts who have been sleeping on this ruined planet for an unknown amount of time.

At a glance, there are many types of alien beasts struggling to get up. Except for the familiar Kutura, Northfell, Garubus, etc., the top alien beasts that Yuan has never encountered before The beasts also appeared.

Leaving aside guys like Lizari Asu and Megflash who appeared in the later stages, there are even alien beasts like the ancestor alien beasts that have evolved to the limit of the earth's ecological circle.

One can tell at a glance that it is a brand new posture displayed again after the alien beast destroyed the world.

It is completely different from the previous alien beasts.

"Do you think your opponent is only me?" Mephisto flew up and stood in the sky not far away, looking at the two Ultra fighters on the ground.

"In this world, only lonely warriors have always been destined to fight to the death. People who died on this land once hoped that other Ultra warriors would come."

"However, the red ball closes the possibility of calling for help. There is only one giant of light and hope until death."

"If they could see two Ultra warriors standing on the ground, how touched they would be~" Mephisto opened his hands and laughed wildly.

"Unfortunately, it's too late!"

"It's never too late. Even if it can't be changed, we will open up a new future." Sai Luo looked around, and the number of alien beasts swarming over was outrageous, not only , and even hovering above him and Gaia.

Don't think about it, there must be some strange beasts hiding in the surrounding space, always ready to attack.

Who knows how many alien beasts can be brewed in a planet?
If you look around, you can't see the end at all.

But the more dangerous the situation is, the more motivated Sai Luo will be.

"Hmph, you can only talk big words, come on, Sai Luo, let me see how much power you control now." Mephisto didn't answer, which timeline is this Sai Luo? About to give his answer sheet.

"You really know me." Sai Luo understood, he had heard from Future Nai in the future that Mephisto knew almost all the stories of Ultraman, no matter in the future or in the past, and now he faced May in person. Pfister, this fact has been verified.

"Sah, is it Ultimate Zero, or Brilliant Zero, or is it the other side mode, or is it Ultimate Brilliance?" Mephistopheles said all the forms of Zero without any concealment. .

"Sai Luo, let me do it." Teng Gong interrupted Sai Luo's follow-up words, took over the body, and let him face Mephisto and the strange beasts all over the mountains and plains.

"Since you know this, you must be ready to deal with it." Teng Gong raised his hand, condensing the dial in the endless stream of light and holding it in his hand.

In the outside world, Sai Luo also made the same action, but he was taken out of Palagiri.

"Since you know that the above forms have not escaped, you are fully prepared, right?" Teng Gong stuck the dial on the Palaji bracelet, and a familiar feeling emerged in his heart, as if he had used Something like this (Note 1).

"I dream, you go to deal with Mephisto, and leave all these alien beasts to me."

"What? Teng Gong, it's impossible, so many monsters! You..." I was startled by the dream, and subconsciously wanted to refuse, but then he was attracted by the dial in Sai Luo's hand.

He had a premonition that what he was going to see next might be an extremely awesome scene.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." As he spoke, Teng Gong naturally assumed a posture. While raising his arm high, he put the other hand on his waist and lowered it. With a steady voice, he slowly spit out a word.



 Note 1: Why is it familiar? Because Teng Gong is not only Aguru, but also Kamen Rider Haiyao, so he uses Grand-zero to transform. It is true that there is no sense of disobedience and he is quite familiar.

  Put a Kaoge here.

(End of this chapter)

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