Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 483 Such a big scene must be without my loving brave

Chapter 483 Such a big scene must not be without my loving brave man (dog head saves life)

The golden armor hovered over Sai Luo's body. From Tiga to Grechow, the statues of the Ultra warriors in the Heisei era appeared behind Sai Luo in their respective poses, breaking through the earth and standing in this desperate world. in the world.

But for a moment, all the statues of the Ultra warriors turned into reliefs, inlaid on Sai Luo's body, mixed with the golden armor that was already on his body, Grand-zero came to this past timeline with a resounding celebration superior.

The appearance of Sai Luo had already distorted time, but now it is showing this posture. The timeline distorted by the appearance of Sai Luo has been directly distorted to the extreme after the appearance of Grand-zero.

The interface connected to the future has burst out countless sparks, and it is obvious that it is about to break.

The golden Palaji long sword emerged in his hand, and Sai Luo cut through the black fog in front of him. He raised his head and looked at Mephisto in the sky. extreme.

"This...what the hell??? What are you doing?!" Mephisto was dumbfounded. This transformation sound effect, this transformation process, cannot be said to be completely unfamiliar, but it should have nothing to do with Ultraman That's right.

This is obviously the deflated form of the deflated king in the studio next door!
Don't think I've only seen Ultraman, okay!

I also watched Kamen Rider!

How did you, Sai Luo, become Emperor Chonghuang? !

No, where did you get this form?

"What I'm least afraid of now is that there are more people than people." The same armor was worn on Fujimiya's body. The hand brushing against the blade unleashes the power contained within the holy sword of Palaji.

The sword light turned into a hand-in-hand rope, breaking through the blockade of the cotton-like clouds in the sky. Palaji's holy sword stirred up the wind and clouds, centered on itself, absorbed the cotton-wool clouds that covered the entire earth's atmosphere, and was annihilated in the sword light.

This planet, where hope has been banned for a long time, even the planet has been suffocated to death, and the pure sky is no longer seen, finally waited for the person who can sweep the universe and return the sky to the earth.

"I'll deal with the alien beasts." Then, Fujimiya pressed the relief, and Sai Luo outside also pressed the relief.

In front of him, Mebius appeared behind the golden gate, and he had already made the forward movement of the Mebius ray.

After Mebius appeared, the golden Mebius ray swept out and hit the strange beast in front of them.

The Mengbeam ray actually hit the unknown alien beast. Amidst the miserable howl, the alien beast's body exploded, and countless pieces of flesh and tissues scattered in all directions.

Mebius doesn't have the ability to destroy the alien beast to the molecular level. He just releases light to kill the monster. In this way, after a while, this unknown alien beast still has a chance to return of.

It's just that other alien beasts won't give it this chance.

Now that the beaten body collapsed, other alien beasts followed the will of evolution and began to devour its fragments.

Alien beasts don't have the concept of teammate or not. As long as their bodies collapse and turn into pieces of meat, or the factors of alien beasts, then they will eat without any hesitation.

At the same time, after Mebius disappeared, Ultraman Aguru reappeared from the golden gate.

And it's still v2's Aguru.

Standing beside Sai Luo, Aguru uses the photon smasher, and Sai Luo also cuts it with Emelim.

One blue and one green, the light emitted from the head is entwined together, forming a spiral shock wave, leaving cracks stirred by eddy currents on the ground.

Ultra fusion light penetrated in front of them in successive explosions, and the road leading to the sky was paved with strange beasts.

"I dream!" Sai Luo raised his finger, pointing at Mephisto in the sky.

And my dream is also very clear, he is very relieved of the power that Fujimiya has now, but he never expected that there would be so many Ultra fighters.

"Don't forget what you promised me." After leaving this sentence, Gaia flew high into the sky and went straight to Mephisto.

"Don't worry." Pressing the relief, Nexus appeared from behind the golden gate, and stood in front of EX, while injecting his own light into Kajio and the others to eliminate the alien beast factor, and on the other hand, to provide them with protection .

Behind Nexus, Max volleyed down, and Max, who threw out the head dart, used the ability of the clone to split the head dart into dozens of pieces, flying around, burying all the guys who tried to come here.

"I, Nima Chonghuang... Really..." Mephisto, who was completely unprepared, had never expected that Sai Luo could still have this form, and suddenly felt troubled.

He didn't reserve a backup for this form to Sai Luo.

"It's over here, and I'll finish you off in an instant." Palaji's holy sword pierced the air, and Naios cut off Kuturla's tentacles with an eight-point light wheel, and he went to wrestle with him.

Gauss appeared from the blue glow, and Luna Guangbo tried to calm the restless heart of the alien beast.

But the Luna Lightwave had the opposite effect this time. The alien beasts illuminated by the Luna Lightwave were very irritable, and even more furious. After a short exchange in the shared cells of the alien beasts, they first entangled Gauss with their tentacles. body, restricting his movement, and then the other alien beasts released light bullets one after another, converging into a torrent of firepower and various attacks flooded the place where Gauss was standing before.

Acidic water mixed with black sand splashed, causing the surrounding environment to be destroyed again.

The smoke and dust cleared away, and the benevolent blue brave man had disappeared, replaced by a warrior who imposed sanctions by means of thunder.

Altman Gauss - Eclipse type.

At the beginning of the opening, the solar eclipse Gauss started with the strike of the sun and the moon, turning the red angry moon into the light of a crescent moon, and then released it with light.

While having the ultimate attack power, it also possesses a terrifying penetrating power, which is enough to ensure that this attack penetrates all the way and disappears at the end of the field of vision.

"Destruction invites the body, let's do it!"

There are more and more Ultra warriors summoned by Sero. Neither Mephisto nor the Destroyer has ever imagined that Sero still possesses such power. The planet where the special fighters are fighting, will usher in a big melee battle of more than a dozen Ultraman.

That is absolutely not acceptable to the shattered summoning body and Mephisto.

At the thought of being surrounded by more than a dozen or 20 Ultramen, Mephisto and Shattered suddenly felt that their future was bleak.

Invisible fluctuations began to sweep over this dead planet, and since the destroyer could pull the planet over, it naturally gained control of the planet long ago.

The will of the earth has long since died, and this dead star is just a pawn at the mercy of others.

Ripples appeared in the space, and the strongest monster weapon made by the summoned body was destroyed, and the form of Zog's makeup-the Angel of Destruction came to the world.

As soon as it descended, the divine aura seemed to bring new hope to the dead star.

"You pretend to be a ghost, you want to beat me, you are 2 years too early!" Sai Luo was still arrogant, raising his sword to confront.

The wave ball thrown by Zog, the Angel of Destruction, made Gaia and Aguru fall on their backs in the original book, and they were in a panic, but in Sai Luo's case, even the sword light of Palaji's holy sword could not be torn apart.

(End of this chapter)

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