Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 486 The final battle is over, of course it's time for the protagonist to reveal his Ult

Chapter 486 The final battle is over, of course it's time for the protagonist to reveal his Ultraman identity
The joint battle between Zero and Gaia finally ended in vain.

Zero, who hadn't expected Tartarus' shot, was restrained. Although the Angel of Destruction was eliminated at the critical moment, Mephisto was not an opponent Gaia could defeat alone.

And Sero himself needs to face Tartarus wholeheartedly. He knows that Tartarus has a device made by Hikari in his hand, which can greatly increase Tartarus' power. That can be regarded as Tartarus' trump card.

Although I can fight him now, Tartarus has not yet shown his true skills.

However, his side can still hold on, but the situation on Gaia's side is already very critical.

Gaia had exhausted a lot of physical strength during the long-term battering, and the timer flickered very rapidly, and it might be time to cancel the transformation.

Zero had to take care of Gaia's state, and forcibly repelled Tartarus with the Ultra Ray fused with the three heroes.

Sai Luo grabbed Gaia's hand, and Palaji's holy sword cut through the wormhole space and entered it.

Before leaving, Sai Luo used the binding light, entangled the EX and brought it in together, and left from here immediately.

What?What do you say about the Falcons?
The Falcon team had already crashed, parachuted to escape and landed on the ground at the critical moment, and was invaded by the alien beast factor like Kajio and the others, and the whole person was in pain and was about to mutate.

It was Sai Luo who summoned Nexus to protect them and put them on the EX, and eliminated the alien beast factor in their bodies, and continuously released light energy to form isolation.

The small EX was already packed to the brim.

The wormhole dissipated, the chaotic party disappeared, and Tartarus walked out of the smoke, relaxed and freehand.

"The destructive insects have covered the earth, even if they go back, they will not be safe." Mephisto came from another place and stood opposite Tartarus: "Now, do we need to get to know each other again? "

"Mephisto, heh, I have nothing to say to you. Do your job well, and if you can eliminate Nexus, if you can't, you will die." Tartarus didn't want to communicate. Meaning, he didn't intend to let Sai Luo go at all, he directly opened the space-time tunnel and opened the space gate to the earth.

want to go?It depends on whether he agrees or not.

Sai Luo, time is so short, the outcome between us has not yet been decided.

Putting aside his scruples, Tartarus, knowing that he would return to the future and perish, let go of all his thoughts. He was originally the champion of the Absolut Kingdom's martial arts conference, and he became a warrior of the kingdom because of this.

This is his glory and his pride.

Although the kingdom's reputation in the universe is not obvious, Tartarus is proud of it.

This is why he always introduces himself first no matter who he meets.

Because in his eyes, this is worth remembering by others, the glory of the ultimate glory.

The honor of the warrior, the pride of the kingdom, abandoning plans and worries, Tartarus fought heartily, and under the boiling, it was absolutely impossible for Sai Luo, the opponent he identified, to run away.

"Tsk...that's really shameless..." Looking at Tartarus who was far away, Mephisto curled his lips and asked, "After Zog is killed, do you have any other preparations? "

"Destroyer Demon Insect, do you really have a backup?" Mephisto was still very surprised when he heard that Shattered said that he still had a backup.

He really thought that Zog was the hole card of the shattered recruit, but he didn't expect that
Good guy, I didn't expect you, the big boss set by Gayari in the original book, to break away from the script and go in an unknown direction.

But that's right, what the hell is Grand-zero, which is so outrageous that it can be a fucking thing, even if the shattered recruit body pulls out some strange things, it can't surprise him in the slightest.

"Continue to drive the planet down, I will never give him any chance!" Mephisto doesn't care about Tartarus, he just wants the source to die now, it's that simple.

The righteous Ultra warriors want to save the world, right?

So this world, you save it for me?

The moment Gaia fell from the sky, he fell to the ground, his knees softened and he fell to the ground. He panted and released the transformation, and returned to the human form.

Exhausted, I Meng lay on the ground on my back, and I didn't even have the strength to get up.

On the other hand, Sai Luo put the EX number on the open space stably, then canceled the transformation, and returned to the Palaji bracelet.

The dust that shook the earth and the loud bang from the sky attracted the attention of the demonic insects hovering in the sky, although it has not yet formed a swarm of demonic insects as terrifying as Gaia's finale, enough to cover the entire earth.

They are called derbyssies, a group of destructive creatures that gather together to form large monsters, called Caesars derbyssies, which means the king of monsters.

And there are a total of seven such King Demon Insects.

The demonic insects occupying the sky sensed the arrival of the two Ultra fighters, and followed the movement to find them.

It was at this time that Saori suddenly appeared, using the ability of teleportation to take Teng Gong and Wo Meng away, and transferred to the air base in an instant.

At this moment, the air base is fighting desperately with Caesar Derbyssi, but the outcome of this battle is not optimistic. The air base is typical of high attack and low imitation. Facing the siege of Caesar Derbyssy, the ship has been damaged in many places and is crumbling. .

The battle situation that only the Kulong team is struggling to support is too difficult for the air base.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the air base will crash.

It was at this critical juncture that Saori brought Teng Gong and Womeng to the command room and clapped their hands on the floor.

The transmitted strange force enveloped the entire air base. In the next moment, Saori's ability was activated, and the entire air base was moved away from the sky above Japan to a huge canyon somewhere on the earth.

Protected by the rift that the earth has ripped through the earth, hiding its own existence.

After activating this ability, Saori half-kneeled on the floor. In the next instant, her left hand and right leg changed, tearing her underwear one after another, exposing her black and white shell-like hands and feet, which were hard and ferocious.

Turning around, Saori's eyes had changed from golden to red, and the raging monster factor devoured the few remaining human parts in her body.

In such a situation, she is still using Jayden's power to protect the person she thinks she wants to protect.

"Your body!" Teng Gong took a step forward, supporting the crumbling body of Saori.

Feeling the hard and rough skin touched by the palm of his hand, Teng Gong also knew what the price was for her having such power.

"Contact the medical team immediately. There are wounded on the EX. Also, you can't let other people know about her!" The air base was able to escape from the siege of the magic insects. Saori's contribution is indelible. Shishi looked around Circle, issued this order seriously.

"Yes!" Everyone is naturally not pedantic, and Saori has appeared and helped them more than once, and they are naturally not people who will repay favors.

"My dream!" Dunzi scraped off his workbench, hugged me who was lying on the ground gasping for breath, and asked in a crying voice: "What's wrong with you? How come."

The bruises on my face and the blood flowing from my ears all indicate that my dream state is not good at the moment. Even if Gaia is not Nexus, but the injury is too serious, it will still be reflected on a small number of human bodies of.

"It's okay, Gaia and Sai Luo saved us." I dreamed a smile.

"Let's hurry up and save Captain Kajio and the others. The air on that planet contains some kind of active factor that can enter the body of any living organism to form parasitism and infection. That's probably it."

"That's the factor of the alien beast, it's the despair that can't be conveyed under the cotton-like cloud." Having reached this point, Sai Luo didn't want to hide it anymore, his voice sounded in Palaji's bracelet.

Of course, in the eyes of others, this sentence is what Teng Gong said
(End of this chapter)

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