Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 487 The Wing of Stone is stable

Chapter 487 The Wing of Stone is safe and secure, and within three chapters, it is about to face the danger of being blown up (miserably)

Before other people could ask Fujimiya, the Palaji bracelet was detached from Fujimiya's wrist, floating alone in front of everyone.

In the not-so-dazzling white radiance, the phantom of Sairo appeared from the position of the Palaji bracelet. The human-sized Sairo built his body with light particles and appeared in front of everyone.

"You are..." Everyone watched helplessly as a huge Ultra warrior they saw on the screen appeared in front of them, and it became so tiny, and the shock brought by the body tens of meters high very different.

"I am Sai Luo, Ultraman Sai Luo, I am a warrior from the Kingdom of Light, from the future." The situation is very urgent, Sai Luo can feel his own existence is passing away rapidly.

He is gradually being forced to return to the future, and his own existence will always disappear completely.

"From the future... So you are..." Staff Officer Qianye raised his head, pointed at the planet that was descending from the wormhole and said, "Are you the Ultra warrior of that planet?"

"No, that planet has nothing to do with me. I came here only for a commission from one person, and also to deal with that guy who came from the future like me." Sai Luo said, and the alarm sounded from the air base filled the entire base in an instant.

Qiao Ji tried her best to finally receive the signals from the few remaining satellites and project them on the big screen.

Tartarus, who fell from the sky, landed on the ground smoothly. Even if he stood in Tokyo and did nothing, his arrogant aura shocked everyone.

This is a strong man beyond this dimension, and it is definitely not a strong enemy that the current humans and Ultra fighters can deal with.

"Sai Luo, block the glory of the fighters, and stage our end!" Tartarus disdains to destroy the city and kill humans. He is the ultimate life form, the warrior of Absolut, Absolut-Tal Talos.

This is his proud identity, which must not be used to bully the weak.

"That's Tartarus, the guy who can freely travel through time in the past and the future, and can easily change the timeline." Sai Luo came out, and the red and blue body gradually condensed into a solid body, allowing Sai Luo to truly stand The command room of the air base.

"Tartaros, the name..." Everyone couldn't help but let go of their imaginations. After all, there was Gaia before, and now there is Tartarus. These are the first five creation gods in Greek mythology. The name of the second.

Will there be some kind of night goddess Knicks jumping out in the future?

"The person he is looking for is me! And only I am his opponent." Sero took the dial in his hand, turned around to face these people, and his human body in this era, Fujimiya Bo also.

"Fujimiya, I can't go on with you anymore, you have to find the power of Aguru, the earth needs Aguru now." Gaia alone is not Mephisto's opponent, let alone the possibility of destruction body.

Zero thought he was enough to stop all this, but the appearance of Tartarus forced him to face it.

This also led to a very serious lack of combat power on their side.

Aguru had to appear again.

The earth needs aguru now!

Human beings need aguru too!

"Aguru..." Fujimiya clenched his hands secretly. If Aguru's power is really so easy to regain, why can't he feel anything even today?
"Wait! What do you mean by these words!" Dunzi embraced my dream, and immediately reacted after hearing Sai Luo's words, staring at Sai Luo and Fujimiya with wide eyes, and said in disbelief: "You mean , Hiroya Fujimiya, is Ultraman Zero?"

"It's not just him, actually I also..." After a short rest, Womeng also recovered a lot of strength, patted the hand that locked his neck with Dunzi, Womeng stood up, and faced everyone's questioning eyes, He smiled indifferently: "I didn't expect that when the day came to expose this matter, I would be so calm."

"My dream is Gaia, Ultraman Gaia." Before my dream could speak, Shishi took the lead in revealing my dream's identity.

And this actually implicitly expresses a meaning, that is, my dream is covered by him.

"My dream is Gaia?"

"How is it possible! He..."

"No wonder I always dream when Gaia appears..."

Everyone is not stupid, although they didn't think in that direction before, but when Shi Shi said this, everyone also realized that Gaia appeared and I Meng always lost contact, now thinking about it is always full of coincidences.

Now it seems that this is the reason?
"You want to fight alone?" Fujimiya kept his eyes on Sai Luo. Although the two sides spent a short time together, Fujimiya sincerely recognized Sai Luo as a friend who fought side by side.

"Don't worry, I've figured it out now." Sai Luo wiped his nose, and said with some embarrassment: "Although I haven't experienced this personally yet, I just look at it as a listener, but I will take these Keep it in your heart and feel it with your heart.”

"The answer cannot be obtained in a short while, maybe it will take a long time to verify. But after the future is dead, my future has also moved towards the unpredictable unknown,"

"Maybe the new me will really understand this." Saying that, Sero gave Fujimiya a thumbs up.

"Until then, I will keep this possibility!"

"No matter what happens, no matter how far apart, Sai Luo, we will always be partners." Fujimiya stretched out his hand.

"Hey, of course, Fujimiya, see you in the future!" Seeing Fujimiya's outstretched hand, Sai Luo smiled and slapped it.

This promise will be remembered by myself one day in the future.

Even if the future dies, but in the brand new future, I will definitely be able to...

And isn't this changed history a proof of its own existence?

"Farewell, everyone!" Waving his hand, Palaji's bracelet split into armor and put it on Sai Luo's body. Sai Luo, who activated his ability from the command room, appeared on the screen of the air base in an instant. In an instant, he cut off his head with Palaji's holy sword.

Tartarus tore off the light of Palaji's holy sword with one hand, and immediately counterattacked.

And Sai Luo kept in mind the teachings of Nexus, he was never willing to fight Tartarus in a city of this size on the earth, let alone tied hands and feet, and regardless of the damage caused, he alone has always The education he has received since then does not allow him to do this.

He is the disciple of Nexus and Leo. This is the identity he is most proud of, and it is also the luckiest thing he feels in his own life.

The two masters cultivated his beliefs, accompanied his growth, improved his strength, enabled him to establish the correct three views, and become the leader of the new generation of young fighters.

Although he still doesn't understand the darkness of human nature, he has already seen the brilliance of human nature.

What he is willing to fight and protect is this flash of humanity.

Flying through the clouds at high speed, Sai Luo flew straight into the universe, and the battlefield he chose was naturally in the infinite universe.

Only there is their battlefield.

Tartarus also knew this, and now he didn't care about it anymore. His cautious actions all the time made him almost forget his identity, his glory as a warrior of the kingdom, and even the champion.

He didn't want to be so fussy.It's just that he has too many worries, so he has to do that.

But now, knowing that he was going to return and become an unfathomable unknown, Tartarus finally abandoned those calculations, let go of the shackles, and with the heart of a warrior, he challenged this young warrior who had been entangled with him-Sero, duel.

Just after Zero and Tartarus left one after another, Caesar Debussy flew out of the earth's atmosphere, roaming in the universe and spreading his wings wantonly.

The three Caesar Derbyss turned around at a high speed, and under the guidance of the shattered summoning body, they quickly found the stone wing floating on the back of the moon.

The moment they saw the Stone Wings, three Caesar Debussies flew over immediately, showing their sharp black and gold claws.

(End of this chapter)

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