Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 495 The Death Star and the Planetary Birth

Chapter 495 The Death Star and the Planetary Birth

"Of course it's meaningful to be entangled in such things, and it's the meaning of you and me standing here and fighting on this planet!"

With hands crossed in front of him, the vertical guillotine was thrown out by Nexus.

Mephisto turned sideways to avoid the vertical guillotine, while he himself immediately flew to the sky to avoid Nexus' pursuit.

The two, one in front of the other, fought on the dim and lightless Death Star.

In this place where there have been no flying birds or fighter planes for a long time, even now after the death of the planet, the battle is still going on.

The two sides are evenly matched in the field of air combat, but because of the spark sword, Nexus is virtually equivalent to having an extra helper, which inevitably affects Mephisto in the battle.

Of course, the main reason is that Mephisto is in a very special state right now.

He didn't want to actually crush Nexus until he was done.

He was waiting, waiting for his power to infect the Death Star.

Although the will of the earth is long gone, the huge size of the Death Star still makes Mephisto's invasion very difficult.

"Will you continue to fight me here? Look at Gaia's earth, look at that monster! Look at those alien beasts!" After another collision, Nexus and Mephisto separated, and Mephisto Te bounced off the spark sword's attack with the sharp blade in his hand, and immediately fell to the ground.

Nexus followed closely behind, descending from the sky with a high-speed rotating eight-point light wheel in his hand, and smashed it straight down.

Mephisto raised his hand to touch Nexus' wrist, but the eight-point light wheel broke away from Nexus' palm and fell naturally, cutting large sparks on Mephisto's shoulder.

Under the pain, the strength in Mephisto's hand weakened, Nexus seized the opportunity, suppressed Mephisto's resistance, and slashed with one hand.

In the process of chopping down, Nexus armed with the sword of the storm popped out, and the golden long sword slashed with a flash of sword light, leaving a bursting sword mark on Mephisto's chest.

".You bastard!"

Mephisto couldn't understand why he was suppressed by Lan Nai who was completely inferior to him in the battle, even though his energy level and various statistics were higher than Lan Nai's?
Fitting into Nexus' arms, Mephisto clung to Nexus' waist with both hands. Mephisto knocked Nexus down with brute force, straddled him and began to punch down heavily.

Nexus crossed his arms in front of him, resisting Mephisto's attack.

When Nexus was suppressed, the spark sword fell from the sky, and the spark sword swung the blade to cut out the crescent moon shock wave.

The crescent shock wave of more than 30 meters moved horizontally, pointing directly at Mephisto's head.

Mephisto, who was fed up with being pressed and beaten, had no intention of dodging at all. He circulated the dark energy in his body, raised his hand and released the same dark slashing wave, which collided with the crescent shock wave and canceled each other out.

But in this way, Mephisto's attention was drawn away, which gave Nexus a chance.

The arms and blades hooked up and slashed across Mephisto's thigh.

But that's not just a simple attack, it's the ultimate light-torrent starting move.

His legs hurt, Mephisto's attention was drawn back, and when he sensed the surge of light energy, Mephisto immediately drew back and just avoided the ultimate light-torrent's shooting.

One staggered back and stabilized his body; the other struggled to get up from the ground and pose.

The eyes of the two sides reflected each other's figures, they moved forward at the same time, waved their hands and punched each other.

The strong dark energy and the light energy collide together, forming a beam of light rising from the sky, which disperses the thick clouds in the sky.

Mephisto clutched his wrist and took a few steps back, half-kneeling on the ground to relieve the pain.

But Nexus was recoiled and flew out, took a few steps back, and also fell to the ground.

The wrist hidden behind his back trembled very violently. Obviously, in the previous confrontation, he suffered more damage than Mephisto.

The occurrence of this scene indeed shows that Mephisto's power surpasses that of Lan Nai.

"This is my current strength! You don't know how powerful I am now!" Feeling the rising dark energy in his body, Mephistopheles won the head-to-head confrontation, and he opened his hands proudly he shouted in a gesture of praise to the sun.

"My power is constantly rising, this Death Star is becoming my power! Listen, it is echoing me, it is about to become my possession!"

"It was I who made it like this, of course I am its owner!" As Mephisto said, the light of the earth absorbed from the parallel world shimmered unwillingly, but was then overwhelmed by a stronger Overwhelmed by darkness.

"You want to get the star core? I see, you want to plunder the power of the earth." Nexus slowly got up, and he finally understood what Mephisto was doing first in order to delay time.

"I don't know until now, it's too late!" Mephisto raised one hand, and the surging dark energy turned into a beam of light that soared into the sky.

Darkness and no light, the pillars of the world of despair bring people nothing but despair, and that is all that Mephisto has bestowed on this planet.

As the life conceived on this planet, Mephisto used darkness to attract the embers of the planet's fire to himself, and his body began to change. The whole black body depicted golden lines, and the red and blue dotted lines followed the golden The stripes swam on Mephisto's body.

On the back of Mephisto, the pattern of silver stripes extends all the way to the calf.

The timer, which was originally an ornament, lit up in the condensed darkness, even a pure white light.

From pure darkness, absorb the light of Nexus to evolve, and now get the power of the Death Star, complete the second stage of evolution again?
"Scatter! Power! Make me stronger, huh?" Mephisto asked a question before the passionate tone fell.

Because in the condensed darkness, beside his soaring black sky pillar, a pure white beam of light also broke through the clouds, and in this dark world of despair, it was even more dazzling.

Looking down this beam of light, Mephisto suddenly saw that Nexus made the same movement as him, and what was surging around him was also the power of the light of the earth.

Mephisto is very familiar with the power of the earth and sea, he has devoured an unknown amount.And the remaining strange power, presumably it should be the light of the sky.

However, these three kinds of light are entangled with each other on Nexus' body, merging into a brand new force.

In other words, although Nexus only took away a copy of the Light of the Earth and the Sea from him, it was this copy that allowed him to be recognized at the same time, so that
"No, SV, there is also the light of the sky, is it stronger than SV?" Mephisto yelled out in anger, this time, he really broke his defense: "You have been recognized by the earth, sea, and sky at the same time ?”

"Don't call me Death Star Death Star, this planet has its own name!" Turning with one hand, it is also the life bred on this planet, and the source uses the purest light of the planet to ignite the already burnt and extinguished Starfire.

Inside the silent Death Star, light a candle.

"It's called Earth! It's not yours!"

"You're dreaming!" Realizing that his own darkness had been weakened, Mephisto seized the time, but he couldn't stop the already dead will of the earth from being attracted by the shining light of the planet.

In desperation, he could only cover the planet with his own darkness and forcibly cover the light, thus successfully opening its second evolutionary form.

"Mephisto-Death Star dies!"

Compared with the darkness, the light of the planet that has long been cut off but reappeared is insignificant, but this glimmer of light is better than complete despair.

Whether it is the planet itself, or those buried beings, they also want to live.

The will to survive will allow them to grasp this insignificant light.

Because there is still hope, then don't give up!
"Nexus - The birth of a planet!"

(End of this chapter)

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