Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 496 This is the birth of the planet, this is the legend of the spark, this is... the real me

Chapter 496 This is the birth of the planet, this is the legend of sparks, and this is... the real me!

Half of them are radiant, and half of them are dark. The Death Star has regained some of its once-alive postures, and the light of the planet is dotted on the embers, igniting the flames again.

The awakened Death Star can no longer be called the Death Star, but... the Earth.

Although there are only half of them, the half of the earth occupied by the two sides are silently confronting each other.

Will the earth continue to be silent and become a death star, or will it rekindle the flame and restart its new life.Her fate is in the hands of the winner of this battle.

Although Mephisto, who was supposed to control the Death Star to complete the second stage of evolution, forcibly opened the new form, he knew that he was just a ghost with no foundation.

The planet yearning for life is absolutely unwilling to die in silence, so he doesn't know how long he can last by wrapping the star core with darkness.

His current state may disappear at any time.

And during this time, he must extinguish the light of the planet, that is, kill Nexus.

So Mephisto turned his attention to Nexus on the opposite side, and at this glance, Mephisto immediately found out that something was wrong.

The blue color of the whole body faded greatly, replaced by a silver-gray background color, and the arm blades of the wrist guards of both hands disappeared, leaving only the wrist guards.

The wristlets of both hands are inlaid with red and blue round gemstones, shining with the light of the earth.

The red bird core on the chest remains unchanged, but the armor spreading from around the bird core wraps Nexus' body, and even the timer is protected.

Gray lines criss-crossed on the silver body, and the leggings on the left foot were gone, replaced by traces of phantom patterns.

At the ankles of both feet, foot guards protect the feet, allowing Nexus to deliver stronger kicks.

The helmet-like armor on top of his head fell off, revealing Nexus' head.

From a distance, Nexus' head looks very similar to a long-lost legend.

But just like, not [-]% like.

The Nexus armed forces that disappeared on the armguard appeared behind Nexus, standing side by side on the left and right.

The base is gray, and the red and blue colors on the left and right run straight through this pair of miniature wings, fitting together with the armor and forming a seamless body.

The spark sword descended from the sky with powerful kinetic energy. Nexus changed its form, and the spark sword naturally changed too, from a slender blue-white long sword to a broad and thick sword.

The hollowed-out sword body and the sword frame are wrapped in water-blue streamer, and the power of Reggiedo complements each other.

Nexus - The birth of the planet.

"No matter what I do, you must fight with me!" Not daring to stop for a moment, Mephisto was anxious, he had to kill Nexus before he revealed himself.

Time was running out, and there was no room for him to do anything.

"No, the battle between us is over." Feeling the power of the planetary light conceived in his body, Nexus felt something in his heart.

The contact with the future self made Nexus understand that the future self was a planetary birth that was forcibly opened, that is, it was forced to act when the planetary birth was not fully conceived, and therefore, it was fundamentally flawed.

Whether the planetary birth of my future self is as strong as my own, this may already be an unknown answer after the future dies.

After Nexus started the birth of the planet, he has a clear understanding of the changes of the planet.

He can now be said to be the agent of the will of the earth.

"Hear it, the mourning of the earth, her pain, her despair, she is longing for a new life, she is telling me the atrocities you have done!" With one hand, he tore open the energy ball thrown by Mephistopheles , Under every move, there are planetary bonuses, and Nexus' combat power is brought to the limit: "These are all given by you."

"Obviously we are all the lives she conceived, why, why did you betray her!"

"To live better!" Mephisto crossed his hands in front of his chest, resisting the power of Nexus' punch with himself.

He caught it, but he was also sent flying.

"Your definition of being alive is really confusing!" Nexus disappeared in place, and appeared directly in front of Mephisto the next moment.

Nexus raised his hand to grab the edge of the Destruction Blade, and the light energy in his palm formed staggered sharp edges in the agitation, breaking the Destruction Blade.

Mephisto took a few steps back, gritted his teeth and roared: "Impossible, we all control half of the planets, why are you so much stronger than me!"

"I have already said that the planet is echoing me. It is standing by my side, resisting the darkness you pursue." Raising one hand, the gray light flow formed countless particles and spread out, covering Mephis All the positions in front of Te's eyes, and then countless sounds erupted on his body.

Rumbling explosions continued one after another, representing that Mephisto was completely suppressed.

"You, who inflicted pain and death on the earth, want to get help from the earth, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Stop talking nonsense. I haven't lost yet, and you haven't won either. It's just a momentary advantage. Sooner or later..." Mephisto struggled to stand up. Although he was talking harshly, he was already thinking about himself. Why did you run away?

The difference in strength is too great, I didn't expect this guy to be recognized by the light of the earth.

Originally, I was playing at home, but now it has completely become an away game.

The winning rate is too low, if you continue to fight, you may die.

I can't die, absolutely can't die!
There is still a colorful world waiting for me, and countless beauties and supreme rights are waiting for me.

I can't die here, I can't be like the savior who died in the stinky ditch, no one knows!
Otherwise, what is the meaning of becoming Mephisto?
"Since your confidence is so high, then we will decide the outcome with one move." Mephisto drew a purple dotted line in front of his face with his hands together, aiming at the sky with one hand, holding the other hand on his abdomen, and moving his hands horizontally around his body The sides then cross over the front and finally form an "L" shape.

Limit - Silence and Darkness Bite!

Nexus remained silent, raising his hand to embrace the sky.

The earth gave him its thickness.

The sea endows him with tenderness.

The sky gave him silence.

This is a gift from the Earth, a gift from the planet.

Red, blue, and gray, the three kinds of light represent the will of the planet, gathering together above Nexus' head.

The gemstones on the armguards of both hands emit strong light, and the spiral aura absorbs the surrounding energy, faintly constructing a silver vortex, bringing them all together.

Turning his hands skillfully, the spiral aura rushes out, and the posture of the move is very similar to the legend of sparks.

Planets - Sparks are born.

The two collided, and the impact of the planet and the planet broke out on this half-dead earth.

That moment of intense light tore apart the planet itself, creating a powerful light that pierced the darkness.

Light and darkness merge together in a form that no one can imagine.

The light shining in the darkness, and the darkness projected in the light, although the two are opposite, they prove each other's existence.

If it does not exist in opposition, how can it be born due to conditions?

The frightening blackness and light intertwined and turned into spiral beams. This unknown energy fusing light and darkness has become the key to tearing apart time and space.

The time and space were restarted and opened up, and the future was silenced, so the unknown possibility came to Gaia's time and space along the cracks, and captured the two remaining futurists.

Tartarus, who had a move against Zero in the universe, was startled, and set his sights on the Death Star.

He saw Nexus standing on the Death Star at a glance.

"The birth of the planet..." Tartarus seemed to recall some bad past, and Tartarus' breath was weak for a moment, but then he realized something was wrong.

"No! This planet was just born, why did it hit me with that..."

"Because this is the real birth of the planet, stronger than the one you saw!" The relief flashed a light, and Gauss and Grechow were summoned again, speeding up for Sai Luo to resume his high-intensity combat Lost stamina and energy.

But after a while, Sai Luo, who had returned to his peak state again, shouted high-spiritedly: "Tartaros, your plot has failed!"

(End of this chapter)

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