Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 497 It's not that I don't need it, it's that the hanging man, Xikali, is very

Chapter 497 It's not that I don't need it, it's that the hanging man, Xikali, is very evil, and my old tower is a little afraid

"Failure? Heh, you and I don't know what the future will be like. Who can say that it will definitely be better than the previous one?" Tartarus didn't care, and let go of the confrontation.

Because the possibility of escaping from the future captures him and Zero since the beam of light caused by the fusion of light and darkness tore through space and time.

At this moment, they can no longer stay in this era.

Gradually blurring from the feet, Tartarus didn't feel his disappearance, but he really disappeared.

This contradictory feeling made him unable to distinguish his current life and death and direction.

On the other side, Sai Luo, who also began to disappear from his feet, also keenly noticed his own disappearance, knowing that the end would come, Sai Luo didn't care at all.

His duties have been completed, and returning to the future is something he has already prepared for.

"Are we just waiting here to disappear?" After waiting for a long time, before Zero could get any feedback, Tartarus let out a deep sigh and said again: "Even if it is destined to return, I would never want this battle to continue." It’s over when there’s no winner.”

"That's right." Sai Luo also meant the same thing. Although the outcome of this battle is no longer important, the outcome must be determined.

He, Sai Luo, has no plans to fight again in the future.

Tartarus and Zero, who collided again, used more powerful forces this time. If it was said that they were careful before, then this time the battle will be a big one.

And as the energy consumption of the two became heavier and the scale of the battle increased steadily, the existence of the two of them also began to disappear at an accelerated speed.

In the deep universe, the flow of light surged, and one after another battle cries sounded. In this battle between the two, the universe is bound to be pierced.

In the end, it was the two who opened up their posture to prepare for the wave.

Tartarus took out the triangular emblem and put it on his chest, forming a front and rear intertwined closure on the close-fitting armor.

It's not so much armor, it's better to say it's a battle suit.

After all, with Tartarus' physique, the damage resistance of this battle suit will not be too high, and the greater effect is to enhance his Absolut power.

Therefore, even the armor extending to the feet to protect his legs and feet, in Tartarus's view, is the same, there is nothing worth talking about.

But the increase obtained by this, Tartarus can only say, is really fragrant.

He stroked the rhombus-shaped crown on top of his head. Inside the white gem at the center of the crown, there was a brand-new posture after the huge increase in this form.

This kind of him can be regarded as using all his strength.

Changing his own form, Tartarus activated his nirvana - absolute destruction.

In this form, he can obtain maximum absolute destruction without charging power.That's why his Absolut-Absolute Destroyer, mixed with vertical and horizontal lightning and golden wave's panic attack, wanted to kill Sai Luo in one blow.

Sero changed his own form, turned on the glorious form again on the basis of Chonghuang, and summoned Gauss, Grechow, Dyna, these three Ultra fighters and put them on his back to provide him with continuous treatment and recovery. .

Ultra Shining Cyro only lasts less than 1 minute, right?
Then I adore the Emperor Guanghui Sai Luo, it is impossible for such a thing to happen.

The two beams of bright silver and golden yellow clashed impressively, separated by a not-too-distant distance. The moment the two energies came into contact, the cosmic space was torn apart, and even began to form a damaged black hole in space.

Taking the ultra-advanced energy level caused by the fatal collision of the two as the capital of its own growth, it began to devour the universe with a big mouth.

If their anti-wave time continues, the black hole will grow and grow at a very fast speed until... swallowing the universe.

Then a shock explosion at the level of the Big Bang broke out to destroy the entire universe, and then caused a chain reaction to interfere with other universes.

Of course, that's in theory.

Tartarus and Zero don't have that level of energy reserves.

"Our past will eventually reach the timeline of our future, Tartarus. When I recall everything today, I will definitely stop you again!"

The stalemate is still pretty much the same, but why is Tartarus using this device now instead of in the first place?

Why do you want to do this?
Sero couldn't get the answer, and now he doesn't need to ask.

"I will return the same to you, Sero." Does Tartarus want to say that he still doesn't have enough control over this form?

I don't know what Hikari added when making it. Every time he uses it, Tartarus always has a feeling that something is watching him quietly.

It's very hidden, so hidden that he can't even find it.This feeling of being voyeurized will definitely not be so good.

Moreover, Tartarus is also very afraid of Hikari, the Ultraman, and even more afraid of the device that went out of his laboratory without a sound.

After all, the Chief Scientist of Kingdom of Light is very evil.

In fact, Tartarus is not going to use this unless necessary.

But even so, Tartarus still used it at this juncture, because he planned to kill Zero here,
In fact he really can.

If there is no Grand-zero.

So next time we meet again, Tartarus has a plan.

And with his temperament, he will never let Sai Luo get such a powerful force again.

"Sero, the power of Grand-zero, I will not let you have any chance to get it!" This is a form that impressed Tartarus even more than the ultimate brilliance. Once the ordinary-looking dial When used, it turns into such a troublesome figure. .

Facing dozens of Ultra fighters with one person's strength, even if one of them is not as good as him, but...

As for Brilliant Cyro... what kind of shameful thing is that?

My Tazi brother has always had no feeling for the defeat of his subordinates.

"Oh, then let us wait and see. In the future, there will always be a time when you and I will meet again." More and more bodies have disappeared, maintaining the posture of confronting waves. The last remaining heads of Zero and Tartarus A trace of existence also dissipates.

This also means that they have truly returned to the future and turned it into a possibility.

The two extremely strong rays of light that lost their follow-up also gradually disappeared, and the spreading black hole exploded like a rootless weed.

Beyond this galaxy, somewhere in the universe, the influence of Tartarus and Zero has not dissipated.

The black hole that shrunk to the extreme and became tiny particles suddenly exploded after a brief stay, pervading the entire star field, and the violent destructive shock wave spread to all directions, destroying everything along the way.

Be it stars or planets, they cannot escape being devoured and destroyed.


The battle between Zero and Tartarus is over, but the confrontation between Nexus and Mephisto on the Death Star is not over. The two sides maintain a stalemate, and no one will let the other.

If it can be said that between Zero and Tartarus: the outcome is not decided at this moment, and there will be a time race in the future, then Nexus and Mephistopheles must have one at this moment. be buried.

"I am the strongest! The strongest! The strongest! The strongest!!" Mephisto gave himself confidence over and over again, repeating the roar in his heart over and over again, as if this would bring him invincible power , to win this battle.

It's just that everything in the world doesn't go according to his will.

(End of this chapter)

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