Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 501 Welcome to Zhang Family, Source

Chapter 501 Welcome home, Yuan (There is sugar, come quickly)

PS: I have basically filled in some of the pits buried earlier, including the problems of Gumen and EMI.

The clear sky is filled with the white clouds of the past, and the blue sky reveals itself in the rising sun.

Azure blue is a color that has not been seen for a long time in this desperate world.

The rifts in the earth began to recombine, and those divided plates returned to their original appearance.

It was clearly a clear sky with unlimited sunlight, but light rain began to fall in the sunshine, and it fell on all regions of the earth.

The colorful rainbow light is dotted in the sky, like a smiling face displayed by the sky, which can be seen by all kinds of newborns.

The light rain fell and penetrated into the ground, diluting the acid water, flowing along the gullies on the ground, and was quickly cleaned up.

Greenery permeates the ground, and the tenacious grass breaks through the barriers of the soil, protruding its fangs from the ground.

Although the new life is weak, there is always time for them to grow.

The breeze floated, and the accumulated dust was rolled up. Human cities and the traces of fighting against invaders in the past are also dotted with grass-like greenness.

New branches emerge from the dead trees, and in the heart of the cracked dead trunk, the new saplings enjoy the light rain from the blue sky, feel the fresh wind, sway their leaves, and release their vitality to their heart's content .

A tiny wildflower bursts through the wreckage of a downed plane, taking root.

This flower is also a proof of the birth of the planet.

The dark ocean dissipated, and the blue sea reflected sparkling light and shadow.

Although the sea is not as prosperous as it was in the past, the place where the embryos of life are bred will not change in any way.Sooner or later, there will be life born again swimming in the sea.

Sooner or later, those extinct beings will still have the opportunity to head towards land in the ocean.

The tide raised waves and beat on the shore.

In the depths of the earth, the reassembled plates pulsate, and the changes of the entire planet are clearly visible to the eyes.

From birth to death, from death to birth, the reincarnation of all things undergoes a round of overlap.

The light given to the earth by the source gave the dead planet a second chance of rebirth.

Although the price is that he will never have a planetary birth from now on.

But a form is really insignificant compared to what I have always wanted.

This is also the responsibility of carrying this ray of light on my body.

"This is the real birth of a planet." Standing up, although the timer on Yuanquan's chest was still flashing, he no longer cared about it.

Feeling the rebirth of the planet, although the birds are not singing, the fragrance of flowers and grass are wafting, making this star of life in the solar system light up again.

Yuanquan, who had a clear understanding in his heart, lowered his head and looked at the countless figures gathered on the ground, those people standing on the ground glowing with light.

At a glance, Yuanquan can see many strangers, but he can also see many familiar guys.

"Hey!" Turning around, Yuanquan saw the cemetery behind him, which belonged to the able-bodied.The figures rushing out from there are the seniors who I thought they had disappeared long ago.

"Don't cancel the transformation, just stand here like this, you deserve it, you successfully saved this planet and brought a miracle that we couldn't bring." Long who took the lead raised his thumb high, exclaimed.

"Yuan, the light of Nexus, it's really great to finally pass it on to you."

On the ground, all the people raised their hands and gave Nexus a thumbs up.

In a world where human beings have long been extinct, the souls of humans who can now emerge from the birth of the planet pay the utmost respect to this fighting savior.

"I'm sorry, I will come back after a hundred years. Things are different and people are different. I can't after all." The source energy can give life to the planet and make the planet birth, but after all, it can't revive the extinct human beings.

After all, there is no way to return the former prosperity.

How long will it take for the earth to re-breed life to reach what it was a hundred years ago again, the source himself does not know.

"You have done enough, now, let go of the burden and do what you want to do." The last of the 99 able-bodied people, the hundredth generation of able-bodied people that Yuanquan has never seen The soul came out slowly.

And when the hundredth able-bodied person came out, Yuan Quan was stunned.

"You are!"

"I didn't expect it to be me, Yuan." With a shy smile, that legendary man, Koto Kakki also gave Yuanquan a thumbs up.

"As expected of my younger brother, you really did not live up to my expectations."

"This Gumen, haven't you already?" Yuanquan clearly remembered that Jing Hu said that he killed Gumen Yihui with his own hands, because the brilliance on Gumen was too dazzling, and he acted first.

"As you think, I was indeed killed by him, but when I was dying, I felt the light." As he said, Gumen pointed to the bird core on Yuanquan's chest: "That is Nexus, that is, The light itself that was called by the red ball."

"The light of Nexus protects the souls of all able-bodied people. And when it is passed down to the ninth generation of No.90, you should actually be the hundredth generation of able-bodied people."

"It's just that we all understand that even if you become the hundredth generation of able-bodied people, you still can't save this planet."

"It's too late."

"So, I used this light to become the hundredth generation of capable people, and fought against Mephistopheles and Faust. I paid the price of all the light energy being plundered, and even the power of Nexus The core part of the light, together with you, was sent to another world."

"As long as people are still alive, there is still hope." Gumen said, and also smiled happily.

"Aren't you doing better than I imagined?"

"Lonely door."

"Don't you want to call me brother? In the orphanage, you chased after me and called me brother." Gumen said with a smile, crossing his arms.

"Gumen. Brother."

"It's enough to hear your last words, and I've worked so hard to come out." Gu Men listened with satisfaction and was very comfortable: "Yuan, you have fulfilled your responsibilities, and from now on you don't have to separate responsibilities and The burden is oppressing your heart, and you don’t have to pay too much attention to responsibility, you are you, you are a fighter who fights for others, but now, you have to live for yourself!”

"Enough is enough, let go of that and do what you want to do."

"What about you guys? Brother, I mean... human beings will eventually," Yuanquan immediately asked back.

"We are already dead, so naturally we return to the planet itself. The light of the planet endows the planet with new life, and it's time for us, the life bred on the earth, to give back to the earth." As he said, Gumen's body shimmered and began to slow down. It floated up slowly, and it wasn't just him, more and more shimmers lit up, slowly floating up, connecting together.

"We are going to return to the planet. Human beings who have always demanded too much from the earth can finally do this for the earth."

"This can also be regarded as the compensation we humans paid for the arrival of alien beasts and dark giants, which brought death to the earth."

Accompanied by Gumen's words, the souls connected into countless golden lines held hands, hovered around the source, bid farewell to him, and returned to the sea.

No matter the old man or the child, no matter what race they are, no matter what they did before they were alive, they all have the greatest respect for the source, salute him, express their respect, and thank him for everything he has done.

"What are you doing! What are you doing! Let me go! Hey!" At this moment, a human soul was absorbed into Mephisto's body.

His image was that of a tall and thin man, but his panicked expression showed that he hadn't understood the situation to some extent.

"I'm dead? No! Impossible, I want to go back to my body, damn the earth, don't pull me, get out!" No matter how he struggled, he was still mixed into the light flow In the world, become a part of all living beings.

Mephisto's body collapsed, turned into blue light particles and disappeared with the wind, completely dissipating.

Several copies of the light of the earth hidden in his body floated in mid-air and circled around Yuanquan a few times, as if thanking Yuanquan for everything he had done.

Afterwards, the remaining light of the earth also followed the flow of light, merged into the earth, and entered the ocean, endowing the nascent planet with stronger vitality, allowing the nascent growth to come faster.

It seemed that he could still vaguely hear Mephisto's soul yelling something about returning his power to him, but Nexus also completely regarded him as farting, and didn't even pay attention to him.

Yuanquan didn't want to ask how the nascent earth would punish the person who brought the disaster.

After Mephisto left, the last person left was also Yuan's concern, his childhood sweetheart, staying in front of Yuan's milky white eyes.

They looked at each other speechlessly, Yuan was so full of guilt that he couldn't say any words of apology, he could only stare blankly at the transparent Xiaohui.

Stretching out her hand, touching the metal cheek, Xiaohui was obviously a soul body, but she was able to touch Yuanquan's body, and her whole body stuck to it.

"I heard what you said before."

Rubbing Cengyuan's cheek, Xiaohui let go of her hand, tilted her head, and showed the same smiling face as before.

That was the time when the two lived hand in hand, when Yuan came home from get off work, when Yuan had prepared the meal and waited for Yuan to return home, her gentle and gentle answer.

"Welcome home, Yuan."

 So this is what I said, Gumen is indeed dead, but the reason why he didn't die...

(End of this chapter)

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