Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 502 Soothe the wandering child, instruct the angelica

Chapter 502 Soothe the Wanderer, Instruct Angelica in detail (End of Star's Past Life Line)

Waving his hand to say goodbye, Yuanquan involuntarily took a step forward, as if he wanted to hold Xiaohui's hand.

Then he realized that Xiao Hui was no longer there.

After waking up, looking at the empty land without any human figures around, although I still feel lonely, the responsibility on my shoulders has already fallen.

The planet can have a happy ending, and people can get what they want, but after a hundred years, I finally repaid the guilt in my heart.

Although sad, Yuanquan knew that it was a good ending for everyone.

So what do you do next?

Or in other words, Nexus, what else is there to do?
After achieving this step, shouldn't I also pass on the light of Nexus on my body and give it to other people in need?
But... do I have any successors I can choose later?

At this moment, a different kind of light group rose from the ruins. It was an insignificant light comparable to that of a firefly. It was a faint light rising from the ruins of the collapsed ruins and among the ruins of the ruined battlefield.

The light clusters flying above these ruins seemed to have found some target, they gathered together, formed a thin bond of light, and entered the power of legend, that is, Yuan's bracelet.

The power of legend was originally dominated by the power of Reggado, but after these rays of light entered, the blue pyroxene turned into the power of Reggado automatically moved up, and the one that was under the legendary gem was replaced by another gem. exposed.

The dim gems finally became brighter after receiving the brilliance that humans determined to protect.

And not a blue glow, but a golden, flat and unobtrusive light.

At this time, the power of legend changed again, expanding itself from the style of the main bracelet, extending out the arm guard to protect Nexus' forearm, and covering Nexus' armament, faintly The notch where the Storm Sword ejected added another ejection port.

The Stone of Legend and the Stone of Splendor go up and down, forming a symphonic and echoing gesture of the two coexisting, showing their own existence on this bracelet.

Has it changed from a fixed bracelet to a movable one?
He raised his hand and looked at the newly evolved bracelet on his hand. Didn't expect that after giving up the birth of the planet, would he gain other powers?

Legendary gems and brilliant stones, can they be used interchangeably?

Doesn't that mean...

What kind of miraculous changes have taken place in the power of legend now, and Yuanquan has no intention of experimenting on this planet, and he will eventually have a chance in the future.

The specific follow-up may only be known in future practice.

But now I still have some things to do, and there are still people waiting for me in the world of Gaia.

There's another guy, waiting for me to punch him.

"I'm leaving, my homeland." Looking forward to this planet, I didn't expect that I would leave just after I came back, running around in the heavy stories of the past, even if she returned to her homeland to give her a new life, there would be no change .

Maybe I can try to let go of something, but what should I let go of?

It seems to be aware that the only survivor in this world and the source of the savior is about to leave. The earth is stirring the wind, stopping the light rain covering the earth, and the sunlight is projected on the source, where he is standing.

Feng'er caressed his cheek gently, like a mother waiting at home, gently caressing her child's cheek, gently entrusting him to leave.

Among the distracting thoughts is the reluctance that the wanderer is about to leave.

But she also understands that his way is no longer by her side, and there are still many things for him to do.

So she watched him leave softly, but she also looked forward to the day when the wanderer who left home could return again.

Without taking out the evolution trustee, the body of the source of the mind was wrapped in light and turned into Nexus again.

After his transformation this time, the flickering of the timer was not so rapid, but it still showed that Yuanquan's condition was not good.


Seeing that he no longer maintained Hongna after transformation, but degenerated back to his childhood body, Yuanquan smiled, as he had expected this for a long time.

After all, he sent out the fused light, and it was certain that his own strength would be greatly reduced.

But even so, Yuanquan has no complaints.

It turned into light particles and dissipated on the spot. When it reappeared, Nexus was already standing in front of a huge pothole, where the ground headquarters was located.

Why is it a big pit?
Of course, when Jing Hu turned into Faust, he detonated the high-energy operating machine under development deep in the headquarters.

At the moment of breathing, the entire ground headquarters was buried in the explosion, leaving only such a big pit, which indicates that there used to be a fortress of human beings who were at the forefront of resisting alien beasts.

Nexus raised his hand, smoothed out the pothole, and filled it up again.

It is impossible for him to find the bones of his colleagues, nor is it possible to find any trace of remnants.

In the energy wave caused by the high-energy explosion, everything, whether it was people, buildings, or even soil and gravel, was reduced to dust in the high-energy explosion, leaving only this big hole

The so-called filling is just to relieve the regret in my heart, after all, it is safe to go to the ground.


Faust is also dead, and so is Mephisto. The two traitors on Earth have already paid the price. In addition to the previous red ball, the three important guys in the conspiracy have all been resolved.

The only ones left are the two behind-the-scenes lurkers.

To this day, Yuan still doesn't know who the owner of the red ball is, and for the same reason, after going through so much, Yuan also has some doubts about whether the person behind Mephisto is Zaki.

But all this can only be waited for, not searched for.

The entangled fate will connect everything, and sooner or later I will encounter it.

In the future, the biggest and most exciting news revealed to Yuanquan is the detailed division of the timeline.

Obviously, someone tried to separate the timeline to the extreme, and finally coiled all these thin lines into one.

But a thread is a thread, a thread that has been separated into countless pieces and then twisted together, is it still so pure?

The colorful thin lines are integrated into one, and the timelines interfere with each other, and there will be overlapping and conflicts between people. How terrible is this kind of time chaos?
The final outcome is the chaos of the multiverse, or even the destruction of the torch.

The king's cloak was blessed again, and Nexus swung the cloak and came into the universe.

With his back to this nascent planet, he used the king's cloak to stir up time and space, thus opening a miniature wormhole.

The moment he stepped in, Nexus hesitated for a moment after all, and looked back at the earth behind him, his milky white eyes were full of traces of the earth.

But then Nexus made up his mind, stepped forward, entered the wormhole, and really left home.

The wormhole is closed, as usual, and the earth is still standing there, unchanged from ancient times.

No one will know that what she will experience next is another evolutionary path.

The evolution of life has lasted for more than 7 million years. How long will it take for the earth to repeat this time?

 There is a conflict.

  For example, I am Xiao Ming, he is also Xiao Ming, and there is another person who is also Xiao Ming. They have the same appearance and different experiences, but in the observation of time and space, there can only be one Xiao Ming, and then the overlapping time and space all think that a certain Xiao Ming is real. There are more than ten or twenty stacked in one space-time.

  To put it bluntly, it is.

  In one world, there are more than 20 heavenly paths...

(End of this chapter)

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