Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 503 Angel of Destruction - Zog: The earth is protected by me!

Chapter 503 Angel of Destruction - Zog: The earth is protected by me!
Of the four Ultra fighters who came out of the earth, the battle between Zero and Tartarus was the most intense, and the battle between them was also the most concluded. It ended with the death of both of them, indicating the final outcome of the two.

In the battle between Nexus and Mephisto, no one knows what their ending will be, but since the planet that fell from the sky has disappeared, let's say Nexus has won.

And then, the most important thing, is the battle on Earth.

To be honest, it's not that Gaia and Aguru are weak, it's that there are too many alien beasts, so many that they can't fight at all.

Even with the help of humans and earth monsters, it is still a drop in the bucket in the face of the huge number of alien beasts.

Therefore, they still lost as expected.

Gaia and Aguru have exhausted their energy, and the earth monsters suffered heavy casualties. Now the only one who is still active in the outside world and is still fighting is Renlong.

I have to say that Renlong, the incarnation of the earth's dragon veins, is really outrageous. Although physical power consumption is inevitable, in terms of mana, Renlong is like being linked to the earth, and it can't be used up at all.

After Zero and Tartarus disappeared, the two guys from the future disappeared as a possibility, and the self-healing ability of time and space began to play a role.

Because of the extinction of the future, there is no fact that Zero and Tartarus will come in the future, and therefore, everything they did during this period was corrected and supplemented by Gaia time and space.

The first is the exploded Mars. In the picture that seems to be played upside down, the sound of the explosion shrinks and shrinks, and the shattered wreckage returns to one.

The star core of Mars converges the fragments and fragments of the planet, and those debris are absorbed by the star core, from scratch, so that Mars can reproduce the whole picture and stay quietly in its orbit.

Then, it is the memory of everyone on the earth, including Fujimiya. In their impressions, the images of Tartarus and Zero have faded again and again, and their sense of existence has gradually disappeared.

It was as if there was an eraser that erased the strokes related to this part of their minds.

All records of Cyro and Tartarus began to disappear.

The text faded, the files deleted themselves, the videos turned into garbled characters and then collapsed, and their figures in the photos and newspapers also blurred and faded until they disappeared.

At this time, a certain potion that was exerting its effect on killing monsters in Saori's body lying in the hospital was also targeted, but when this corrective force was about to touch Saori's body, it suddenly disappeared.

There are actually two explanations for this. One is that Future Nai already knew that this would happen, so he added something to the potion that was capable of resisting time correction.

And another explanation, of course, is because Saori is not from Gaia's time and space, and the time correction from Gaia's time and space naturally cannot be repaired on her head.

There are both possibilities, but what it is, I can only say that the beholder sees benevolence, and the wise see the wisdom, okay.

And outside the universe, countless fragments and wrecks were reassembled and turned into a complete body, and the pure white light converged again. Zog, the angel of destruction who was killed by Sai Luo's fusion light, was resurrected again and stood outside the earth.

The Destroyer and Destroyer, who also lost Sai Luo's memory, only thought that they were here to launch an attack. Therefore, driven by the Destroyer, the Destroyer was preparing to tear open the space of the earth and descend forcefully.

And outside the timeline, a certain guy who was pulled over by Tartarus, the shadow mage, is doing his best to make things happen.

He felt that he had fulfilled his obligation to Tartarus. After all, he said that he would come to Gaia to make troubles, and he was indeed doing it.

Just don't know why it feels a little off.

It wasn't Gaia SV who was standing opposite him, it was Aguru SV who even returned Nima.

This... I shouldn't be in the wrong place, right?

Just about to wipe out these two earth warriors in one go, the shadow mage who completed the task of Tartarus suddenly felt that the space around him became distorted. After countless light and shadow reversals and the passage of time, what he saw again was no longer Aguru SV and v2 Gaia are now available.

Shadow Mage:?

The Shadow Mage, who slowly made a question mark, didn't understand why he suddenly changed places again. Eight powerful beams of light, carrying the light of idealism that was fatal to him, rushed towards him with a loud roar.

"No matter what happens, the light in people's hearts will never disappear!"

Shadow Mage:!Eh?Fuck!do not!
When it turned around, its face was covered by an overwhelming stream of golden light, this familiar light, the familiar feeling of the fusion light from the eight brave men covering its face...

My Nima, why did I suddenly return to the Super Eight World!
Caught off guard and returning suddenly, the Shadow Mage was unprepared, received the fusion light with his face, and wailed in pain.

"Ta!... Nima's, for..."

Being pulled by Tartarus from the moment before he was about to be hit by the fusion light of the eight Ultra fighters, after Tartarus disappeared, the shadow mage automatically returned, of course it was also on this timeline.

This wave, this wave can only be said to have developed according to the plot.

And the other cosmic nothingness-Griza, who was pulled over by Tartarus, opened his body when encountering this correction force, swallowed this correction force, and then moved at an even faster speed. Fly away towards the distance.

In this comparison, the verdict was immediately judged.

His chest was bandaged, and his blood-oozing body was on the verge of collapse, but Fujimiya refused to treat him. He remembered that there was a very important person in his heart, but he just couldn't remember it.

This feeling of knowing but being useless is the most tormenting, making Fujimiya's mood much worse.

"How long can Renlong last?"

If you don't count those alien beasts that don't have the ability to fly and use their burrowing skills that they are not very good at to drive towards this side, those alien beasts that can fly and manipulate phase space are almost all concentrated in Tokyo.

And that area where the water waves are raging, and the entire Tokyo is covered by heavy rain and thunder, is a world dominated by Renlong.

And in order to weaken Renlong's strength, even if the alien beasts are powerful, they have to... absorb water.

It would be embarrassing for the dignified alien beast to say that it needs to absorb water, but things like wind, rain, thunder and lightning are really not within the scope of the alien beast's cell fusion.

Renlong, who manipulated these powers, made the alien beasts both angry and helpless.

Simply let the Renlong make trouble here, and the other alien beasts just go to eat their fill. Except for this Renlong, neither the earth monsters nor the Ultra warriors are the opponents of the alien beasts.

Can we not afford to provoke us?

Although I think so, the alien beasts are still very greedy for Renlong.

Who doesn't want this ability?

The alien beasts who watched eagerly when Renlong collapsed from exhaustion never expected that Renlong did not collapse, but instead waited for a certain Zog who was more than 500 meters high and put on makeup to tear open the earth space and come to Tokyo powerfully .

As soon as he arrived, Zog raised his hand, and directly blasted the alien beast Pedron to pieces with a wave ball, and the black juice flew all over the sky, shocking the other alien beasts at once.

Zog's powerful arrival also caused the alien beasts to quarrel in the public channel. A certain Pedron, who was killed by a palm but still had cells, yelled outrageously.

For a while, the entire channel was full of chatter and chatter, very lively.

As if he didn't recognize that these alien beasts were not earth monsters, Zog released the wave ball one after another, and every time he raised his hand, he must have killed a alien beast in seconds.

This ferocious attack immediately blasted the alien beasts to their backs, in a panic.

Hulala's large group of alien beasts went straight to Zog. Although it looked a little big, but big, it also means that it is enough to eat a meal, right?
Zog never refuses anyone who comes, and it fights bravely and kills the alien beast as an earth monster.

The Angel of Destruction, who fought so bravely with the alien beast, made all human beings dumbfounded.

No, isn't the shattered summoning body one with Mephisto?What is your operation for killing alien beasts like crazy?
Do you save the planet too?

(End of this chapter)

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