Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 510 Taro, who educates his apprentices but drives the Ultra bomb all the way, is a crumb

Chapter 510 Taro, who educates his apprentices but drives the Ultra bomb all the way, is a crumb

Feeling the light of the ocean scattered in the body, unlike the light that can make people become Ultraman level, the light of the ocean given by the earth can only barely raise the source to the original level of Gaia's time and space.

The intensity of this light can at most strengthen the body and prolong life.

But that's enough.

He originally thought that the light of the sky was all that Gaia Earth paid. After all, the light of the sky is unique, and it is only available on Gaia Earth in the main world. This reward is not invaluable.

Now that she has defeated Zog and left Gaia time and space, she will give extra gifts, so that the weakness caused by the stripping of the planet's birth will fade away, and she will even return to the level of strength in the Gaia universe.

That is to say, the level of power that Hong Nai has always been in has obtained the light of the sky.

And being able to return to this level, Yuanquan is already very satisfied.

Even if the earth does not give him, he will not say anything, after all, the light of the sky is too helpful and too precious.

The king's cloak flapped, traveling through the tunnel of time and space, and the source was heading towards the Kingdom of Light.

He is very curious about what kind of timeline the Kingdom of Light has come to, and how many of the fighters he is familiar with have already appeared on the stage.

What about Mebius?
What about Siro?
Are they all there?
And Max, has he become an elite of the security force now?
After thinking for a long time, the king's cloak rolled Nexus' body through the barrier, and entered a certain barrier in an instant.

After breaking away from this barrier, he quickly entered a universe, drilled in from the outside of the bubble, and officially returned to the Showa universe.

As soon as I entered, the familiar light energy permeated my whole body. These are plasma energies all over the universe, such dense plasma that only the Showa universe has.

Feeling this kind of light energy, Nexus flew all the way along the trajectory. In the superluminal flight incarnate into a light ball, Nexus also experienced a very long period of time, and finally returned to the place of light again. country.

Of course, this journey will definitely not be smooth sailing. The most outrageous thing is that Yuanquan flew well. As a result, the two cosmic civilizations opened their postures and prepared to fight. , After recognizing that it was an Ultra warrior, he was too scared to make a move.

This is the only one that is true in the Showa universe.

You need to know those cosmic people before Yuanquan left, who cares whether you are an Ultra fighter or not, as long as you are not Jonias or Aofu, the king of Ultra, you will be done if we cosmic people do it or not.

Some ran fast when they saw the symbol of the Ultra warrior.

Some are hanging behind Nexus, collecting part of the photon energy stripped from the superluminal flying sphere.

Others came straight to Nexus, ready to fire the main gun and give Nexus a ruthless blow.

But this idea was dispelled after they saw clearly who the Ultra warrior inside the energy ball was.

Although a long time has passed, the scene of this red warrior killing all directions in the universe can still be vividly remembered, not to mention that this red giant once killed such a powerful existence as the Imperial Stars.

Even though he hasn't appeared for a long time, the stories circulating in the universe will not dissipate so easily.

He still had lingering fears about the strength of this giant, and under fear, his original plan to launch an attack also failed, so he could only watch him leave helplessly.

Until he entered the m78 nebula, the planet of the Kingdom of Light, these trailing universes were unwilling to give up.


"Instructor Taylor, is this the right way to fight?" In the Ultra Fighting Arena, a certain young soldier looked at the little horned bull standing opposite him... No, it was Ultraman Taylor, quite curious. Some nervous.

These are the glorious Seven Ultra Brothers, well-known existences in the Kingdom of Light. The young Ultra fighters feel both honored and apprehensive that such fighters are his instructors.

If I live up to his expectations...

"Every soldier looks very young before going through hardships. I also came from this stage. Don't be afraid, it's no big deal." Tai Luo encouraged in a gentle voice. From his gentle tone, you are hard It is believed that he is the number one terrorist in the Kingdom of Light.

The notoriety of burning to explosion has spread throughout the universe.

"But..." The young soldier was still a little unconfident in himself, and he felt very ashamed when he thought of the scene where he was bound by the restraint light and couldn't break free in the last sparring session.

"It's nothing to worry about. I also have a master who taught me by precept and deed. No practice can match the quick comprehension in battle. All theories need to be turned into actual combat methods." Tai Luo slammed into flames all over his body, and said to the young little soldier in a stance.

"Come here, Mebius."

Mebius didn't hesitate, striding forward with his fists clenched, he punched straight up straight, and after being brushed aside by Taro, he turned around and kicked sideways, trying to kick each other away. distance.

But Taro directly hugged Mebius' leg with both hands. In the high-intensity burning flame, the burning Mebius was in unbearable pain, but he resisted the pain and refused to cry out.

Seeing this, Taro didn't go too far, but let go of Mebius' leg and let him back away.

"Before you find out the details of the enemy, if you rush to attack with all your strength, you will only suffer in the end." Tai Luo said, which can be regarded as an admonition to Mengbius's reckless behavior just now: "Our battle must Be careful no matter how careful you are, don't let yourself fall into any carelessness, because that would mean failure."

"Yes! Instructor Tai Luo!" Mebius's blood rushed straight to his forehead, and he also put aside the pain in his leg with high fighting spirit, stepped forward to confront Tai Luo, and carefully looked for the opening.

"Very good, Mebius, let's continue." Tai Luo is still very optimistic about this young warrior. Among the fighters of the Flame Clan in the Kingdom of Light, Mebius has the greatest potential, and he also got The unanimous praise, including Zuo Fei and him, all think that Mebius's future is limitless, as long as he has a little exercise and more experience, he will be an excellent fighter again.

Uncut jade still needs to be polished, and the four Ultra fighters from the first generation to Ace are not in the Kingdom of Light.Zofi is the captain of the Otto Guard, busy with government affairs. Although she pays attention to Mebius, she rarely has time to come and teach him.

So this task finally fell on Taylor's head.

What?You mean Leo?

Although Leo is also the instructor of the Ultra Fighting Arena, he is not in the Kingdom of Light most of the time, but sharpens himself on the Star of Kings.

Mebius is a good seed, but since he is Taro's apprentice, Leo will not insist on coming.

Anyway, in the future, he will have another apprentice.

Mebius' fighting style is immature and rigid, without any flexibility.But among the interns in this class, although Mebius's performance is not as good as that of Max in the previous class, he is definitely the leader.

Tai Luo taught by example, and he himself who was an apprentice in the past has now become the master of others. Time has changed and long-term honing, Tai Luo is very confident in whether he can educate Mengbius to become a talent.

(End of this chapter)

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