Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 511 Saori, grown up

Chapter 511 Saori, I've grown up (old father's face)

Landing on the platform of the Plasma Spark Tower in the Kingdom of Light, Nexus looked around, but didn't see the familiar images of Ultra fighters, most of them were unfamiliar to some sources.

Of course, Nexus didn't know him, and they certainly didn't know Nexus well...

Warriors of the Red Race can be said to be everywhere in the Kingdom of Light. Nexus' return did not attract anyone's attention, and he was also happy about it.

Using light energy to form a shield to protect Saori, he strode towards his home in the Kingdom of Light.

It can be seen that after leaving for such a long period of time, there are still many changes in the Kingdom of Light.

Because he heard passers-by talk about Max on the road.

Today, Max has graduated from the Ultra Fighting Arena and has become a member of the Ultra Guard. Although he is a civilian planetary observer, his strength in the Fighting Arena can be described as dazzling, which makes people wonder. Not even notice.

Max and Jeno can be regarded as the extremely shining twin stars among the younger generation of fighters in the Kingdom of Light, and discussions about them have been going on for a long time.

Along the way, Yuanquan didn't know how many times he heard it.

"Has Max graduated yet? Planetary observer... It seems that he will soon go to his destined earth." Max is definitely going to take a trip to Max TV, but the intensity of Max TV It's really amazing. With Max's current strength, although he can handle ordinary TV, his own TV can't be called ordinary...

Arriving in front of the crystal house at the corner of Alt Plaza, Nexus reached out and input his own light energy to open the gate.While entering, he also released his transformation and put Saori down.

"Ah~ I'm back again." She threw herself on the sofa happily, and now the girl feels very cordial even looking at the walls made of crystal: "Without Jayton's monster factor, can I no longer went out by yourself?"

The overly intense light of the Kingdom of Light makes it impossible for life forms whose physique is not up to standard to bear, and may even be irradiated to death.

Saori used to have Jayden's monster factor in her body, which can resist the light of the plasma hanging spark tower, but she doesn't have that kind of ability now.

"Not necessarily. I'll go to Hikali to find a way, and he will definitely be able to help." The number one cheat dealer in the Kingdom of Light, Hikali's authoritative source in this regard, still believes it.

Hikari said there is a way, then he must have a way.

And Hikari never had a time when he couldn't help it.

"This sudden loss of that kind of power, I'm not used to it." Accustomed to the ability to stretch out a hand to be a fireball, and to move instantly with a thought, this suddenly became an ordinary person, Saori is still not used to it of.

"Then if you really want to become like that, I think Hikari still has a way." Yuanquan has nothing else. Anyway, Hikari is his old man. If you have any problems, you can just ask him. Row.

"You rely on Hikari for everything? That guy, he wanted to dissect me the moment we met, a hateful bad guy." Saori still remembered Hikari's appearance, even though Saori was still emotional at the time It was a depressing period, but the golden light in Hikari's milky white eyes really impressed her.

"Hikali is as important to me as my wife." Yuanquan coughed a few times, straightened his face and said.

"Then do you have a wife?" Saori said flatly, propping her head with one hand.

"I!...I don't have it now, but I will definitely have it in the future!" Yuan originally wanted to swear that he must have it, but for some reason, he was about to say it, but the sudden guilt made him change his tone .

"Really? I don't believe it."

"No, why did you become like this when you went to the earth! Although you used to have a straight face, you were not so aggressive." become like this?
Is the earth still a dragon's pool and a tiger's den?

"I learned a lot of useful things on Earth, um, very useful." Saori hugged the pillow, nodded and said, "And I also figured out what you said before."

After a pause, Saori's eyes suddenly became sharp: "You are taking advantage of me."

"How can I, the majestic giant of light, the savior of the stars, take advantage of you?" Yuanquan waved his big hand, and retorted righteously: "That's impossible!"

"Really?" Saori didn't pursue too much, but looked at Yuanquan and smiled: "Then if you still behave like this in the future, you won't be able to escape."

"I'm not the little fool I used to be now." Standing up from the sofa and leaning into Yuanquan's ear, Saori whispered softly, but the words she said were very penetrating: "I, now I understand better than you .”

"Don't let me catch you, Warrior of Light."

Passing by the source, the girl hummed an unknown song, and happily opened the door.

"It's not that what you said is very problematic. What do you mean by telling me to be careful? I am not afraid of the shadow slanting! I don't have to be careful!" After reacting, Yuanquan ran to the door of Saori's room and knocked loudly question.

Standing in front of the door, Yuanquan was a little anxious, and couldn't help but think: "I shouldn't have taken you to the earth, watching idol dramas, romance movies, action movies, etc. have ruined my brain! "

"Look at you now, how can you not be as cute as before!"

"Those things are fake, don't take them seriously! How can there be things in TV dramas in real life!"

"You are so annoying, you look like an old lady." The door was opened, and Saori put his hand on Yuanquan's mouth, covering his mouth, so that his follow-up words could only be pressed back into Dao's stomach.

"Hurry up and cook, I'm hungry." Saori approached a little closer and said: "Also, since I've come back, report to them, otherwise I don't want to live at home one day and be good, Kingdom of Light I thought you died outside, and then took back the house and kicked me out."

Saying that, the door closed again, blocking the view between Saori and the source.

"The Kingdom of Light doesn't have that much capital, okay?" Yuanquan rubbed his mouth in dissatisfaction, but he had to admit that what Saori said was the truth.

After taking a break, Genquan put on his apron and started cooking. After a while, he said hello to Saori and went out.

Yuan turned into Nexus at the gate, standing on the crystal clear Kingdom of Light Square, watching the Ultraman coming and going.

There are very few Ultra warriors here, and most of them are ordinary local residents of the Kingdom of Light.

Even if they are all Ultraman's posture, it does not mean that this posture is all Ultraman.

To be dubbed the title of warrior is of course not something that ordinary people of Otto can match.

Without staying for long, Yuanquan stepped up and went straight to the upper level of the plasma spark tower, which is where Otto's father works.

But when he was about to fly to the platform of the Plasma Spark Tower, the surging breath of Taylor's light came from the Ultra Fighting Arena under the Spark Tower, which made him a little curious.

Feeling that Tai Luo's light became blazing, Yuanquan knew that it was Tai Luo fighting someone in the Ultra Fighting Arena, and he also used the Ultra Bomb as a big killer.

...It's just a competition in the arena, there's no need to use the Ultra Bomb to rush up and play self-destruct so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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