Ultra Fighting Legend

Chapter 512 Please stop your Wang Xiaoming behavior

Chapter 512 Please Stop Your Wang Xiaoming's Behavior (Yah!)

Following the flow of people to the Ultra Fighting Arena, Nexus saw a bunch of Ultraman gathered not far away.

There are red, blue, and silver warriors here, all of whom are watching and eating melons, making contributions.

The surging light energy coming from the center of the crowd is indeed Tai Luo's, and the light energy that is fighting against it, although it also has some fire power, is very restrained, and it seems that it has not found itself. The real way of using the light in the body.

And such a restrained fire should be enough to draw out the true power when it meets someone like Tai Luo.

...It seems that I was thinking too much. Taylor used the Ultra Bomb to draw out the power of this light at a deeper level, so that it can emerge.

Nexus flew up and saw Taro fighting on the simulated training platform from above.

After leaving for a long time, Tai Luo's childishness faded away. Although he was still young, his stability had already been revealed. He was the youngest of the Ultra Brothers and was loved by many brothers, but he had to bear the expectations of his brothers. stronger.

As for the warrior opposite him, the rhombus-shaped timer is completely different from ordinary Ultra warriors. The two winding lines on the top of his head outline countless textures. It seems that there is an unusual device on his arm, which is unbearable. Can't help but wonder what that is.

Of course, this definitely does not include Nexus, because at the first sight of this warrior, Nexus recognized who this young warrior who was fighting with Taro was.

The future that can no longer be grasped - Ultraman Mebius.

It is also the protagonist of the seventh work of Heisei (excluding Naios, etc.).

A young soldier of the Ultra Guard, Tai Luo's apprentice, and a well-known Tie Hanhan in the Austrian world.

Although Mebius still has plenty of energy now, his stamina is already very depleted.

The battle with Taro allowed him to concentrate [-]% of his attention, and every attack would be cut off, which made it difficult for him to complete the complete attack chain. No regrouping.

"Come again, Mebius, you have become much stronger than you were at the beginning." Tai Luo is really optimistic about this young warrior. In the current younger generation of the Kingdom of Light, he can compete with Mebius On a par, only Libert, who is two years younger than him.

That is also a highly anticipated genius, but compared with Mebius, he is still too young, too immature, and he has not yet become a warrior.

"Yes! Instructor Taylor!" Mebius raised his strength, and while striding forward, stretched out his hand across Mebius' breath, that is, the arm device, released the palm cursor to interfere with Taylor, and at the same time quickly approached , came galloping.

Tai Luo himself used this feint attack method countless times. He was still burning with flames and waved it away, and said: "I should have said that, in the face of those rough-skinned and thick-skinned monsters and Cosmic people with special abilities, your interference is useless."

"I know, but this is my real goal!" Saying that, Mebius turned around, and the high-speed rotation of his body made him look like a storm.

The hands are joined together to form a knife, and at the edge of the palm, the condensed light energy is like a sharp blade, cutting towards Taro's body as Mebius quickly approaches.

Tai Luo was amazed. This is the method of warfare that Mebius himself has comprehended, but no one has taught him.

Although it is commendable, it is still not enough just to this extent.

Raising his hand, Tai Luo's entangled flames caused the hand knife to be burned as soon as it entered the range of his flames, and it could no longer be maintained.

"What? Why!"

Mebius didn't expect this kind of situation, of course, the ordinary hand knife can't do any harm, and Taro easily pushed it away.

The bodies of the two crossed each other, Mebius turned around and wanted to attack again, but Taro's raised hand had already stopped in front of him.

The pale yellow eyes reflected the figure of Mebius, and Taro extinguished the flames on his body, symbolizing the end of this battle.

"Think about today's battle. The vast universe has countless strange abilities and monsters. What we can do is to find a way to target and face this kind of existence."

"Have you forgotten all the knowledge you learned in Ultra School?"

"Brother Ultraman was buried when he met Jayton for the first time; Brother Seven was deeply involved in the tricks of the Gazi stars. These cases are clearly written in the textbook."

"These are the painful lessons that the Ott brothers paid their lives for. You must understand."

Taylor didn't just teach Mebius, he was obviously warning everyone through this incident.

From the beginning of the first generation of Ultraman in the Kingdom of Light to the return of Parvat, the encounters and painful lessons of these predecessors on the earth have been compiled into textbooks.

But how many can really keep these in mind?
The juniors of Kingdom of Light still need time to grow up...

With a sigh, Taro was also deeply worried about the current situation of the Kingdom of Light, but he could only take one step at a time, there was no other way.

Slowly becoming stronger is the only right way.

Long after Taro stopped fighting, Nexus flew down from mid-air and hid in the crowd.

Seeing Taylor's way of teaching, he still felt something was wrong.

Is it severe?Seems really harsh.

Didn't you see that Mebius was hit?

Hanhan, who has always been happy, now stands there with his head down like a primary school student who has made a mistake, his milky white eyes have dimmed a lot.

easy?But it's also really easy.

Because if it was Nexus who came, Mebius would not stand there with his head down, he would have to enter vertically and exit horizontally...

Of course, if you come here instead of Leo, the ending will probably be the same.

Seeing Tai Luo training Mebius with his own eyes, Nexus turned around in his mind, and thought of something funny, and then ran away quietly to ensure that he would not be noticed by Tai Luo.

And Tai Luo did not find Nexus, after all, Hong Nai is not so conspicuous, and the Kingdom of Light has the most red tribes, so it is difficult for Nexus to be noticed in the Ultra group.

Taro didn't hide his secrets either. After completing the one-on-one training against Mebius, he immediately began to train other young fighters, formulating strategies and fighting methods one by one.

In this regard, he is really hardworking.

On the other hand, Mebius flew down from the platform, waving his hands constantly, as if imitating his movements in the previous battle.

Presumably, in his mind, he should also be conceiving the scene of just discussing.

"If I come from here, what will happen to Instructor Taro? Flying? No, no, no, I should do this..." Mebius walked out of the Otto Fighting Arena, preparing to return Jia Jia digested the experience of this time's exchange with Taylor, digested it into his own things, and became stronger.

And a certain Nexus who is red but not a native of the Kingdom of Light is hanging behind Mebius, quietly following him, trying to rob Mebius's house. meal, and then beat him in the name of training.

Cough... How can it be called beating? !
Strictly speaking, I am his master, and as a master, it is reasonable to give a little trouble to his disciples and grandchildren.

I have taught Taro personally, is it not normal to teach Mebius personally?

(End of this chapter)

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